The storm

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Bettys pov

Sunday felt like it lasted forever since I stayed home and did nothing all day. Jughead and Archie has gone on a trip with mr. Andrews so I didn't get to see them yesterday, and veronica is always busy doing something with her parents so i didn't get to see her either.

When they picked me up for school today Jughead and Archie both seemed to be in better moods then they were last week. It's good to see smiles on their faces again they weren't the same without them.

I'm sitting in fourth period waiting for the bell to ring so I can go and see them at lunch. I don't think that Veronica came to school today so we won't have to worry about the whole awkward lunch thing which I am so thankful for even though it will come tomorrow.

I tap my pencil against my desk as I watch the clock, I've been doing this since I finished my assignment ten minutes ago. The bell finally rings and I jump up a little faster than I should have because I almost trip over my backpack by my feet. I catch my balance though and grab my bag and walk out into the hallway.

I see Jughead making his way towards me and I smile. As we get closer to each other I can tell that he is smiling too.

"Hey Betts, I think Archie wants to eat in the library today". He tells me as he grabs my hand.

"Archie Andrews wanting to go to the library? Who would have thought"? We both laugh and make our way to the library.

We walk in and sit down on the couch across from Archie who is already eating a bag of chips. Jughead leans over and grabs the bag from him causing Archie to pout making me laugh.

"Any reason you decided we were eating in here today"? I asks Archie.

"No, just bored of the cafeteria really".

"Your so odd Archie Andrews". Me and Jughead laugh at his and my statement.

"Have you talked to Veronica any"? Jughead asks him right before putting another chip in his mouth.

"We texted a little yesterday but I don't think we're really getting anywhere yet".

"Sure you are, you guys are talking again. That's good right"? I add

"Yeah I guess your right".

Jugheads phone rings and he pulls it out to see an unknown number.

"I'll be right back I have to take this". He steps aside to the other side of the room and answers the phone.

"Who was that"? Archie asks me

"Not sure it was an unknown number". Archie watches Jughead and I glance over my shoulder at him to see he is still on the phone but now pacing back and forth. I get up and walk over to him wanting to make sure he is okay. But before I reach him he hangs up the phone and I can tell he is holding back tears.

"Juggie what's wrong"? I say as I reach for his face.

"I have to go, I'll talk to you later". He pulls away from me and leaves the library.
I turn back to Archie who is walking towards me.

"What just happened? Should I go after him"? I ask Archie trying to hold back tears myself.

"I have a strong feeling that I know what it was about but I'm not sure if I should say anything".

"Archie, tell me"! I take a step closer to him trying to show him I'm serious.

"Well, about two weeks ago Jughead told his mom that he joined the serpents for you. She was beyond mad and when she found out that his dad knew she got even more pissed and she took his little sister and left. He hasn't seen or heard from them since". As these words leave Archie's mouth I can feel tears falling from my eyes. I can't believe this. I'm the reason Jughead has seemed so sad lately. Jughead is suffering because of me, I've been causing him all this pain and I didn't even know it.

I walk out of the library leaving all of my stuff sitting on that couch but right now I don't even care. I walk right out of the school and I know exactly what I have to do if I want his pain to stop.

I walk up the front steps to Jugheads house which took my forever to find because I'd never been here. I had to end up calling Archie and asking him.

I knock on the door and sit down on the porch waiting for him to open up. I'm sure my face is red and puffy from all the crying I did on the way here. I here the door open behind me and turn around.

"Betty? What are you doing here"? Jughead asks as he sits down beside me.

"I need to talk to you Jug". He grabs my hands which makes me want to cry even more. "I know about your mom and sister". His eyes get wide and he opens his mouth to say something but I stop him. "Why didn't you just tell me"? I feel a tear slide down my face.

"I didn't want you to blame yourself Betty. I was going to tell you whenever they came back".

"How could I not blame myself Jughead. It is my fault, you only ever joined this stupid gang for me. If you had never met me than none of this would have ever happened".

"Don't say that Betty, I love you". His words make my heart ache because I know what I'm about to do.

"Jughead I love you too, and that's why I have to do this".

"Do what"? He asks looking hurt and confused.

"We have to break up Jug. I can't keep hurting you like this". He looks taken back.

"Betty please don't do this".

"I'm toxic Jughead. I keep leading you down these paths that are ending up with you being hurt and I can't stand to see you upset, it breaks my heart Jug". I stand up in front of him and let go of his hands. "I'm sorry Jughead". I turn and start to walk away.

"Betty wait". I turn around and Jughead is running to me. When he reaches me he stops for a moment and then he grabs my face softly and kisses me. I can feel the tears on his cheeks as I kiss him back. I just want this moment to last forever but I know it can't, I pull away from him and look at him in the eyes.

"Goodbye Jug". I turn and walk down the road to my house. Away from the one person who makes me feel at home, who makes me feel safe. The tears start to fall again and they don't stop coming.

I cried writing this chapter. My love for Bughead is so strong. I hope you guys can forgive me for this.

Just remember you can't see the rainbow without a little rain.

Thank you all so so much for reading, it means so much to me!!🖤

I'll update soon!🖤

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