Part 19-I Missed You

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"It's Everyday Bro with the Dobre bro's," Someone yelled. I looked to see them come running out of the masion.
When I saw who it was I broke down crying.
I know who it was.
Darius p.o.v
Jake had came running out of his mansion screaming, "It's Everyday Bro with the Dobre bro's!"
Y/n looked to see who it was and gasped.
She bent over to the ground but I couldn't see her face.
Jake didn't looks us but went straight to the twins. Jake had his back to us. But the wind blew y/n's beautiful scent right to him.
"I'm so glad to have you guys back. So your rooms ar..." He stopped and smelled the air again. His face was blank and he was thinking What the hell. There is no way.
He slowly turned around and saw her.
"Y/n?" He said with a shaky voice.
She nodded her head and stood up.
He ran to her and they hugged.
"I missed you," Jake said.
"I'm so sorry for what I did. Please forgive me. Don't leave me again please," she said all at once. She was hard core crying now.
"Y/n, y/n, it's not your fault. I left to protect you, not for what you did," Jake said wiping her tears away.
"I forgive you," she said hugging him.
Y/n looked away from eye contact so Jake grabbed her hand and kissed it.
Cyrus was getting jealous so I said, "Should we go in the house orrrr."
"Umm. Yeah let's go inside. Let me help you with your bag y/n," Jake said.
Jake grabbed her bags.
Cyrus growled and after everyone went inside I told him to chill out and that they haven't seen each other in years so just to let them be.
He didn't say anything back just followed eveyone into the house.
"Y/n, this is Chance and Anthony. They are the only other ones in the house," Jake said. Okay I know their are other people in the Team10 house. But I can't remember all the names all the time. So I'm just gonna have the 3 Ohio boys living there and occasionally Uncle Nathan.
The doorbell rang and Jake went to answer it.
Your p.o.v
Marcus said, "y/n, we're going to go take our stuff to our rooms. You want us to take yours?"
"Yes please," I handed my bags to Cyrus.
They walked upstairs and it was just Anthony, Chance, and I.
"It's nice to meet you guys," I said to them.
"It's great to meet you too. Jake told us alot about you and how you guys were best friends. And he's really sorry for leaving you when he did," Chance said.
"It's feels nice to hear that from someone else," I said.
Chance was just looking at me smiling.
I laughed and asked,"what?"
"Your just really beautiful. I think I like you. I'm sorry if it's wierd," Chance said.
My stomach growled and I said, "Man, I'm really hungry."
"We'll show you where the kitchen is," Anthony said.
We walked to the kitchen. I sat at the counter and Anthony went to the fridge to get me something. Chance came over and sat next to me.
"What do you want? Left over pizza?" Anthony asked me.
"That sounds great,"I said smiling.
Anthony handed me the pizza and I ate it.
Jake came into the room and said, "y/n, do you just want to kinda forget the whole me leaving you thing, for know?"
I just nodded my head because my mouth was full of pizza.
The boys came downstairs but Alexis and Aiyanna were no where to be seen.
"Hey guys," I said.
Chance  mamd Jake walked out of the kitchen.
"Shoot I forgot my phone," Darius said and walked upstairs.
Cyrus walked over to us and sat next me.
"Hey babe," he said kissing me.
"So are guys dating?" Anthony asked.
"Yeah. We are. " I said.
Cyrus started to eat the pizza I didn't finish.
Chance came back and sat next to me. HE put his hand next to my butt. Cyrus didn't notice so I left it there.
Chance's hands were under the table so no one could see them.
He put his hand on my thigh and kept it there. He didn't know I was dating Cyrus.
I looked at him and he smiled. I quickly looked away. Chance slid his hand up and touched my private.
I jumped and stood up. Everyone looked at me.
"Where is Darius?" I asked.
"Right here," he said quickly walking into the room, "y/n, want me to show you where your room is?"
"No, baby can show me," I said grabbing Cyrus's hand and pulling him up.
Chance didn't look surprised.
We walked to my room and it was amazing.
"The bed is big enough for both of us and look, enough space for the baby," Cyrus said.
"What about your room?" I asked.
"We can just use that for extra closet space or something," he said.
I heard Jake's voice and went downstairs to tell him about my love life if you know what I mean.
"Wait. So your pregnant?" Jake asked me.
We were in his room and it was just me and him.
"Yeah," I said holding my stomach.
I didn't think he would say anything because he just was sitting there for a second.
"Y/n, your only 15, how could you be pregnant?!" Jake stood up and yelled.
I stood up and said, "don't you think I know that! Do you think I wanted to have a baby?"
