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Jughead POV

I wake up to my alarm clock blaring.

"Ugh". I sit up and turn it off. I pick up my phone to call Betty and check on her. It rings and rings and then goes to voice mail. She must still be asleep. I get up out of the bed and stretch. Then walk over and put on some jeans and an S T-shirt. I slip on my converse and a jacket and throw on my beanie. I walk out of my room and into the living room.

"Morning Jughead". Mom says from the couch where she is sitting with Jellybean. "Ready for school"?

"Yeah, I need to go by Bettys".

"Oh okay. Have a good day dear".

I grab my backpack and walk out the door and to Bettys. I wonder if she is up by now I pull out my phone and dial her number again. Still no answer. As I start getting closer to her house I pick up my pace a little worried now. I walk up her front porch steps and knock on the door. A few seconds later her mom opens the door.

"Morning Jughead, what do you need"?

"Is Betty home"?

"She came in late after I fell asleep and I guess she left early to get to school". Why wouldn't she wait for me? Was she mad that I didn't get to go with her last night?

"Okay thank you Alice. Have a nice day".
I turn and wait for her to close the door and then I start running towards the road to school.

I really don't want Betty to be mad at me, I wanted to go with her and she needs to know that.

I've been running for probably 7 minutes when I hear someone calling my name. I turn around and it Archie and his dad.

"Jughead, need a ride to school"? Mr Andrews ask.

"Yes, thank you". I climb in and sit next to Archie.

"Hey man what's up"? Archie asks me.

"Did you see Betty come home last night? Or leave this morning"?

"No, sorry". What is going on.

"It's fine, she must have left early". I don't know if I believe myself or not.

Once we get to school I Thank mr Andrews for the ride and Archie goes to find Veronica. I walk to the library. No Betty. I walk to the blue and gold office. No Betty. I walk to our first class. No Betty. I walk to the office, no Betty. I walk over to the desk and wait for the women to look up. I know Betty usually walks past the office when she comes in.

"Can I help you"?

"Do you know if Betty Cooper is at school yet"?

"Who"? I forgot that other people tend to not know to call her Betty.

"Sorry, Elizabeth Cooper".

"I haven't seen her".

I feel my heart drop in my chest. No one has seen her. I can't get her to answer the phone. What if she got into an accident last night? What if she's lost and hurt? I can't say here I have to find her. I pull out my phone and call mr Andrews.

"Hey Jughead, you okay"?

"Are you too far from the school"?

"No. Why are you sick? Do you need someone to come get you"?

"Yeah". I lie. "I'm not feeling that good. Can you bring me to your house before you go to work and I'll have my mom or dad come and get me"?

"Sure bud, I'll be there in a minute".

"Thank you again mr. Andrews".

"Hope you few better Jughead". He backs up out of his driveway and leaves. I walk across his yard and into Bettys. I knock on the door and wait for her mom to answer.


"Something wrong".

"Come inside". I step in and she sits on the couch and I sit beside her.

"What's wrong"?

"Betty wasn't at school. She hasn't answered any of my calls. No one has seen her. I'm worried that something happened to her". I look up and she looks like she is about to cry.

"Uhm, she-"

"I know what she's been doing".

"You what"?

"I know what Penny has been making her do. I know I wasn't supposed to know but I do, that's why I'm worried".

"I'm going to get dressed and then I'm going to go see Penny".

"Alice, let me go with you. I need to find her". She looks like she is thinking it over.

"Okay, just give me a second". She stands up and pulls her hair up and I see a serpent tattoo on the back of her neck and it makes me think if Betty has one.

I look around the living room at all the pictures on the walls. I see one of Betty when she was younger and smile. She's always been precious.

Her mom walks out and grabs her keys off the table.

"Let's go". I follow her out the door and into her car. The drive is quiet at first and then Alice starts talking.

"Thank you for looking out for Betty".

"Oh course, I care about her". And I mean that. I just want her to be safe, no matter what.

"She's all I have left. I have to stop caring about the serpents as much as I do, I can't lose her too". I assume she is talking about her husband and Bettys sister Polly. I feel bad for her.

"I'm sorry Alice. I don't want to lose her either. She's one of the best things that's happened to me, ever".

"How long have you guys been dating"?

"About a month. We met on her first day at Riverdale, I knew I liked her from the moment I bumped into her". I smile at the memory, it feels like forever ago but it's barely been two months.

"Thank you for caring about her as much as you do". I look over and smile at her. A few minutes later the car come to a stop and I look up to see that we are in front of the bar.

I'll update soon! Keep an eye out!
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