Part 20-I'm Queen Now

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"Wait, I'm Queen? Why are you now just telling me?" I said shocked. I gripped Cyrus's hand tighter and he put his other hand on top of ours.
"I didn't tell you because if any other creature knows you'll be killed just like out parents. I can't see you....You know," Braydan said.
"But I have to rule now," I said.
"I don't want to rule either. I don't want to make decisions I'll regret. That is why we're not going to rule until we're ready," He said.
"Okay,"I said," but wait does that mean I have control over the pack?"
"Yes, you have control over the whole pack. You have control over anyone who has streaks," he said.
"How does it work? Mum and Dad never told me," I said.
"Well, it's kind of complicated. See if they know your the queen they will want to listen to you, most of the time. You can learn to control them when they don't listen, but it will take practice. I have learned to control it a little bit," Braydan explained.
"Wait you know how to control it? Prove it. Control Cyrus," I said.
"What. No, baby, you know he doesn't like me," Cyrus said to me.
"Please, baby," I begged him.
"Fine," he said looking into my eyes.
"Yay," I said happy.
"But first do they even have streaks?" Braydan said.
I never thought to ask them.
"Yes,we had to pledge when they gave us that job," Lucas said.
"Okay. Cyrus, let go of Y/n's hand and don't touch her," Braydan said.
"Why should I?" Cyrus said not letting go.
"Because I can't control you when you are touching her, because of her power," Braydan explained more.
Cyrus slowly let go off me and stepped away.
Immediatly the pack pushed Alexis, Aiyanna, Dawson, Zander,and Jake, Darius, Lucas, Cyrus, Marcus and I to the walls so we couldn't move.
I was between Marcus and Alexis.
Cyrus and the others were across the room.
Braydan was in the middle of the room facing Cyrus.
"Y/n, I'm sorry. But he can't be apart of your world. He took you away from our family. I can never forgive him," Braydan said.
"What?! BRAYDAN?" I yelled.
Braydan commanded to Cyrus, "Cyrus, go back to Michigan and never come back. Never talk or see y/n again."
They let go of Cyrus and he started to walk out without a word. I could see the pain in is face. His eyes were yellow with sadness.
"No!" I yelled. "Cyrus, stop!"
Cyrus stopped in his tracks and didn't move. I could see blood running down his back. He looked at me, his eyes were back to normal, and reached for my hand. I could almost reach him.
"Don't listen to her, keep going," Braydan commanded.
Cyrus started to walk again and his eyes turned yellow again.
"Stop!" I yelled.
He kept walking.
"Braydan, why are you doing this. Why must you ruin my life?" I yelled.
"I'm protecting you," Braydan calmly said.
Braydan said, "HE WAS THE ONE WHO CAUSED THAT!! I'm really sorry. But this is the only way to protect you. I hope you understand and will forgive me."
Y/n, don't let Cyrus go. Darius told me so Braydan couldn't hear us.
But how? Braydan won't stop it and I can't control it. I said back.
But you can control your powers. Use your shield on Cyrus. Darius said.
I can't. I don't know how. I said
Focus on your power. Focus on saving Cyrus. Please, try. He's my brother. I know you can do it. Darius begged.
Cyrus was walking down the stairs to the front door. I could hear that he was almost gone.
Okay, I'll try. I said
I focused on Cyrus and how I couldn't lose him. I closed my eyes. I reached out for Cyrus with my power.
Cyrus p.o.v
I let go of y/n's hand.
I have a feeling that Braydan's gonna try something, but I trust y/n.
I stepped away from her. I see everyone rush towards us. I tried to grab y/n's hand but I was pushed against the wall by her brothers.
When they shoved me against the wall I hit a picture frame and the glass went into my back.
Y/n was across the room from me while I was between Lucas and Darius.
Braydan was talking to y/n, but facing me, "Y/n, I'm sorry. But he can't be apart of your world. He took you away from your family. I can never forgive him."
