Part 15-Jake is alive?!?

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Cyrus p.o.v
"Jake Paul" Y/n said.
"Jake Paul?" I said trying to believe it. I know him and he is a YouTuber how does she not know this.
"Yeah. I really miss him. He was my best friend." She said
"I can't imagine losing you y/n. It must be really hard for you." Alexis said first part and Aiyanna said the last part.
They went and gave her a hug.
"I'm sorry, but I'm going to my room,"Y/n said and she got up and went to her room. When she was gone Alexis and Aiyanna went home. They would be staying away since Darius was on the loose. I walked to Y/n's room and heard her talking.
"...You need to come back to me. I'm sorry for not being there and I just need you. You are my best friend. I know you can't here this but I just wanted to end the call with I love you and miss you." I heard her say. Then she ended the call. She laid back on her bed and sat up starting at the wall. I know all this by hearing her thoughts.
"Y/n?"I asked pushing the door open.
"Yeah?" She asked wiping away her tears
"I need to tell you something," I said sitting next to her, "actually show you something," I said.
"Oh ok," she sat sitting up.
I pulled my phone out if my pocket and pulled up the music video It's Everyday Bro by Jake Paul. I played it and tears were running down her face.
"What?! No, how did you do that he is dead. My brothers went to his funeral." She got up and paced back and forth. "He is dead. No! This can't be true! Can it?! No!!" She yelled. She sat back down and calmed down. "Is there more videos?"she asked.
"Yes." I handed her the phone and she watched 231 of the videos. 3 hours later she was in tears and she was cuddling me.
"How could he be alive? He was dead. Why didn't he come to me?" She said sitting up from cuddling me.
"Maybe he doesn't know where you're at or your brothers have something to do with him fake dieing." I said. She shrugged and laid back down.
We turned on Netflix to get it off her mind. We fell asleep.
Next morning, Y/n p.o.v
I woke up with Cyrus's arms around my waist.
I got up because I'm hungry. When I was walking I couldn't hear anything because all I think was about how Jake is alive and is a YouTuber. I have so many mixed feelings right now.
I walked to the big window in the living room. Our apartment was about 24 floors up so we had a good view of the sunrise. I watched the sun rise and walked away.
I walked to the kitchen and got some food. I sat at the counter and ate my food. While I was eating In looked at my phone and saw Darius posted something. I looked at it and immediately turned my phone off. I cleaned my plate and walked to my room.
I walked past the big window again but I felt like something wasn't right. So I stopped infront of he big window. Something crashed through it and hit me.
When I hit the floor my head hit the floor. I got up and my head hurt a lot. I felt the back of my head and looked at my hand. There was blood.
I looked to see what hit me.
Darius's eyes starred right back at me. But it wasn't the Darius I know. It was the one that girl created.
I could see hesitation and regret in his eyes. His eyes were yellow.
He stood there for a minute while his body jerked as if he was fighting it.
He phased and pushed me into the cupboards. He bit my arm and wouldn't let go. He didn't cause any damage all he did was hold me down.
Cyrus p.o.v
I woke up but y/no was gone.
I got onto my phone and looked on Instagram. I heard a scream. So I turned the TV off because there was a horror movie on.
I went back on my phone and saw Darius last post. It was him kissing a girl. The caption was Finally with my dream girl❤
I heard another scream but this time it wasn't the TV.
I ran to where the scream came from. The bug window was broken and had blood all over the broken glass. There was blood on the floor with pawprints in them.
"Cyrus!" Y/n yelled.
I ran to the kitchen and I saw y/n on the floor against the cupboards. Darius was phased and had her arm in her mouth. She was kicking him but it was like he didn't feel pain. There was blood all around them.
I ran to them and wrapped arms around Darius. I put my hand in his mouth and got her arm free. I pinned against the floor and he unphased. I shifted to where I had his arms in my hands. Y/n got off the floor and came over. She grabbed his wrist and pulled the bracelet off.
He stopped struggling and I let him up. When he stood up he almost fell over but I caught him. I helped him to the couch and set him down.
"I-I'm s-sorry guys," he said when he caught his breath.
"It's okay. Just get some rest. Talk later."I said and took y/n to her room and into her bathroom.
