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bettys pov.

Jughead's mom is home? I jump up from my bed and slide on some jeans and my converse.

"Betty what is going on"? Veronica asks worried as she gets up from my bed.

"Archie just texted me, Jughead's mom is home. We have to go over to his house". I slide on my Serpent Jacket, which i'm sure she is going to hate seeing.

"I'm all i have is a dress and heels for tomorrow, I really don't wanna go in my pajamas. Could maybe borrow some of your clothes"?

"Sure V, I start digging through my dresser and hand her a sweater and pair of jeans of mine. As she starts changing into them I walk over to my closet and grab a pair of shoes that are easy to run in since that's what we will be doing since i don't have a car. I toss the shoes over to her and she slides them on.

"Alright let's go". We run down the stairs and out my front door. We go as fast as we can in the direction of Jughead house, while I try so desperately to remember the right turns to get there.

I feel myself panicking because I really can't remember. I feel a hand grab mine and I turn around.

"B it's okay. I've been going to Jughead since I was like eight. I know how to get there". We start running again this time she is leading me.

About 10 minutes of running and we finally reach the front of Jughead's house. I stare at, not sure if I should go in. Or why I am here for that matter. I shouldn't have come, Jughead's mom already doesn't like me. I mean that is why she left in the first place, because she thinks i'm like corrupting her son. Why would she want to see me on her face night back in town? What was Archie thinking telling me to come over here?

"Betty"? I look over at Veronica who is watching my mint panic attack. "It's going to be okay, Mrs. Jones is actually really nice". She takes my hand and we walk up the front steps together, when we reach the porch i feel frozen in place. Luckily, Veronica knocks for me.

We stand there waiting for someone to open the door for us and with every second that passes I regret coming. This women is definitely going to hate me.

The front door opens and standing there is who I assume to be Jughead's dad, Fp.

"Hello Veronica, who is this"? He motions to me with a smile.

"This is Betty, Jughead's girlfr-.. Our friend". His eyes get wide and he starts to step out into the porch. "I don't know if this is a good-"

"Betty"? Jughead walks up behind his dad and come to my side. "What are you doing here"? He wraps his arms around me in a hug. "My mom came back, Betty". He says into my ear.

"I know Jughead, that's why I came. For you". With his arms wrapped around me I have a moment of clarity. He is the reason why I rushed over here, I needed to make sure he is okay.

"Come inside Betts". He grabs my hand and brings me into his living room. I see a little girl with long dark curls sitting on the couch with Archie playing games on his phone. We walk over to them and the little girl looks up at me.

"Betty, this is my little sister, Jellybean".

"Hi Jellybean, how are you"?

"Your Jughead's girlfriend? But your so pretty"!

"Wow thanks J". Archie is exploding with laughter right now and then he looks up to see Veronica standing behind us.

"Hey Ronnie". He says trying to regain his composure.

"Hey Archikens, can we talk outside"? With that he gets up and they walk outside together. Me and Jughead sit down beside Jellybean on the couch with me in the middle.

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