Part 24-Chance. Unfound

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This is he end of the first book.
More info at bottom.
Darius p.o.v
I can't believe the girl I love is having a baby with my older brother.
I'm happy for them. But why did he get her pregnant at the age of 15?
I could have made her live and travel before having kids. I could get to know her more. What she's afraid of or what she loves to do. What she...
Okay back to reality.
"What is the second one?" Y/n asked.
"A girl," Isaac said.
Y/n's pain turned to a smile in her face.
I smiled too. I love it when she's happy.
"You got your girl, Y/n," Cyrus said.
"I would be glad any other way," Y/n said.
"Y/n must get some rest now," Braydan said.
"Why? Maybe she wants us here," Lucas said.
"For her body to catch up, she will have to be phased. Y/n, do you want them here," Braydan said.
"No. But only because I want to be with my babies alone. I don't want human forms around. My mother insticts probably won't allow it. Expecially humans," Y/n said.
"What if we all phase outside?" Cyrus asked.
"Braydan?" Y/n asked.
"It's up to you."
Everyone looked at her in hope of a yes.
She smiled and nodded her head, "if I kill one of you. It's your own fault for trusting me."
"Yes!" I yelled.
"Wait what about us?" Alexis asked referring to her, Aiyanna, Chance, Anthony, and Zander.
"Don't worry you'll see the baby. After all you are the baby sitters when we go hunting and do our wolf things," Y/n said. They all smiled.
Anthony p.o.v
I'm so glad Y/n had kids. I m going to be a great uncle. I know they have like a million biological uncle's. But I'm going to be the human uncle that watches them when their parents aren't around.
Cyrus p.o.v
I'm so glad my babies are involved in my life now. I love Y/n so much. I'm so proud of her. Now I have 3 of her. I'll never get over any of it.
Chance p.o.v
Why do I love Y/n, when I know I can't have her? Why do I hate Cyrus for getting her pregnant? Why do I want to fuck her so badly? Why...
Y/n p.o.v
After I agreed to letting them be around the babies too, we all went outside. Cyrus carried my son, it feels weird to say my son, outside. Jake carried my daughter because I was weak.
"If something happens, take the babies please," I told Aiyanna and the rest who weren't werewolves.
"Don't worry. Nothing is going to happen," Anthony assured me.
"But if-"
"Don't worry. We will make sure everything is fine," he said.
"I'm going to stay unphased with Mason to make sure," Dawson said.
"Okay. Now everyone ready?" I asked.
"Yes," Braydan said.
Aiyanna and RJ made it said for the babies to be outside. They made sjr3 everything was secure before setting them down. I watched them do it and never took my eyes off.
Dawson and Mason and the rest who were human went inside to look through the window.
We all phased after I counted down from 3,2,1.
When I was a wolf, I admittedly went to my babies.
I smelled them and licked the girl. She giggled. It made me happy.
Cyrus came into my view, but respectful enough to stay away until I let him see his kids.
Remember I have wolf instincts right now.
Emmett and Joey came up behind me and went straight for my kids.
I growled and snapped at them. Emmett backed off. While Joey stood his ground.
Cyrus came next to my side and growled at Joey.
Joey looked at him and me and backed off.
Sorry Y/n. he apologized to me.
I turned back to my kids. While Cyrus was facing the rest of the pack.
I laid close enough to my kids to where it was like they were between my paws.
Cyrus came and sat next to me.
Then he laid down too. Everyone started settling down around us throughout the woods. I put my head on my paws.
I started talking to Cyrus:
Y/n-Do you except my old pack as yours? you want me too.
Y/n-Do I?
Cyrus-I kinda forgive them. But my first pack is my pack. Expecially since we have kids now.
Before I knew it I was sleeping.
Cyrus p.o.v
After she fell asleep, I watched the kids.
Slowly, everyone closed their eyes too.
I looked to the window and saw Dawson, Mason, and Chance looking out it.
One of the babies let out a little noise and Y/n jerked her head up.
She got up and checked on the babies.
She looked at me and said, im done sleeping. Want to go inside?
Isaac-Were going on a hunt. We'll see you at your place later.
Y/n-K. Bye.
Joey-Can I see the baby now?
Y/n- See them. They're sleeping. Bye now. Love you Bros.
