I grab a men's wreath G-string. Definitely giving that to him at his dad's. I grab pink handcuffs and a matching whip for Gemma before making my way to the checkout. The lady smiles and rings me up. "Happy holidays." She says when I'm leaving. I smile again and meet Harry outside. I hand him the bag and furrow my eyebrows.

"Back to the sports shop !" I say pulling him to the first store we were in.

"This is going to be a long day." Harry sighs. I roll my eyes, but continue with my shopping.


"No Harry ?" Sadie asks as she walks in. Luckily, I already wrapper her's and Sidney's present. I got Sidney a book she's been talking about for days, and I got Sadie lace heels.

"Yeah, I kicked him out." I say wrapping Louis' soccer ball. I decided to tease him and wrap the wrapping paper in tape. Sidney and Sadie, laugh when they see what I'm doing. I hand Sadie the present and ask her to put Louis' name on it.

"Who's this for ?" Sidney asks trying to contain her laughter over Harry's present.

"The present I'm giving to Harry at his dad's tomorrow." I grin. "You wanna wrap it ?" She nods and begins wrapping it. After everything is wrapped, I decide to go to bed.

Kenny's POV (Harry's dad)

I look over Jennifer's paperwork one more time before calling Gary, the dean of Harvard University. This girls record is incredible. Her GPA, her grades, her extracurricular activities. It's amazing. She could graduate early and get into one of the best school's there are to be a doctor.

"Kenny Styles." Gary says on the other end. "What do I owe this honor to ?"

"Hey Gary. It's been a while hasn't it ?" I chuckle. "How've you been ? The wife and kids ?"

"It's been great. Mary's good. Chuck is traveling the world right now. Lillian's wedding is in a couple of months. And Henry is graduating college this year." He tells me. "How about you ? You and Anne still kicking it ?"

"Actually we got a divorce." I inform him. "My daughter, Gemma, is going to university. My son, Harry, is graduating this year. He has a stable girlfriend, names Jennifer. That's actually why I'm calling. This girl's GPA is amazing. Her record is squeaky clean. She could've graduated earlier."

"I see." He says. "Why don't you fax me her record and I'll take a look and get back to you."

"That sounds great !" I exclaim happily. "Thank you so much. I'll talk to you later. Bye bye." I hang up and lean back in my chair. This is going to be the best Christmas present ever. I just hope it goes the way I want.

I get up and quickly fax her record. Then I call her mother. "Hello ?" She answers.

"Hey Sandra." I greet her.

"Kenny." She breaths into the phone. "How is she ?"

"She's doing good. She's spending the holiday with Anne, Gemma, and Harry. Her and Harry are coming over to mine tomorrow to celebrate. She's a bright girl." I smile. "I'm hoping to have her graduate early and go to Harvard second semester."

"That's amazing !" She says into the phone. "I'm so proud of her. I just wish I could see her. Richard raised her right."

"That's the thing." I say. "Richard didn't raise her. Her brother raised her. She worked hard for the things she wanted because she wants to go somewhere in life. She's incredible."

"I bet she is." Sandra sighed. "I have to go. The baby's crying." She hangs up and I set my phone down.

Now I can only hope Harry finds this a good thing.


Hey ! So I would usually update a week after my last update, but I'm so happy ! My Jr. American Literature teacher assigned this group project. So two other people and I worked together, and I did most of the work. Ms. L said "You guys are so lucky to have a writer in your group." Those words mean so much to me. I honestly don't think I'm a good writer, but to her I am. And now I'm kinda questioning my career choice. I've always wanted to be a writer, but I also want to be a psychologist. Everything is so confusing and I have to start looking into colleges because I don't think I'm going to get into the one I want. Because I suck at school and yeah.

I hate growing up.

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