Someone worth heartbreak

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Jughead: meet me at pops?

Me: be there soon! :)

I grab my jacket and walk out the door. I wasn't expecting to do anything to night but sit at home and watch Netflix. But when I saw Jughead had texted me I jumped at the opportunity to see him. Even though I just saw him yesterday.

Pops isnt that far from my house so I make it there in 7 minutes. I walk through the door and look around for Jughead. I finally see him in the booth all the way in the back and walk towards him. This is the first time I've been to Pops just me and Jughead.

"Hey Jug". I say as I get closer to the table. He looks up from his book and smiles at me.

"Hey Betts". I sit across from him and push my phone into my pocket.

"So what's up"? I ask.

"Oh uh nothing I just thought we could hang out". I smile.

"Oh okay". He pushes his book to the inner edge of the table and looks up at me.

"Did you make the team". I almost forgot about that.

"Yes I did, I'm so excited for it".

"That's great Betty. I'm happy for you". We get kind of quiet and all the sudden I think back to yesterday and what Veronica had said about Jughead.

"Can I ask you something"?

"Shoot". I hesitate to ask thinking if this is really something I should be asking him. I don't want to make things awkward.

"It's nothing really, just Uhm Veronica said something yesterday that uh well stood out to me..." he looks confused.

"What did she say"?

"She said that you don't date. Like that you've never had a girlfriend why is that"? I immediately regret asking when he when he looks away from me. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked".

"No it's okay". He looks back up at me. "Because I had never met anyone worth a heartbreak". 

"Had never"?

"Yeah". We sit and talk and once the mood lightens a little we start to joke and laugh. We drank many milkshakes and it was honestly one of the best nights I've had in a while.

After a while of sitting and enjoying each other's company we decide it's time for us to head home.

"Let me walk you home". Jughead insists.

"I mean I guess if you want to. But you know you don't have to, right"?

"I know I don't have to, but I want to". He grabs my hand and we walk down the sidewalk. The way he held my hand made me feel safe.

"What did you mean before? When you said you hadn't met anyone. Have you met someone now"? He looks over at me as if I was supposed to know the answer to my question.

"Betty I meant..." he breaks our eye contact before continuing. "You". I feel my stomach flutter with butterfly's.


"Yes you". He laughs. "I have never met anyone like you. Your supposed to be this person who lives this crazy gang life. But your the complete opposite your kind and charismatic". It made me happy knowing he could see me as an individual and not as a member of the serpents.

Before we know it we are at my house. I look up at him.

"Thank you for tonight, Jug".

"I like it when you call me Jug. I've never been given a nickname I like, but I like that".

"Well I'm glad". I start to walk to my door when I feel him grab my hand and pull me back to him. I swirl around and our faces are only centimeters apart. His hand is slowest finds its way to my face and I close my eyes and he kisses me. It's not a rushed sloppy kiss, it's a slow passionate sweet kiss and I want to stay in this moment forever. A few seconds later our lips part and I take a breath. I look up at him and smile, and he smiles back.

"Goodnight Betty Cooper".

"Goodnight Jug". I turn and open the door and walk in. He stays on the porch until the door is closed and then he starts walking home.

I run up to my room and throw myself on my bed laying on my back. I still haven't stopped smiling. After what Veronica told me I didn't think I would have ever had a chance with him.

I close my eyes and fall asleep.

A few hours later I wake up to my mom bursting into my room.

"Where were you all night"? She seems angry with me.

"I was with Jughead at Pops. Why"?

"You were with some boy when you were supposed to be at the Whyte Wyrm with the rest of the Sepents. What the hell Elizabeth"!

"Mom I forgot".

"Oh you forgot? Well guess where forgetting got you". She looks livid now. "Penny is making you do the deliveries next week to make up for not being there"!

"What? I can't do those by myself, it's dangerous"!

"Well you should have thought about that Elizabeth. I can't do anything to stop this, you know the rules". She storm out of my room slamming the door behind her self.

I get up and start pacing in my room. I start crying and I run down stairs and out the front door and I sit on the curb in front of my yard. How could this happen. I'm 15 years old, a sophomore. And now I'm delivering drugs to ghoulies. All the sudden I feel an arm in my shoulder.

"Betty"? I turn around and it's Archie. I wipe my tears away as he sits down beside me. "Are you okay"? What a hard question that is. I shake my head no and the tears start to fall again. He wraps his arms around me and I cry on his chest. We stay like this for a while and then I start to calm down.

"What happened Betty? I could hear your mom yelling at you from my room". I can't tell him the truth like I want to.

"She was just mad that I didn't go to a meeting with the serpents tonight". I say as sit up.

"I'm sorry Betty". It's not his fault. He isn't the one that should be sorry. I should be for being dumb enough to think that I could just forget about everything back home and tryin to start over.

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