Morning after

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I wake up the next morning with a huge headache. I look around and I have no idea where I am. Then like a flashback I relive last night in my head. My mom screaming and telling me about Penny, Archie comforting me on the sidewalk. Then I remember where I am. After sitting with Archie for a while he invited me to come and stay at his house. Giving me his room and he slept on the couch.

I sit up and looked at my phone. I have two missed calls from Jughead and a text that said: "I talked to Archie. I'm coming to see you". I pushed the blankets off and got up and walked down stairs. Archie and Jughead were sitting on the couch talking in almost a whisper when I reached the bottom of the staircase.

Jughead looks up and sees me and he jumps up and walks over to me pulling me in for a hug. I buried my face in his chest and held on until he backed up.

"How are you"? Not good, I want to say but I know that I shouldn't.

"I'm fine. Can I talk to you outside". Not knowing what I wanted to say, just knowing I wanted to be alone with him.

"Of course". He took my hand and we walked outside and sat on the porch. We sat there quiet for a few moments and then I spoke up.

"Jughead, I don't know what to do".

"What do you mean? What happened"? I looked up at him.

"I can't say".

"Why not"?

"I don't want to put you in danger". I put my hand on his cheek. "It's too bad".

"Betty you can tell me anything. I mean that. I won't tell anyone". I believe him, I do. But he can't know.

"I'm sorry Jug, I just can't. Not now at least". He grabs my hands.

"Betty, I'm here. Whenever our ready". I lean over and touch my forehead to his.

"Thank you Jughead". We go back inside and spend the rest of the day with Archie and Veronica who Archie called and asked to come over. Being with them was a distraction from what was to come but it still stuck in the back of my head all day.

The next day I get up and throw on some clean clothes and get ready for school. I put on my leather jacket and don't bother pulling my hair up. I walk down stairs and see my mom sitting in the living room. I can tell she has been crying.

"Betty I am sorry for the way I talked to you the other night". She stand ups and takes a couple steps forward.

"It's alright mom. I deserved it".

"No you didn't. I just love you Betty, and I wish you would think more before oh do things because I just want you to be safe".

"I know you do mom. It's okay, it's not your fault I should have remembered where I was supposed to be".

"No Betty it is my fault. I never should have chose this life for you". I walk over and hug my mom.

"We're going to be okay mom". She smiles at me but I can tell she's sad. She pushes my hair behind my ear.

" Go on now, your going to be late for school". I walk out the front door and start walking to school.

I know I can't tell my friends about what I have to do. They would try to stop me and they would get hurt. I can't let them do that I have to go through this alone. I think back to the other night when Jughead kissed me. What does that mean for me and him? I don't want to ask him and sound dumb for not knowing.

I'm so worried about what is to come with the upcoming weeks and how long Penny is going to keep me doing her dirty work. I always had a bad feeling about Penny and then when I found out what she was ( a drug dealer) I hated her even more.

People like her are what gave the Serpents their bad profile. Not all serpents are bad, most of them especially the ones my age don't want anything to do with that stuff and now I'm stuck with it.

My day goes in slow motion but fast motion at the same time. I can't keep my punishment out of my mind. The classes seem to go on forever but the day actually passes a lot faster than usually.

I try to distract my self all day by listening to my friends and the teachers. I even went to the blue and gold office with Jughead to try and work the paper with him but it all just sounds like background noises and my thought are driving me crazy.

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