Brothers'-Love you too!
Then her old pack went deeper into the woods. My pack unphased. Dawson and the rest came out of the house.
I picked up my daughter and Y/n picked up our son.
"What should we name them?" I asked her.
We were walking into the pack house now.
"I was thinking we carry the traditional 'us' or 'as'. What do you think?" She asked me.
"I like it," Marcus said excited.
"Me too. How about Sirius or Tidus or...What do you want?" I asked.
"I like Tigrus for the girl or even Cyra," she said carfuly sitting down, not to wake the baby.
"I like Tigrus. But let's think about the boy," I said.
"I already have it figured out. But it doesn't carry on the tradition," she said.
"What is it?" Lucas asked.
"Okay. His name will be CJ. Standing for 3 important guys in my lifetime," she said.
"That's so cute. So the C is for Cyrus right?" Aiyanna said.
"Yes. His name is CJ Marale Dobre-Mofid. The C and J is for Cyrus and Jake, while the traditional letter then J is after RJ. His middle name is after my besties, Aiyanna and Alexis, their middles names are Mary and Allen, so why not. What do you think Cyrus?" She asked excited.
She handed the boy to Alexis.
"I love the name. I couldn't have made it better," I said.
Y/n p.o.v
"I'm kinda mad about them being born," Alexis said.
"Why?" Cyrus said getting mad.
"We have to go to school now," Alexis responded.
"Actually no you don't, you are still pregnant," I said.
"Oh yeah," She said laughing.
"But the rest if us do," Lucas said.
"Actually..." Cyrus said.
"What?" Darius said.
"I got a offer from Dad's old friend to come work for him. I would be getting paid double of what I would be getting after going through school and getting the same job," Cyrus said.
The room got quite.
"Guys can you finish this later? I want to go home," I said
"Yes," Cyrus said.
He put the baby in the car seat that Emmett bought us. Alexis put the girl in the other car seat.
We all got into our cars. This time RJ, Jake, Chance, and Anthony rode with other people.
"Do you think my brothers are mad at me?" Cyrus said grabbing my hand.
"No. They are confused. They probably think your leaving the Dobre Brothers channel. Talk to them after we go home. They will understand," he kissed my hand.
"Ok," he said as we pulled up to the house.
His brothers went straight to the house and inside, not saying a word.
Cyrus and Jake helped me with the babies. RJ was walking right behind me when we walking up to the house. He told me to be careful because I was still sort of weak.
Cyrus and Jake were in front of me as we were walking up the steps to the front door. Jake unlocked the door and stepped in. Cyrus stepped in the door then it was my turn.
I tripped on the last step before the door and landed on my knees and hands. My wrist took most of the shock of the fall. My ankle hit the metal part of the doorframe.
RJ immediatly grabbed me from falling all the way down.
"My ankle and wrist hurt," I said.
Cyrus and Jake set the kids down and came over to me. They helped me sit on my butt so they could see my ankle and my wrist.
"Are you okay?" Cyrus asked bending down to look at my ankle.
"Does she look okay?" Chance said in a snarky way. He was standing behind me.
Cyrus said, "I wasn't asking you."
"She fell after she gave birth to your kids after your dumbass knocked her up," Chance said.
Cyrus stood up and looked at Chance. "Don't start with me right now," Cyrus warned.
"Chance go play some fortnite," Y/n said.
Chance stormed off and went upstairs with Anthony.
Alexis came with Bandages and Cyrus wrapped my ankle.
"Can you take me to bed?" I asked Cyrus.
"Jake please take the kids for me," Cyrus said.
Cyrus carried me up stairs. While Jake carried the babies in their carriers.
Cyrus carried me to our room and left me to change into night clothes. While he put the babies to bed.
Cyrus turned the light off in the babies room and knocked on my bedroom door.
"Cyrus, you can come in. I'm only getting dressed. It's not like you haven't seen me with no clothes on," I said the last part laughing a little.
He came in.
"I know. But I thought I would give you some privacy after everything today," he said.
"Aww," I said.
He smiled and helped me into bed. He changed into shorts and was shirtless. He turned the lights off and crawled into bed with me.
He wrapped his arm around my chest and put his head on my neck. I was on my side. With my arm on the side of his head playing with his hair.
