Keep it

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Bettys pov

I wake up the next morning feeling like a new me, a better me. I look over and see Jughead laying beside me and I smile. I lean over and place a kiss on his bare shoulder and his eyes flutter open.

"Good morning Jones". I say as he rolls over to face me.

"Good morning babe. You realize this is the second time we have gotten to wake up beside each other? Only this time we actually slept inside". He leans in and kisses me on my forehead sending butterfly's through my stomach.

"I do. And I can't wait till I get to do it everyday". I kiss him and he starts to climb over top of me. I place my hand on his chest and stop him. "Juggie we have school". I laugh as he looks disappointed .

"Ugh, do we have to go. Can't we just stay in bed together all day"? This is tempting, very tempting. What am I thinking? My mom would kill me if she come home and found us.

"No we can not". I sit up pulling the sheet with me and stand up looking at him.

"Oh come on, it's not like I haven't seen it before". He says motioning to the sheet. My cheeks turn red and a smile creeps over my face as I daydream back to last night and the amazing time we had.

"I'm well aware of that but I don't need you being distracted from the goal".

"Which is"? He asks as he stand up from the bed exposing himself, making me really regret my decision.

"Getting to school on time". I throw his pants at him making him laugh. "Find the rest of your clothes". I pick up his grey t-shirt from the floor and hold it in my hands.

"You gonna give me that or what"? Jug says reaching out his hand for it.

"Nope, this is mine today". I turn around and walk to my closet closing the door behind me. I quickly put on a bra and underwear, some jeans and then I slide on his t-shirt. This might be the most comfortable shirt i have ever worn. I put on my black converse and step out of my closet to see jughead buttoning up his flannel.

"Well damn. You look better in it than I do". He walks towards me and wraps his hands around my back rubbing small circles with his fingers. "You have it".

"Jug I can't take your shirt. I just wanted to wear it just this once-" I'm shut up by his lips crashing into mine.

"Betty, do you know how many of these t-shirt's I have? Trust me, keep it".

I smile up at him then wraps my arms around him. "Okay". I kiss him once more and then turn around to grab my school bag and jacket. "Come on, we're going to be late". I grab his hand and pull him down the stairs and he gets his jacket from the coat rack.

"Last chance Cooper, you sure you don't want to stay home with all of this"? I turn around to see him posing like a weirdo and start to laugh. I look away knowing that it won't take much more to change my mind.

"Come on lets go". I open the front door and let him walk out first then follow him out. He grabs my hand and leads me to the passenger side of his car and opens the door for me. I get in and watch as he runs around to the other side of the car. He opens his door and gets in and turns on the radio.

"Okay, safety first young one. Put your seatbelt on". He says as he puts his on. Then he looks up at me with a big goofy grin making me laugh once again. "I'm serious put it on, i'm not leaving until you do". I click my seatbelt in and then look over at him.

"Are you happy now"? Replying will mimicking his goofy smile from before making him laugh at me.

"I can't wait either Betts". He says as he pulls out into the road towards school.

"Can't wait for what"?

"To wake up next to you everyday, and have mornings like this. Drive to work together, the whole thing". I can't help myself from smiling at what he is saying. "I can't wait to do it all with you".


We walk into school hand in hand, leather jackets and smiles on. We go straight to my locker and I start to put get my books out for our first class.

"Look at you two"! I look up to see that Veronica and Archie have joined us. Veronica's eyes land on my shirt and I see them widen and a smile appear. I feel jughead slide around my waist and land on my hip.

"So are you too back together"? Archie asks us and I look from him to Jughead who looks at him and nods yes.

"Yay! That's so good! Now we can go on double dates again". Veronica says grabbing on to my arm. "Hey can I talk to you for a second"?

"Sure". I turn to Jug and give him a quick kiss on the cheek. "See you in class". I walk off with Veronica down the hall leaving the boys at my locker.

"So, I couldn't help but notice your outfit of choice today". She says smirking at me. "Not your usual sweater".

"No it's definitely not". I laugh. "Me and Jughead had a nice time last night home alone".

"Lucky! I wish Archie and I could get a house all to our selves. But we don't really mind not having one". She says smirking even more.

"Oh god V". We both laugh and walk into class taking our seats beside each other. Moments later the boys stumble in, Jughead sitting in front of me and Archie in front of Veronica.

I tap on Jughead shoulder and he spins around smiling at me. I lean over my desk and give him a quick kiss on his cheek and I notice them turn pink as a smug smile forms on his face. "I love you".

"I love you too. Do you want to go with me to pick Jellybean up after school today? You don't have to if you don't want to, don't feel pressured to or anything".

"Jug, I would love to. I really want to get to know your sister and your parents for that matter but I'll wait for that".

"Okay". He smiles and the. turns back around and I look over at Veronica who has apparently been watching us. She throws her hands over her heart and mouths the word swoon at me before turning back around in her chair.

Jughead and I have been back together for less than 24 hours and i'm already happier than I have ever been. I love this boy so much.

Two updates in one day🤷🏻‍♀️💞
Sweet little chapter for you guys :)
hope you enjoyed! i think this book might come to an end soon, but there might be a sequel!

please comment and tell me if you guys would want a sequel!!

i'll update soon🖤

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