Braydan commanded to me, "Cyrus, go back to Michigan and never come back. Never talk or see y/n again."
Something went off in my brain and the pack let go of me. My streaks started to burn because I was refusing to follow his orders. My feet started to walk towards the door and I couldn't stop them.
Y/n yelled for me to stop and my feet stopped. I turned to look at her, I reached for her hand but Braydan commanded me again. Only if I could hold her hand I could be safe.
I started to walk again.
Y/n yelled for me to stop again but my streaks burned every time I wanted to listen to her.
Now I walked out the bedroom to the stairs.
Y/n was yelling at Braydan in Dutch, so I didn't understand it.
Now I can't hear anything.
I was about to reach for the door handle but some wave came over me.
It was Y/n's shield. She learned to control it.
I was now free of Braydan's commands.
I sat on the stairs thinking of what just happened. Braydan tried to take me away from my girlfriend and kid.
I was so mad at him. He tried to kill me already.
I saw my reflection in the window of the door. My eyes were red. And there was blood on my back.
I ran upstairs and saw Braydan. He was talking to y/n. No one but Darius and Lucas noticed me. Marcus had tears in his eyes because he thought I was gone. His eyes were yellow along with my pack.
I was in the door way. I was listening to y/n's heartbeat to calm myself down. But I saw something shine in the corner of my eye. It was a dagger. It is y/n's. She must have dropped it when she was pushed. Pushed by Braydan's pack. Hey pushed my girlfriend,my pregnant girlfriend.
I looked at the dagger then at Braydan.
"Cyrus, don't do it," Darius said.
Everyone turned to look at me.
"Cyrus?" Y/n said. It was like she didn't believe I was there.
"I would never leave you y/n. Besides you saved me," She smiled.
I looked at the blade again. I used my powers and brought it to my hand. I looked at it for a minute in my hand.
I looked back up at Braydan and ran towards him.
Everyone in his pack let go of my pack. They tried to catch me but my my pack held them back. I shoved Braydan to the wall and put the balde above his head. But for some reason I couldn't do it.
"I know you were just protecting your sister. But I love her and always will protect her. I will forgive you. But don't take her way again. I know how you feel now about her being taken away. Please forgive me for doing that. I was just trying to make her better," I said to Braydan.
"Cyrus," Y/n said. She was standing behind me watching.
I let go if Braydan and turned to Y/n. She hugged me. I put my head on her shoulder and my arms around her waist. I heard the blade drop and hit the floor.
"Let's go home," Y/n said.
"My brothers and I are going to go home and shoot a video while the rest of you catch you with them," I said.
"Ok, but I'll see you in an hour," she said.
"I love you," I said kissing her head.
"Love you too," she said.
"Wait, Cyrus," Braydan said walking up to me, "Now I know you were protecting her and making her better when I couldn't. I thank you for forgiving me. I'm really sorry for what I did. And I forgive you. I promise never to try to get rid of you ever again. I'm glad your her boyfriend and her baby's father."
I shook his hand and said, "You are a great brother, Braydan."
Y/n p.o.v
After the Dobre Brothers left, we talked awhile with the pack. We all caught up and explained things that happened. Jake talked to my brother and cleared things with him.
After about an hour or two, we decided to go home.
"You guys can drive right?" Jake asked.
We were in the driveway about to get into the car.
"Yeah why?" Aiyanna said.
"I'm going through the woods. I haven't phased for about 3 months and it's killing me," Jake explained to her.
"We're coming too. We haven't phased since back in Michigan," Dawson said.
"We'll meet you guys back at the mansion," I said.
"Okay, but I'm driving though. You guys are to tired," Zander said.
"Bye guys," I said.
"Bye," They said in sync and got into the car.
We walked to the woods and I remembered something. I forgot my dagger.
"Wait guys, I forgot my dagger," I said.
The sighed and I ran in the house to get it. I ran upstairs and opened his bedroom door. But I didn't expect this.