I grabbed the first aid and fixed the cut on her head.
"Thank you," she said looking up after I was down cleaning the cut.
"No problem y/n." I said back. We walked back out the bathroom and I laid her down on her bed.
"You need to get some rest too," I said as I pulled the covers over her body.
"Okay," she said and she closed her eyes.
I walked to the living room and saw Darius sleeping.
I walked to my room and texted Jake.
A few minutes later he responded.
Jake-hey. Sorry I was filming.
Me-no it's okay I get it. But I know someone who really wants to see you.
Jake-really who?
Me-youll have to wait and see.
Jake-ugh come on man.
Me-sorry. But you will be surprised when you see her
Jake-Oh, now I can't wait. Is she hot?
Jake- Oh and why did you guys move? The twins told me.
Me-Because my friend needed to heal without stress of LA and fans everywhere. Yeah she is really hot🔥.
Jake-oh ok. The twins have been around lately asking if I've heard from you. Why didn't you tell them where you were going?
Me-Because it was originally going to be only me, my friend and her friend leaving. But Darius found out. And if all of us disappeared then are fans would go crazy.
Jake-ok. When can I meet her?
Me-you should come here if the twins have been around.
Jake-oh no. They went on tour for a week so they have not been here for couple days.
Me-ok I'll see what she says
Jake-k text me after she answers.
Me-got it
I got up and decided to go to Starbucks and tell Aiyanna and Alexis that Darius is fine now. I changed my clothes and grabbed my keys. I checked on Darius and Y/n. They were both sleeping. I left a note for them and walked out the door.
I went to the parking garage and got in my car. I drove to Starbucks and got my favorite drink. While I nsat down and drank my Starbucks, I texted Aiyanna and Alexis and told them that Darius is fine know. They both said they would be coming over later to see Y/n.
I left and got back into my car. I got a text from y/n when there was a tap on my window. I looked at the window and saw a girl standing there.
I rolled my window down and she said, "Hey, I'm Autumn and I really love your car."
"Hello," I said
"Want to come in and have a coffee with me?" She asked. She was really nice and I knew her and y/m would get along great so yeah why not.
"Ugh, y-," I stopped because I got a phone call from Darius, "hold on I have to take this.
Phone call
Y/n-Cyrus listen to me you ha-
Me-y/n? Why are you in Darius's phone. Why didn't you just call me?
Y/n-That is what I'm trying to tell you.
Y/n-get away from there!
Me-what why? I'm just talking with someone.
Y/n-stay away from Autumn!
Me-how do you know her name? Are you following me?
Y/n-NO! Ugh! Just listen to your brother
Darius-Cyrus listen get away from there now! It's not safe!
Me-why? She is so nice though.
Darius-trust me this time. I'll explain the rest when you get away.
Me-how did you know she was here anyway?
Darius-I can read minds and thoughts. Do not trust her she can cast spells and sway moods. So be careful.
Me-okay. What do I say to her?
Darius-Y/n said to just say you have to go to the store.
Darius-k. bye love you bro. Now hurry and get home.
Me-bye. Love you too.
End of conversation
"Who was that?" Autumn said all polite like.
"My stupid roommate he wants me to go to the store to get him some things for his slutty girlfriend," I lied.
She stepped closer to me putting her breasts on my chest.
"Yoy know you can leave that roommate and come live with me. Then I can treat you how a real girl should," her eyes were so magical and so calming. She grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to her car.
Darius told me. I didn't really hear it.
She was pulling me to her car which was across the lot as I thought to myself...
<I can't believe I found the girl of my dreams. She makes me so calm, safe and happy. I would do anything for her.>
Cyrus, she is tricking you! Snap out of it! CYRUS!
<No! Snap out of it Cy! She is playing with your mind.
But, Autumn loves me and she will treat me t-
NO!!! She doesn't love me, she does not even like me. She's just trying to trick.
The love of my life is Y/n. Not this girl. My life is with Y/n.> I came back to reality.
We almost to my car and she had her fingers intertwined with mine.
I jerked my hand back and stopped walking.
She whirled around and sweetly asked, "What's wrong?"
