Just a friend

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The rest of the week seemed to fly by a lot quicker than expected. I got closer to my friends and we started calling our selves the core four. I liked it, and I liked them. They were all so welcoming and sweet. I especially had a soft spot for Jughead. He was the first person to welcome me with open arms and that meant the world to me.  At southside high everyone is pretty much friends but you don't reall hangout with anyone unless your close, and I wasn't really that close to anyone except Toni.

Archie ended up living right next door to me so we have spent a lot of time hanging out, his dad is really nice and doesn't really seem to mind that I am from the southside at first he seemed a little against it but when I started coming over more and talking to him he started to like me.

They also have brought me to a diner called Pops. I had heard of it before but I had never actually been there. My favorite thing there is definitely the strawberry milkshake.

Today is Friday my day to try out for the River Vixens. Cheryl has agreed to let Veronica do the cheers with me so I don't feel so anxious doing them in front of the whole team alone. Veronica has also helped me out a lot. She has practiced with me everyday after school and I really think that I am ready for this try out. When I told my mom about me trying out she didn't really like the idea of it, she said it wasn't really something a serpent would do, but I reminded her that when I turn eighteen I'm leaving the Serpents anyways. I'm moving far away from all of this.

I get out of bed and throw on some jeans and a blue sweater. I pull on my converse and when I go to grab my leather jacket I hesitate. Even though I don't want to wear it I know that I have to. I pull it on and look at my phone. I have a text from Jughead.

Jughead: Hey, can I walk you to school?

Me: You live like 10 minutes away. Don't walk out of your way for me.

Jughead: Come outside.

I lock my phone and grab my backpack. I run down the stairs and swing open the door. And I see him standing there on my porch. His sweet smile and big green eyes.

"Hey". I smile, I always do when I'm around him.

"Hey, you know you didn't have to do this. I would have been fine".

"I know you would have, but I thought that it would be nice if you didn't have to walk alone like every other day". I smile and close the door behind me as I step out onto the porch. We start walking down the sidewalk in the direct of the school.

"So are you excited for your tryouts"? He asks pushing his loose curl back underneath his grey beanie. I love his hair, I don't even now how since I barely see it. I just know under that hat it's a head full of dark curls that I would just love.

"I am. I really think that all of my ore active with Veronica is going to pay off".

"That's good. What other types of things do you like to do"?

"Well I really like reading and writing. I particularly like mystery's and crime novels".

"Really? Me too. What do you like to write about"?

I never really thought about it, I just always liked writing in journals about what was going on that day or things that I was thinking. But I also liked writing short stories.

"A little bit of everything I guess". I laughed.

"Maybe you could come and write with me for the blue and gold"?

"What's that"?

"The school newspaper, you don't have to if you don't want to. No one actually read it's anyways-" I notice him fidgeting with his hat and realize that he is nervous.

"Jughead, of course I will. That sounds amazing". His smile reappears on his face and we walk the rest of the way to school talking like we've been best friends for years.

I walk into my last class of the day, which is English. The only person I know in there is Veronica but I am okay with that. We sit beside each other in the back of the room. I have three classes

"So I have a question". Veronica says as we sit.


"Do you have a boyfriend back on the southside"?

"No, I don't have much in common with any of them". She nods and looks down at her desk. I look up to the front of the room then she asks another question.

"Do you have your eye on anyone here"? I look over at her and she has a smirk on her face. For some reason all I can think is Jughead. His name, his hair, his eyes, his laugh, just him.

"No". But she can tell I'm lying, I know she can, I could feel my cheeks turning pink and so I know she can see it.

"Oh come on. Who is it"? She asked with excitement.

"I don't know if I should say".

"PLEASEEE". She drags out the end of the word. I think it over for a second. What is it gonna hurt to tell her.

"Well I kind of like Jughead". She looks shocked.



"That's so sweet. But Jughead doesn't really date... like ever".

"Oh why"? I was a little disappointed but I didn't want to show it. Besides what was I expecting anyways he probably didn't even feel the same way.

"I don't really know, maybe Archie does, I could ask him for you if you want".

"That's okay, it doesn't matter that much".

"Suit yourself".

"How long have you guys all known each other"? I ask out of curiosity, but mainly to try and change the subject.

"We've all been friends since elementary school. We used to have another friend named Kevin but he doesn't really hang out with us as much. He is pretty much friends with everyone".

I look down and class begins. The whole hour I sit and think about why I was so sad about Jughead. I barely even knew him. But I already felt such a strong connection to him, and in a way I knew I didn't ever want to have to live without him. I honestly didn't want to ever live without Archie or Veronica but with Jughead it was different... stronger. He had this way of making me feel at home wherever we were. He is definitely my best friend. Probably the best friend I have ever had, I've always been super socially awkward and anxious around people and when I'm with him everything seems I don't know...calm I guess. I'm being ridiculous as I said before I barely know that boy, we met less than a week ago. How could I possibly feel these things. He is just my really good friend, and that is all he will ever be.

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