"You should have been more careful!" Jake yelled pacing back and forth in his room.
"I know! God! Why do you sound like my brothers. I don't even know what they will say," I yelled. I sat in the bed and out my head in my hands.
Jake stopped and said, "Y/n, I'm sorry,I-I didn't mean to yell. I'm was just worried that he will leave you with the baby."
I looked up at him and he hugged me.
We just stayed like that for a couple of minutes.
"I'm just really tired," Jake said.
"Me too," said I.
"Want to lay down for a minute?" He asked.
"Yeah," I said.
I knew he wouldn't try any funny business so I agreed.
We alid down we were around a foot apart but close enough to share body heat.
I couldn't sleep but he was already sleeping. I went to get up but my legs wouldn't move very good.
Darius? I said telepathically.
Y/n, are you okay? Darius asked.
Yeah, I'm fine. Can you come and help me? I said.
Yes, of course I'll be there in a minute. He said.
He came in a few minutes later and saw Jake.
He looked at me then him.
He saw how far apart we were and he read my mind. So he knew no funny business was going on behind his brother's back.
"What do you need help with?" He whispered.
"I can't really move my legs. I'm really tired and I didn't want to risk falling," I said trying to get up.
Without a word he picked me up and carried me out the room.
He carried me to my room and put me on the bed.
I was just going to sleep in the clothes I was wearing so he helped me under the covers.
He was about to walk out of the room and shut off the lights.
"Thank you," I said.
"No promblem," he said and walked out.
Cyrus came in an hour later and I was still awake. He changed into sweatpants and had no shirt on. He climbed into bed and laid next to me. Then he slid his arm around me and out his head on my neck.
"Night, Bae," I said.
"I thought you were sleeping," he said.
"No," I said closing my eyes.
"Well goodnight, princess," he said.
We cuddled and I actually fell asleep.
Next Morning
Today is the day I see my pack again.
I woke up to Cyrus gone. Alexis came in right after I woke up.
"How did you know I was awake?" I asked Alexis.
"Dawson told me," she said walking to my bed. She laid next to me on the bed and sat up, "I bought you some things. But before you ask. Yes, they are sexy. Yes, they are comfy. Yes, they show your baby bump.
"But Alexis-" I started.
"No buts, I know you don't like to show your baby bump. But you have to tell your brothers so I have a plan," she said
"Ughhh," I groaned.
I love it when she has plans(Note to sarcasm).
"Don't worry it's good this time," she said gently pushing me.
She continues, "Your going to wear one if the shirts I bought and wear a Dobre sweatshirt over it so you can't see the bump right away. When you tell them take off the sweatshirt and show them."
I thought for a moment. It was a pretty good idea.
"Fine. That is pretty good," I admitted.
"Yes! I'll go get a shirt for you," she said and ran out.
I got out of bed and she came back into the room.
She handed me the shirt and I loved it when it was off of me, I don't know about on.
I put it on and it was perfect. We didn't have to say anything so we walked donwnstairs.
Cyrus was downstairs in the living room with everyone else.
When he saw me he looked a little shocked, I mean I would be too, he came over to me.
"Are you sure your ready to show the baby to our fans?" He said resting his hand on my stomach.
"Yeah. Are you?" I asked. He nodded his head. I looked at everyone who was looking at me.
"You guys ready?" I asked them.
All the brothers said of course.
Then Jake yelled, "I would love to show that my best friend is having a baby!"
"I'm ready to go," I said.
"Okay, let's go to your pack," Lucas said getting up.
"Why are you coming?" Cyrus said a little mad.
"Come on, you and I both know he's not going to take it well. He already hates you for taking her. Now she's pregnant," Marcus said.
"Let's just all go okay," Darius pointed to Aiyanna and Alexis, "you need to see Josie," he then pointed to Dawson, " you need to see your Twin and pack," he pointed to Jake, "you need to make amends with them," he pointed to Cyrus, "you need to-"
Cyrus stopped him, "let's just go."
I grabbed a Dobre sweatshirt and headed out the door with the rest of them.
When we got to the house I was so nervous.
I told everyone but Jake to stay in the car.
I walked up to the door and knocked.
Emmett wasn't looking when he opened the door, but when he saw me he was shocked.
"OMG! Y/n!" He yelled.
Every one came running to the door.
They all hugged me and I fell with them.
Jake helped them off me. The they hugged him. There wasn't really any words spoken just tears and names.
I thought everyone was there until I noticed Braydan was gone.
"Where's Braydan?"I asked everyone. They all fell silent. Oh no.
"He's not doing good y/n. You really hurt him." Josie said.