We fell asleep that way.
Darius p.o.v
"Darius calm down. We will talk to him in the morning. For now just go to sleep," Lucas said before he left my room.
I was laying on my bed. Looking up at the ceiling.
I was mad for different reasons.
One, Cyrus got her pregnant. But I'm realizing I'm never going to have her.
Second, Cyrus is leaving the Dobre Brothers. How could he leave. All we worked for, leads to YouTube and the Dobrearmy. We have put money into that career. Now he's just going to throw it all away.
Third, he didn't even bother tell us. We only found out through school plans.
Forth, maybe I'm wrong.
Chance p.o.v
If Cyrus thinks this is over he is wrong.
I will get her. I will protect her.
This will be over in the morning.
Next morning  Chance p.o.v
I got dressed and walked to y/n room but hid in the stairs because Cyrus walked into the babies room.
After he was out of sight. I ran past the  baby room and into y/n's room.
I shut and locked the door.
"Chance, what are you doing?" Y/n said.
"Shhh," I laid on the bed next to her.
"What happened? Why is the door locked?" Cyrus said from the other side of the door.
"Tell him your getting dressed," I whispered to her.
She thought a minute and yelled, "Don't worry. I'm getting dressed, honey!"
Everything was quiet after.
"Chance get out!" Cyrus yelled.
"How you know it's me?" I asked.
"I read Y/n's mind. Werwolves can read each other thoughts," Cyrus said from the hallway. He was banging on the door trying to break it.
Chance turned his attention back to me.
"Y/n, I'm only trying to protect you. Not frok Cyrus but the trouble that follows him. His enemies. And yours," Chance said.
"I understand Chance-" he interrupted me.
"Not to sound weird but I love you," he said holding my hand.
Time for my acting skills.
"I love you too"
Cyrus stopped banging on the door and Jake took his place.
"Chance please open the door," Jake said.
Chance ignored him.
"So you want to pledge that love here or somewhere else, baby?" Chance asked.
"Here," I said
☢☢ Warning ☢☢
He pushed me down on the bed.
He started kissing me softly. Kissing my neck leaving hickeys.
I kissed his neck and he moaned softly.
He took his shirt off and pulled at mine.
I ignored it and kept kissing him.
Our lips connection again and his eyes closed.
I looked out the corner of my eye and saw the window.
Cyrus was trying to break the window. It would not break. So he finally just ran threw the window.
It was like slow motion.
Cyrus hit the floor with shattered glass flying all around him.
When Chance heard the noise he looked up.
Cyrus ran towards him and had him against the wall.
I tried to get up but my anlke wouldn't let me.
Something started to rattle on my nightstand by my bed.
I looked and it was my dagger.
I went to grab it but it flew out my hand and landed in Cyrus's hand.
My hand was stinging so I looked down.
There was blood from my hand down my wrist and down my arm.
The blade cut the palm of my hand when he took it.
Cyrus punched Chance. Chance was now fighting over the dagger that Cyrus had.
"Darius! Lucas, Marcus!" I yelled as loud as I could.
Darius p.o.v
We heard Y/n yell for us and we figured that she wanted us to talk to Cyrus.
We we're walking to her room. Jake and Anthony were outside of her door. Banging loudly and yelling.
"What's wrong?" Marcus asked.
"Chance locked himself in her room with her. Now Cyrus is in there too and has her dagger!" Jake said pulling on the door handle.
It took us a second to realize the problem.
We all started banging on the door. Then we broke the door down.
Y/n was on floor covered in her own blood. Cyrus and Chance struggling against the wall.
Lucas and Marcus helped me pry Cyrus and Chance away from each other.
I grabbed the dagger that was in Cyrus's hand.
Chance got away from the twins and ran to Anthony.
Jake went to Y/n to help her stand.
RJ ran into the room trying to figure out what happened from Anthony and the twins. Earlier RJ went out with Zander, Alexis, Aiyanna, and Dawson.
"Cyrus stop struggling. It's over," I said holding Cyrus down by his shoulders.
He stopped. I guess he just gave up. Cyrus is stronger than me, but also sensible.
I let him go because I knew he was finally done fighting and arguing.
He got up and looked at Chance, thought about it, then looked at Y/n. His eyes turned yellow.
