Firsts and Lasts

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Jughead pov
*one month later*


"You ready"? A short pink haired girl named Toni asks beside me. I shake my head yes, not sure if I was but I don't want to chicken out, especially not in front of Betty who is sitting in the other side of me. The needle touches my skin and the pain is noticeably there but not as bad as I thought that it would be. Betty squeezes my hand and I look over at her.

"Your doing a lot better than I thought you would". Betty states with a cheerful smile.

"What's that supposed to mean"? I say pretending to be hurt by what she said.

"Well you did spend the whole day yesterday telling me how much you hate needles". This is true. I was getting so nervous about this yesterday and I couldn't shut up about it. "Anyways, since today was the last day of school and it's now officially summer break, what do you want to do after this"?

"Want to go and see a movie at the drive in"? I've always loves going to the drive in, it used to be something my family would do together until my mom and dad started fighting all the time.

"I would love that Jug". Betty tells me. "Toni? How is it coming"?

"Good so far, almost done with the top half of the snake".

"Good, I had an idea". Betty let's go of my hand and walks around the chair to the side where Toni is tattooing my arm. My eyes follow her as she bends down and whispers something into Toni's ear.

"Oooo I like that Betty, good idea". They high five and then Betty sits back down beside me.

"What did you tell her"?

"You'll just have to wait and see Jones". Betty smiles at me.

"Betty this going to be permanently on my body and oh can't tell me what you just told her to put"?

"Nope. You'll like it! Trust me"?

"Of course I do".

"Alright then just wait, Patience is a virtue". She smiles and grabs my hand in hers again and I lean back against the chair.


The buzzing stops as Toni sets the needle down on the small table beside her. "Alright Jones, all done".

"Yay"! Betty says as she stands up dragging me by the hand towards a mirror on the other side of the room. She covers my eyes before just before we make it to the mirror and leads me the rest of the way. "Alright, are you ready"?
I shake my head yes and she removes her hands. My eyes go straight to the reflection of my arm and I actually like what I see. I didn't think that I would ever like a tattoo but I really do. My eyes curve up the S shapes two headed snake and I see that the heads have crowns resembling my beanie. That must have been what Betty told Toni to add.

"Do you like it"? Betty asks obviously nervous.

"Like it? I love it! Especially the crowns, was that your idea"? She shakes her head and smiles at me. "It's my favorite part". I say honestly.


"Yes really"! I wrap my arms around her pull her as to me as possible. "Thanks Betts".

"Your welcome Jug, I love you".

"I love you too". She grabs her jacket and slides it back on. "Ready to go"?

"Yes". We interlock our arms and walk out of the tattoo shop and start down the road towards the drive through movie theater.

"How is your mom? Adjusting to her new place well?"Betty asks me as we walk down the empty street.

"Yeah, I guess. She doesn't call much and when she does she mostly talks to Jellybean". My mom had recently moved out because her and my dad have decided to get a divorce. Which is fine, I always thought that they would, i'm just happy that she stayed close to Riverdale and let my sister decide where she wants to live.

"How are you adjusting"? She leans her head against my arm as we walk.

"I'm okay actually, i'm more just worried about Jellybean and what people are saying to her at school".

"What are they saying"?

"Well, as you know, divorce isn't very common in Riverdale and our family is already talked about a lot since my dad is from the southside-"

"Wait your dad is from the southside"?

"Yeah, I guess I forgot to tell you that. He was a serpent when he was younger that's why he took it better than my mom when they found out I joined the serpents".

"I wonder if that's how he knew my mom? Do you remember that? When your parents said that they knew my mom that one night at dinner"? I remembered it very well, I also remember my mom and dad fighting about it for days after. I don't think if I ever told Betty about that either.

"Maybe we should talk to them about it sometime? Maybe they have some funny stories together".

"Yeah, maybe. So i've been thinking about something". She says as she smiles up at me. "What if, after we graduate, we move to New York and go to college. You can focus on your writing and I could focus on my Journaling. And we could do it together! Leave all the drama of Riverdale behind and just go. Or does that sound to crazy"? The excitement in her voice made a smile spread across my face faster than ever. But mostly I was happy that she wanted to do this because it's all I want too.

"Not crazy at all, I love that idea Betts. We should do it". We stop in the middle of the sidewalk and turn towards each other. The look on her face tells me that she happy with my answer.

"Really"? She says happily and I shake my head yes just as happy as she is. She jumps and wraps her arms around my neck standing on her tiptoes to reach. "I love you".

"I love you too". She lets go of me and I look into her eyes for about two seconds before she closes the space between us laying a soft kiss on my lips.

We walk the rest of the towards the Twilight Drive In where I work. I turn on Rebel Without A Cause one of our favorites and we sit up on a small hill on a blanket watching the movie. We snack on salty popcorn and sweet cherry ropes, mostly watching but still taking time to take glances at the other while stealing kisses.

In the world we live in with Northside vs Southside and gangs it's amazing to me that people like Betty Cooper and people like me can find their way to each other without being literally torn apart. With all that we have been through we are still here together. And that's what matters most, not what side of the tracks your born on or who thinks we're right for each other.

All that matters to me is Betty and gosh am I happy I bumped into her on her first day of school.


First, thank you all so much for 7k reads and 300 votes! It means so much to me!! Thank you to everyone that read and allowed me to tell this little story.

Second, I hope that you are all enjoyed the book! Sadly, it is over though. I would like to write a second book about their life after high school but i'm not sure yet.

If I decide to make a second book I will let you all now, thanks again for reading!

also, if you were following my original account for instagram rvrdal it was hacked and I had to delete and make a new one. my new one bbybughead ❤️

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