I promise

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Friday arrives too quickly. Tonight I will have to go to see Penny and I am not looking forward to it at all.

I sit at lunch with Jughead and Archie. Veronica didn't come to school today because she had a stomach bug. The last 15 minutes Jughead and Archie have been talking about some video game they have been playing together at Archie's house.

"Hey are you okay Betty"? Asks Jughead. I look up at him. "You look tired". I know I do, I've barely slept all week. I looked in the mirror this morning and I had dark circles under my eyes.

"I'm fine. I just have a lot on my mind".

"Like what"? Archie says. I look at both of them and they both look concerned but I can't tell them at least not here.

"Can we go someone, more private"? With that we all stand up and Jughead walks us to the Blue and Gold Office. Once we are all inside Jughead closes and locks the door. He walks over to me and grabs my hand.

"What is it Betty"? I look into his eyes and then over at Archie and I start to tear up.

"Once a week I am supposed to meet with the Serpents and we all discuss things I can't tell you guys, for your safety. Last week... I missed the meeting".

"So what does that mean"? Jughead asks. I look down at my feet.

"When you don't show up to the meetings, there are consequences. Mine is that I have to make the deliveries by myself for however long Penny says".

"What are you delivering"? Archie says walking a little closer to me and Jug.

"That is what I can't tell you guys. I can't drag you guys into this".

"Betty, let us help you".

"No jughead. That is not happening. You guys can NOT help me. There is no telling what Penny would do if she found out". I let go of Jugheads hand. "I don't want you to get hurt".

"There isn't anything you can do to get out of it"?

"No Arch, what Penny says goes. She is like our leader I guess you could say". The bell rings telling us that lunch is over. We decided to finish the conversation later and not to tell anyone else. Archie is the first to leave. Just as I was about to walk out Jughead stops me.

"Betty, I'm not sure what's going on. But if you can't sleep at night, which it's obvious that you can't..." I look away from him, and he grabs my hands. "It's obviously it's really bad. Please let me help you". I look up into his eyes and I start crying.

"You can't Jug. Not with this".

"Betty tell me what it is". Looking into his eyes I know I can trust him. I hesitate but then I say, "it's... drugs, I have to deliver drugs". His eyes get wide.


"There is another gang on the southside. They are called the Ghoulies. Penny is friends with them and she helps to deliver their drugs. Basically whoever she is mad at is who she makes deliver them. And right now that person is me. She has been mad at me ever since I told her about moving to the Northside but me not showing up last week sent her over the edge".

Jughead sits down in one of the chairs and I sit beside him. I can tell that it was a lot for him to take in but he was trying to stay calm for my sake.

"Betty... you can't do this, it's not safe". He turns and looks at me, and for a second I think I see tears forming in his eyes.

"There isn't anything I can do to get out of it Jug. If there was my mom would have already tried it".

"Let me help you then". He says and a tear rolls down his cheek. I put my hand on his cheek and wipe it away.

"No jug. I have to do it alone. I'll be okay". I look up at him and I can see the sadness in his face. I shouldn't have told him, he is just going to worry himself about this and he doesn't deserve this. I lean my head on his shoulder. "I promise".

We sit in there and miss fifth period. We don't talk much, instead we sit there in each other's company and hold hands. Jughead makes me feel so safe. I don't know what we are but I know that I can trust him and maybe that's all that matters, is that we have someone to rely on in each other.

As the hour comes to an end we decide to go to our next class. We have the same class this hour and we take seats next to each other in the back corner.

He stays quiet the whole time and I can tell that he is thinking about what I told him. I messed up by telling them.

The class was quiet and it felt like it was going on forever. So when the bell finally rang I was relieved to get out of there and try to get him to talk to me.

He stands up and grabs his things. Then he comes over and grabs my hand and we walk out of the classroom. We walk to his locker which is at the far end of the hallway and he turns to me.

"Don't leave the school without me. I'm walking you home from now on". The look on his face shows me he is serious. "I'll be picking you up in the morning to, I don't want you walking alone anymore. When you have to go tonight call me and I'm coming to bring you".

"Jughead I don't think that-" he cuts me off.

"Betty, I hate that I can't help you with this. So please let me keep you safe in the ways that I can".

"Okay". I say in almost a whisper. He kisses my forehead and then walks me to my last class of the day.

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