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Jugheads POV

We pull up to a building that looks like it's been abandoned for years. I look over at the side of the building and see the truck that Betty always drives when she makes deliveries but I don't see any other cars.

"Look"! I say pointing at it. I step out of the car and walking over to the truck. I opened the door and see Bettys phone sitting on the seat and I grab it. I turn around and show it to Alice.

"Come on". She says quietly. "Let's see if they are still here".

We walk over to the door and Alice hesitated and then knocks on it. I slide Bettys phone into my pocket and then look up at her mom. No one has come to the door yet so I knock this time louder and harder.

A few moments later we hear a voice behind the door. "Who is it". The voice obviously belongs to a man.

"Serpents. Where is our girl"? Alice says. I see her bawling her hands into fists.

"She might be here. Where's our delivery"? The voice says.

"We found the box, it fell out of her truck on the side of the road. We will give it to you as soon as we have her back". I say as I grab Ms. Coopers shoulder. She looks up at me and nods.

A few moments later the door opens and we see a tall older man standing behind it. "Come in". We walk in and look around but I don't see Betty anywhere.

"Where is she"? I ask trying to not let my voice sound shaky.

"She's here. But how do I know that you really have what I want"?

"Guess you'll have to trust us, like we're trusting you". Alice says. The man looks at us with cold eyes.

"Follow me". We walk across the big room and I notice other boxes all over the place like the one we found.

We walk into another room where I see a group of other men sitting around a table.

"They are here for the girl. They say that they have our box and will give it to us after they have her".

A few of the men stand up and the others stay sitting down.

"Just give me my daughter and you can have your box, okay"?

They all look at each other and then one of the men that stood up starts talking.

"Follow me". I look over at Alice who is looking over at me and then we follow him. He leads us into a dark room and then flips the light on. I see Betty tied to a chair with her eyes closed. Me and Alice run over to her and I untie her. She starts to fall over limply but I catch her and pick her up holding her as close as I can. I feel my heart raising and a tear roll down my face looking at her. She has a cut on the top of her fore head that I can tell has been bleeding and the side of her face is bruised.

"Now. Where is our stuff"? The man says with his arms crossed over his chest. I feel my anger grow knowing that all he cares about are his drugs.

I follow Alice while carrying Betty. We lead the man to her car and I sit down in the front seat with Betty. Alice opens the back door and pulls the box out handing it to the man who takes it and walks away.

She then walks over and opens my door so that she can see Betty.

"I'm so sorry baby". She says kissing her on the forehead. She looks up at me.

"Can you drive her to the hospital? I have to bring Penny her truck back".

"Of course". I get out of the car and lay Betty on the back seat and pull a blanket from the car floor over top of her. I walk around the car and start to get in.

"Thank you so much Jughead". Alice says as she starts walking to the truck. I get in and look back at Betty who still hasn't waken up. I turn around and start driving as fast as I can to the hospital.

I pull into the hospital parking lot and swerve into a parking spot. I jump out of the car and pick Betty up as safely and carefully as I can. I run into the hospital at full speed.

"I need help". I yell, the nurses at the front desk look up at me and walk over to me.

"What happened"?

"I don't know, i think she hit her head". I don't know if I'm supposed to say anything about where I found her so I don't. "I just found her like this".

Two male doctors walk over to me and take her from me and I want to cry but know I shouldn't. I follow them down the hallway as they bring her to a room and start examining her.

I lean against the wall as a watch them looking at her and pull out my phone and call Archie.

"Hey man where did yo-" I cut him off

"Get to the hospital". I hang up and push my phone back into my pocket.

"Sorry kid but oh can't stay in here".  A nurse says as she grabs my arm and pulls me out of the room.

"Wait no I have to stay with her". I protest.

"You can't". She walks me down the hall to the waiting room dm sits me down in a chair. She starts to walk away but I stop her.

"Can you tell me when she wakes up". I say as I feel the tears coming again.

"Sure sweetie". She walks over and I sit back down and I let the tears fall.

Sort of a short chapter but the next one is going to be long. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, they finally found Betty! I'll update soon!

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