"Okay, me and Jake are going up to his room. But first, Josie there is 2 presents my car for you. Mason, there is a present for you too. When your done just bring the rest in," I said pointing them in the direction of the car.
"Okay," they said in unison.
I walked up to Braydan's and I's room. I opened the door and saw silver everywhere around the room except my bed.
He was on his bed with a bandage on his arm.
"Braydan," I said standing in the doorway.
I expected him to jump up when he heard me, but he just sat there.
I walked up to his bed and siad his name again.
I shook him this time.
"Leave me alone," he said in a harsh tone.
How could he say that?
I was about to run out when I thought,
Maybe he doesn't k know it's me. I mean he can't read my thoughts.
I turned around facing him again and said, "Excuse me, that's not how you talk to your only sister."
He immediately jerked his head up and said, "What?!!"
"That's right. I'm back," I said.
He had tears in his eyes, "Why did you come back?"
"I said I was coming back, I just had some business to attend to. I thought you wanted to see me, but I guess not," I said turning around.
"No! Please stay!" He said standing up.
I Turned around and saw him crying. The sight if him crying made me cry. I ran to him. I put my arms around his waist and hugged him. He was much skinnier than I remember.
"I missed you so much, grote broer(big brother)," I said to him. Okay so it there is a word(s) in Dutch then the word in English will be at the very bottom or right after.
"Ive missed you too," he said hugging me tighter.
"I'm sorry we left. Can we just forget about that and move on?" I said.
He let go off me and had to sit down.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"Nothing. Just not feeling good today," he said swaying a little bit.
I grabbed his arm to catch him from falling.
"I'm okay. I'm okay," he said putting his hand on mine.
"No your not. I know I hurt you. But you didn't have to do that. You better get all this silver out of here now and don't you dare touch it with your skin," I said looking around the room.
"I know it will all be gone once you move back in," he said.
I stared at the floor thinking of how I was going to tell him.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"Braydan I have good and bad news," I looked up at him.
"Tell me," he said.
"I can't move back in because-" I started but he didn't let me finish.
"What?! Why not?!" He yelled. He stood up and stumbled.
I stopped him from falling all the way down.
"You didn't let me finish. Now sit down," I told him.
He sat down, which was weird because he is the Alpha.
"I can't move in because, don't get mad, I'm dating Cyrus, but also, I'm..." I paused.
"What? Getting married? Moving in with him? What? Tell me!" He said his eyes turning green, which only alphas can do to make others listen.
"Okay. I'm moving in with Cyrus, my boyfriend, because I'm pregnant," I said the last part faster than the rest.
"What!!" He yelled, "Your pregnant!!
"Shhh" I said.
But to late everyone heard. Everyone came into the room and start yelling.
"Who's the father?"
"How many months?"
"Boy or girl?"
Everyone was yelling things like that.
It was so stressful. I tried to answer every question but I was just so overwhelmed.
Cyrus came to me.
He held my waist and stomach.
"Hey get away from her, you kiddnapper!" Vincent yelled.
"Guys, he loves her. He only wants to protect her," Dawson yelled.
"Why are you defending him, triator!" Joey yelled.
Dawson stepped in front of us as everyone was stepping closer to Cyrus and I.
Darius, Lucas Marcus, Jake, Zander, Alexis, and Aiyanna were still downstairs with Josie and Edward.
Everyone kept getting closer to us yelling things. Braydan was just standing to the side, not really looking.
Cyrus now had his arm infront of me, protectively. He was slightly pushing me away and closer to the door.
Dawson was infront of us trying to answer questions and calm everyone down.
Before I knew it Brody grabbed my arm and pulled me.
Cyrus's eyes turned red and he growled. Brody didn't let go. He just held onto my arm.
"Cyrus, calm down. They don't understand," I said to him putting my free hand on his shoulder.
Everyone else came up stairs and saw what was happening.
Cyrus was about to phase when Braydan said, "Everyone, we have to tell her now."
We all stopped and Brody let go of my arm. Cyrus kind of calmed down and his eyes turned back to normal color. I took my hand off his shoulder and faced Braydan.
"Tell me what?" I asked him.
He sat down I his bed. I stayed with Cyrus, Darius, Lucas and Marcus surrounding me. I was holding Cyrus's hand.
"When our parents died you were the next in line for Queen. I'm was in line for King," he explained.
"Was?" I asked.
"I am now the King," he said.
"But why you? I mean why not any of our other brothers?" I asked.
"They said I was chosen," he said.
"By what?" I asked.
"I don't know. But they also told me that once your old enough you must learn that you are Queen and that you do have a special power." He said

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