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Jugheads POV

We step out of the car moments later and start walking into the bar. I feel my breathe hitch as we walk in and I realize that I'm in an actual bar owned by a gang. I follow beside Alice towards the back of the bar.

I look to either side of us and see a lot of people have their eyes on my, which is understandable because I stand out like a sore thumb.

We reach the back of the bar and Alice swings a door open to reveal a blonde women sitting behind a table at the back wall.

"Alice"? The women says looking up at us. "Who is this"? She gestures to me.

"Penny, where is my daughter"? I feel my cheeks flush red and anger raise in me. So this is Penny. I already hate for what she has been putting Betty through.

"What do you mean"?

"She never came home last night, no one can find her". She pauses and closes her eyes fighting off tears. I place my hand on her shoulder and she opens her eyes and gives me a small smile before returning back to Penny. "did she make it back last night"?

"I don't know, let's go see if the truck is here". Penny stands up and walks around her desk and leads us out of her office and down the hallway to a backdoor.

As we walk down the hall I look behind us and notice everyone in the main part of the bar. They have returned to what they were doing before. Not worried about anything, about her. It's like they don't even realize Betty is missing.

We walk out the back door and there's nothing. No truck, no Betty. I feel my heart start to raise. Where could she be. I look over at her mom who looks like she is about to be sick.

"Where did she go last night"? I ask Penny. She looks over at me with narrowed eyes.

"Look kid, I don't know who you are and I'm not about to give you Serpent business. You should go home". I feel the anger that was already inside me starting to boil over.

"I'm not going anywhere.i don't care what I have to do, I'm going to help find Betty".
Penny starts laughing at me, and I see Bettys mom from the corner of my eye starting to cry.

"You would do anything"? Penny says with a smirk on her face.

"Yes". I say and I mean it. I take a couple more steps towards Penny.

"Are you sure about that"?

"Yes, I am".

"Jughead don't do this". I hear Alice say and I turn my head towards her.

"Do what"?

"The only way I am going to let you get involved is if you are one of us". Penny cuts us off. "A serpent". She says walking even closer to me. "Would you still do anything for this girl"?

My heart feels like it's going to beat out of my chest. I can't join a gang. Suddenly the other night with Betty flashes into my head, us at her house. Watching movies and baking cookies. Her smile and laugh. I can't not help her. What if she is really hurt.

I look back at Alice who is shaking her head no at me. "Jughead it's okay. I'll find her". She stops shaking her head. "Don't do this Jughead, it isn't what she would want". I know that that's true but I can't go home and sit there worried about if she has been found yet, if she is okay.

I look back at Penny and start shaking my head yes. "Yes. I'll do anything".

"You an idiot". Penny says laughing. "Come with me".

I follow her back through the door of the bar and we go into the main part of the the building. Everyone stops what they are doing when they see Penny.

She walks over to the bar and plops up onto it. "This boy-" she looks down over at me. "What's your name again"?

"Jughead Jones".

"Jughead"? She says with a big smile on her face, and I know she wants to laugh. I roll my eyes and she turns her head back to the crowd.

"Jughead Jones here would like to join our gang". She says and I hear people start to laugh and whisper. "So I need you guys to give him an initiation". I look over at them and I see that they are looking at each other with grins on their face. Two men walk over to me and grab me and drag me into the middle of the room and then it starts.

It's been at least two hours, but I finally passed the initiation. It wasn't fun, it was the exact opposite but she is worth it. I have to find her.

Penny walks up to me and hand me a leather jacket. I look at it in her hands and then look up at her.

"She made a run to the other side of the Southside. I'll give you the address". I look back down at the jacket and take it. I hold it in my hands for a few seconds and then slip it on. I follow Penny to her office and she starts writing something onto a piece of paper and then gives it to me.

"Good luck kid". I look from the paper to her and then back up out of the room. I walk out the back door and see Alice sitting on the sidewalk with her face in her hands.

"Hey, I got the address". She looks up at me and her eyes widen.

"Jughead , you really did it"? She says as she stands up and grabs my the jacket. I nod my head.

"She isn't going to like this".

"I did what I had to do to find her".

We walk back to her car and I hand her the paper.

"I think I know where this is". She starts driving and pick up my phone and open my texts with Betty and start typing.

I don't know if you can see this. But if you can we are coming to find you, stay safe. I press send and lean my head against the seat. God I hope she is okay.

I look out the window and see a box on the side of the road.

What's that"? I ask pouting at it. Alice looks at it and then pulls over. She gets out of the car and runs over to it. I get out of the car and run to her. She opens the box and then looks at me.

"One of the boxes must have fallen out of the truck and they must have thought that she was trying to give them the wrong order".

"What are you saying"?

"I think that the people she delivered to have her". I feel my heart drop and we run back to the car. Alice puts the box in the back seat of her car and we start driving again, towards Betty.

What do you guys think about what Jughead did? Do you think they are going to find Betty soon?

I'll update soon :)

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