"I haven't been gone for 10 minutes and your already having sex with a girl on my bed," I said.
They both jumped because they didn't see me come in.
"Sorry, y/n," Braydan said.
I grabbed my dagger and ran back downstairs. Jake and Dawson were right by the woods.
"Ready?" Jake asked.
I nodded my head, yes.
"What's wrong?" Dawson asked.
"I just didn't need to see that. I'm not explaining, just read my thoughts," I said walking straight past them.
"God damnit, Braydan. Okay. Let's phase," Dawson said.
We ran into the woods a little farther and phased. We trotted through the woods because we had a lot of miles to run. Jake in his Brown with white stripped pelt. Dawson in his. And me in my white brown stripped fur.
Man it feels good to be wolf again-Jake
Wait, does anyone smell a squirrel?-Jake
Hold on...This squirrel?-Dawson
Yeah, how did you catch it so fast?-Jake
Skill...want some?-Dawson
Hell yeah-Jake
They ate the squirrel.
What's wrong y/n? You haven't been talking-Jake
I feel like something is watching us-Y/n
I bet its just a deer or bobcat-Dawson
Yeah, your probably right-Y/n
Want to race that creek over there?-Jake
But it won't be a race-Dawson
Because I'm already half way there-Dawson
No fair-Jake
Stop talking and run-Y/n
I win-Y/n
Wow, your fast for pregnant-Dawson
Actually, pregnant wolves have better senses and agility-Y/n
I bent down to get a drink when a twig snapped.
Next thing I know I'm tackled to the ground and in pain.
Y/n!-Jake said.
Wtf is going on?-Dawson
I look up and there are ropes all over me. I couldn't get up.
Hunters!-Jake and Dawson
Look out!-Dawson
I couldn't see them only hear their thoughts. Oh god Cyrus please help.
I saw men come to me and poke me with their guns to see if I was alive. I tried to bite them but the ropes held me down.
Cyrus p.o.v
I was in the middle of shooting a video with my brothers and Lucas got a vision. His face was blank but he couldn't talk in the middle of the vision. Darius read his mind and saw what he was seeing. Darius couldn't talk because he as watching the vision too.
Then I got a telepathical message from y/n.
Oh God, Cyrus, please help.
The vision was over now.
"Why does she need help?!" I asked/yelled.
"Werewolf hunters are attacking Jake, Dawson, and Y/n. We have to go now," Lucas said.
We all ran out the door and phased. We ran until we finally saw them.
Y/n was on the ground, on her side, with ropes and chains over her. Some hunters were over her and examining her. While others were by Jake who was tied with his back against a tree. The remaining hunters were trying to tie down Dawson but he kept getting halfway up.
Lucas growled and they saw us.
Stay together-Marcus
The hunters ran at us with knives and guns. We all stayed together fighting.
We eventually got half of them dead. But we couldn't get the toughest ones. There were still some by Dawson, Y/n, and Jake.
Guys, I'mma go get Dawson-Cyrus
Why not Y/n?-Marcus
I don't want her getting hurt-Cyrus
I ran and attacked the ones that were around Dawson. I but the ropes that were holding him down and loved the chains with my powers.
He jumped up and immediately started to fight.
I went to untie Jkae but he said,
Don't I can't walk, they broke my leg-Jake said
I got back into the fight with my brothers. Dawson is more of a lone fighter.
It wasn't that but of a fight so I won't go into detail most of it was blurry anyways.
The fight is now over.
Everyone alright?-Dawson
I went to Y/n and Dawson helped Jake get up.
Y/n, are you okay?-Cyrus
Just help me up please. These chains are hurting-Y/n
I got the chains and ropes of her. She jumped up and winced.