Y/n out her left arm where the blood was coming from, in her right arm. So we wouldn't see it.
Cyrus could smell blood coming from her though. He bent to the ground and had tears in his eyes. Then he put his face in his hands.
Y/n stood there. Everyone was still and queit. What would happen next. No one knew. Not even me. Y/n was blocking me from her's and RJ's mind. RJ was going to to do something and she knew it.
Cyrus got back up and went to y/n, "I didn't mean to hurt you. I know what RJ's gonna do. I respect your choice. It's to much for you. Just take the kids with you. I'm sorry I hurt you."
Now she blocked me from Cyrus's mind.
"I'm not hurt," she said.
"I smell the blood," Cyrus said.
He grabbed her wrist and turned her palm up.
RJ stepped in front of her.
Cyrus backed off and left the room.
"What is happening?" Marcus asked.
"We are leaving-" RJ started.
"Where are we going?" Alexis asked. Her and Zander, Aiyanna and Alexis walked into the room.
"You are not. Y/n and I are moving. To somewhere you won't find us. To her favorite college. Where she will go when she over with school. It's to much stress and drama. I'm sorry..." RJ said.
He didn't have to say much more. I already read everything and told the rest.
Y/n hugged us, "I love you guys. We can FaceTime each other if you want to. I gonna go talk to Cyu."
Cyrus p.o.v
I was in the kitchen looking out the window.
The sky was bright blue. Everything was happy. But me.
I understand why RJ wants her to leave.
He thinks it is best. He has never liked me either.
I felt arms around me.
I looked down to see one arm that was my sweet Y/n's. Then a bloody one I didn't even recognize.
"This is why your leaving," I mumbled to myself.
"What was that?" She asked. Letting go of me.
"Nothing," I said. But she knew I was lying.
"I love you, Cyrus. Don't worry we will find each other if we are meant to be. But I just think you need less stress and drama. You need to may attention to your YouTube career. You will find another girl who will love you. You'll marry her and live the right life," she said coming in front of me.
I was shocked at what she said.
"Y/n, I will never find someone better than you. I love you. I live for you. After you finish school. We can be together. You need to have a better life. We both agree that you should leave. I only agree because you need to finish school, get a job, and get good money. For your kids. After you have completed dreams and life goals we can be together. But I got you pregnant at 15. You still  have 3 years until you can get married to your dream guy. I love you," I said.
I couldn't believe what I was saying. But I meant every word of it.
"Why did you say my kids? It's our kids and always will be. But since you don't want them then I have to back their bags," she said. She was about to walk upstairs to the baby's room.
"I already did. It's in your car," I said.
"Damn you really don't want them," she said turning around.
"No. I do. I just think they will be better off not knowing me. It will also be better for you. I will just tell my fans that I was pranking them," I said. Looking out the window again.
I was watching this crow eat corn that Dawson put out for the deer.
"I'm gonna pack my bags," she said. She didn't let me answer. Just went upstairs.
Then she immediately came back down with RJ. Then they out their things in their cars.
"Jake will you drive my car to the airport?" Y/n yelled up the stairs.
Jake slowly came down, "Yes. I need to say goodbye at the airport. Is it okay if I vlog it?"
"I don't care," she said.
She came into the kitchen and grabbed her things she had in the kitchen. Like her phone charger and car keys.
It looked like I was looking out the window. But I was really watching her walk back and forth in her reflection on the glass.
"Ready? Have you said goodbye to everyone?" RJ asked.
"Yes," she answered.
Everyone came downstairs and so goodbye again.
"I love you," she said to me before she wakes out.
They walked out, and were gone.

They were just people.
Not normal, but who was.
Living and trying to survive in the world.
Having dreams.
Wanting to be loved.
Having Goals.
Wanting to complete themselves.
Having loved their lives.
Wondering, will I complete them.
Sorry how the book ended.
I've always wanted to write a book called Untold. I thought it was a great name and title. But be sure to check out the second book.
I'm finally done with the first book and working on the second.
It will be called Unfound. It will continue this book. I just kinda ran our of ideas for the fiest book. I'm also working on different books. Called Princess Dobre, Secrets, and another.
I'm glad you read this book. It makes me happy to see reads.

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