"I have to go but here is my number so call me later. I would get yours but I only have my vlog camera and my old phone," I said. She took the paper with my fake number on it and put it in her phone case. I started walking away but she pulled me closento her body. Where we were touching. She calmed me. But it was fake. I pulled away and said, "Sorry I gotta go." I got back into my car and drive home.
When I got out of the car, I walked up to our apartment.
K opened the door and Y/n and Darius ran from the kitchen to me. Y/n jumped on me and kissed my cheek.
"Thank God your okay. We were worried sick. Do you know what she could have done? Now let's me tell you who she really is," Y/n said into my ear.
I gave Y/n a piggy back and she jumped off my back when we got into the living room. Y/n started to explain to me who Autumn was.
"I called Dawson in jail and found out who this Autumn really is and why she is here. It all started back when I lived with my whole family. Autumn's true mate tried to kill me because I am the last of my kind in female form. He wanted to rule but as long as I'm alive he can't because once the family has no more kids then he can have the chance to become ruler. When he was trying to kill me, he snuck into my room while I was sleeping. My brothers caught him before he could touch me. I never woke up because I was injured because I got hit by a car that day so I was really tired. They killed him and when Autumn found out she was pissed. She wants revenge on me. She wants me to suffer. She wants to take control of you to end me. She is after you two because she thinks I'm in love with you guys." Y/n explained it stopped to think.
"Well are you?" Darius asked.
"Do you guys want to get back together?" I asked, hoping not, but I also want the best for Dari.
Y/n was thinking while looking out the window.
"I don't want to be in a relationship right now because I don't want you guys to get hurt," After Y/n said that she immediately got up and walked out the apartment door.
I knew where she was going so I said, "I'll go talk to her."
"Ok. Don't push her to do anything though," Darius said back.
"Ik. I would never push her to do anything," I replied and walked out the door. I went to the roof. Which was her safe place since Autumn knew about her rock in the woods.
I opened the door to the roof and looked around. She was standing in the edge of the building to where if she moved 2 inches she would fall off the buidling.
I started to walk up behind her and kind of shuffled my feet so I wouldn't scare her.
I knew she knew I was there so she sat down on the edge and in sat next to her with our feet dangling off the edge I f the building.
We sat there staring at the city down below when I asked, "Can you please tell me what you are thinking?"
"I don't really know. I don't want to hurt you guys. If only I knew where she was. If only my brothers where here. They would know how to find her. I just want this mess to end. But I know I have to choose someone." She said looking at the ground below us.
"Why?" I asked.
"Because I am the last female wolf so if I don't have a were wolf kid then Autumn gets to rule and win." She replied.
"Well how about we move back to LA. We can move in with Darius and I's old friend. I asked him and he said it was okay. Don't worry he is a were wolf too." I said. She looked up at me worried so I said, "Your brothers live farther away from his house."
"Can I think about it?" She asked.
"Yes. I know you don't want to leave your friends but maybe they can come with us. I will ask him." She nodded her head. "Now let's get inside. It's getting cold." She gave me a weird look. "Ik we're werewolves and don't feel the cold but. Let's just go." I said. I opened the door from where I was standing using my ability to control metal. She came off the edge and we walked inside. When we came into the apartment she stopped behind me.
"What is wrong?" I asked turned around and looked at her.
"Nothing it fine," she walked over to the counter and sat down with her hands on the table.
"Please tell me," I begged
"I don't feel good again," she said.
"Again?" I was confused.
"Yeah I have been sick," she said lifting her head a little bit.
"Since?" I asked.
"When you and Dawson got into that fight," she said referring to when she found out I was a were wolf.
"What?! Y/n, you need to tell us this stuff," I said.
"I'm sor-" she ran to the bathroom.
I followed her in and asked if she was okay if I went to the store for a bit.
She said yeah and I told Darius to help her. I got into my car and went to the pharmacy.
Your p.o.v
I got sick again and this time Darius helped me. When I was done Darius and I sat on the couch together.
Cyrus came back from the store and called me back to the bathroom.
"What do you need?" I asked we walking into the bathroom.
"Test this," he handed me a pregnancy test.
I thought to myself Oh No
"It will be okay. Trust me on this."he said and walked out.
I tested...

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