What's wrong?-Cyrus
Nothing. Let's just go home, I need to eat then sleep-Y/n
Fine. But tell me if you need a brake-Cyrus
Okay. Love you baby.-Y/n
Thanks for saving us guys-Jake
We were walking back to the mansion. I was walking with Dawson in the front. The twins were walking with Jake and helping him walk. Darius and Y/n were walking somewhere behind me.
Guys, we need to obstablish an Alpha-Cyrus
There was an explode of whines behind me.
Darius p.o.v
I was walking behind everyone with y/n. She was leaning on me and limping. It wasn't because of her legs, but her stomach.
Cyrus and Dawson were discussing about an Alpha. We entered a clearing. When she stopped and lifted her front leg to her stomach and whined.
Her legs folded under her and she was now laying on the ground.
She unphased and held her stomach with her hands.
Cyrus ran up to her followed by Dawson. Jake and the twins came up too.
But then something was running in the woods, towards us.
Alexis p.o.v
When we got to the mansion we expected every one to be home too. But only Chance and Anthony were there.
Zander went upstairs.
"Where is every one else?" Aiyanna asked looking around.
"The Dobre Brothers were here. But they just kinda ran out in the middle of a video," Chance said pointed to their camera set up.
"They probably just went for a run," Anthony said.
"Yeah or went to shoot a video," Aiyanna said.
But we both knew something was up.
We walked upstairs and found Zander.
"Zander, we need to go back to Josie's, Dobre Brothers ran out in the middle of video and no one has came back yet. Something is wrong," Aiyanna said.
"I'm sure they are fine. But let's go anyways," Zander said.
We walked downstairs.
"Where you guys going now?" Anthony asked.
"I forgot my hat at Y/n's brother's house," Zander said. Before they could reply, we got into the car.
We got there, knocked on the door, and it was answered by Mason and Vincent.
"Hey, guys. What you doing back here?" He asked.
"Are they here?" Aiyanna wasn't clear on who they  was. But he understood.
"No. Is something wrong?" Vincent asked.
"Maybe," I said.
We came into the house and Mason called everyone to the bottom of the stairs.
"Has anyone seen them?" Zander asked.
"No," mostly every one said.
"Actually, I saw Y/n right before they went into the woods. She came into our bedroom," Braydan said.
"Can't you guys read each other's thoughts?" I asked.
"Since she left we have not had a good connection," Joey said.
"We have to find them," Emmett said.
"Let's go," Isaac said.
"What about us?" Aiyanna asked.
" guys can ride on our backs I guess," Josie said.
"K," Aiyanna answered.
We all went outside.
"Wait for us to motion for you, before you get on," Nathan said to us.
"Okay. Now hurry," I said.
They all phased. Aiyanna rode Josie because Zander rode on Edward. I rode on Nathan because Nathan runs by Edward and Josie in the pack.
They were running. To me it was interesting how the pack ran in formation. Everyone had their one place...Okay back to being worried.
They were running and jumping over fallen trees.
They started to slow down and I knew we were close. They stopped and we got off. They smelled the ground where there was footprints. But they weren't people we knew. The followed them. Then we came across people. Dead people.
"OMG!" Aiyanna said into Zander's chest.
"They were killed, by werewolves. By Dawson and the rest. Look they went that way," Josie said. She had phased when I had my attention on Aiyanna.
She phased and we got back on them.
They trotted and followed the tracks. We hadn't gone very far when they changed direction and ran faster. Then they stopped. We got off and they ran I into a clearing.
We followed behind.
Y/n p.o.v
My stomach hurt so bad. I was on the ground because it hurt so bad.
Cyrus was over top of me after he unphased. He picked my head up and put it on his lap.
"Baby, what's wrong?" He asked stroking my hair. He was so worried his eyes were yellow.
There was a sound of running coming towards us. Darius was still phased and he turned in the direction of were it wad coming from. Cyrus's head shot up.
Please no. No more hunters. Please. Not now.
I closed my eyes waiting for the feel of rough hands on me and to feel Cyrus being pulled away.

Untold (With The Dobre Brothers)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz