Part 21- Confessions

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I closed my eyes waiting for the feel of rough hands on me and to feel Cyrus being pulled away.
But I sensed my brothers' presence. I opened them to see them standing in front of me.
Alexis, Aiyanna, and Zander came running up too.
Everyone was now human forms and looking at me.
"Isaac," Braydan started. But Isaac was already to me.
"What are you doing?" Lucas asked.
"I'm the closest to a doctor we have. Plus I have healing powers," Isaac said. Then he asked me, "Where does it hurt the most?"
I pointed to the middle of my stomach. He looked worried.
Isaac was feeling my stomach. He closed his eyes and opened them. His eyes were orange so he was using his powers.
After he took his hands off. I let out a huge breath.
"Do you feel better?" Cyrus asked.
"Yes. But it's still tender," I answered back.
"Let's get you home," Cyrus said.
I nodded my head and they helped me up.
It was hard to walk so Cyrus carried me, bridal style.
"Your really strong," I said smiling with my eyes closed. I held onto his neck with one hand as the other was on my stomach. I laid my head on his chest.
He just laughed at what I said.
Lucas p.o.v
We were in the back of people walking.
"Wait, how long are werewolves pregnant?" Marcus asked.
"Not long. It's hard to tell. It's different for each wolf. But it's kind of early for her. Since it's her first time," Joey answered.
"I would keep a look out though," Nathan said.
"Expecially if she starts acting weird," Isaac said.
"Just pay attention. If she messes up her words, stumbles, or holds her stomach," Braydan said.
"Ok," I said.
"But wait, what was really wrong with her?" Darius asked
"The baby probably freaked out when she was getting stressed form the hunters and from the excitement Y/n was getting from Cyrus," Braydan answered.
"Okay," Darius said relieved.
To be honest I was relieved too. I can't have something happen to Y/n. I think I like her.
We finally made it to the mansion and we said goodbye to her old pack.
Marcus helped Jake open the slider door and we walked in. Cyrus laid Y/n down in the couch who was half asleep.
"Y/n, do you want me to carry you to our room?" Cyrus asked.
"No, I'm not tired," she said.
"Yes you are. C'mon let's go to bed," he said picking her up again.
"Good night every one," Y/n said.
"See you in the morning," Jake said.
They went upstairs and we waited to hear their door close before we started talking.
"Jake, is your leg okay?" I asked.
"Yeah, I think it's pretty much healed after Isaac used his powers," Jake responded.
"Okay. Guys I think I'm gonna go to bed. Coming Marcus?" I asked because we shared a room.
"Yeah," He said.
"I think I'mma go too," Jake said.
"Us too," Alexis said for Dawson, Zander, Aiyanna, and herself.
"Well I guess we're all gonna go. Night guys," Darius said.
"Night," We all said back.
We all went to bed.
Y/n p.o.v
Cyrus and I got changed into our pajamas and got into bed.
I was on my side with his arms around my chest.
"Baby, how long until your going to have the baby?" Cyrus whispered.
"It's close. Really close," I whispered back to him.
" We got everything we need for the baby right?" He asked.
"Yeah, Alexis shopped for a lot of the stuff and we don't need a lot a werewolf baby," I said.
"Why not?" He asked.
"Because werewolf kids grow faster and age faster," I said.
"But won't that be wierd when they go to school?" He asked.
"He can't go to school until he learns to control his phasing and his age levels out," I said.
"What do you mean? The age levels out?" He asked.
"Well, it means when he stops growing fast then his age will become regular," I said.
He shifted his legs around mine.
"Anymore questions?" I said.
"No. Do you have any for me?" He asked.
"Actually. Yes. When did you become a werewolf?" I asked.
"Darius was one first," Cyrus said.
"How did he become one?" I asked.
"He was dating a girl named Monna and she was really rude in my opinion. But he was in love with her," He said.
"Was she a werewolf?" I asked.
"Yes," he answered.
"She must of had some power that influenced his emotions to make him like her. So she could turn him," I was talking but he shushed me.
"Can I finish before you figure it out?" He smiled. He asked.
I nodded my head.
"She ws talking him into sneaking out at night and go to bars and clubs. She was changing him. But one day when they were at the club they were sitting while her texted her friends. Darius's phone buzzed. He checked it and it was a message from Monna. But it wasn't for him. It was for her boyfriend," he said.
"But I thought Darus was her boyfriend," I asked.
"Correct she cheated on him. But he wasn't mad at her. He was mad at the other guy. The message told the other guy, Denny, to meet her at the club. So he didn't say anything to Monna about it. He waited for Denny to show up and when he did, Darius was ready to fight. They took it outside. They were fist fighting when Denny bit Darius. They thought Darius was dead. So they left him. It turns out that Denny was her mate from her pack," he said.
"Wait that's not all. What about the rest of you?" I said.
"When Darius woke up he didn't remember anything until he went home and we asked what happened. He said it was just a fight. He went into his room and was hearing things. He said it was like he heard ghosts. Like he was going crazy. He was to his breaking point when he had learned to control it. But when a full moon appeared he phased when we were doing a YouTube video. He bit Lucas then Me then Marcus. We all learned about werewolves when the King and Queen found us. Every day after school we would go to meet them at your house. We learned to control our phasing. We became great fighters. So they told us to kill some if the population so everyone wouldn't get exposedto humans by creatureswho just didn't care. Then I met you and stopped," he finished.
"Whoa," I said speechless.
"Yeah I know. It's getting late, you need to get some sleep. While knows the baby could come tomorrow," Cyrus said.
I felt his eyelashes on my neck as he closed his eyes.
I closed mine and fell asleep too.
Next Morning
The light hit my eyes and I woke up.
I groaned and rolled over onto my other side. I came face to face with Cyrus. He still had his arm around me.
I blew on his face to wake him up.
His eyes flickered open. His morning voice was full of his accent, "Morning, beautiful thing."
"Good morning, handsome boyfriend," I said kissing his nose.
"Wow," he said.
"What?" I said laughing.
"You still got it, for being pregnant," he said.
"What is that supposed to mean?" I said fake pouting.
"Nothing," he laughed.
He pulled me closer to him and wiggled his face into my neck.
"Yeah?" I asked stroking his hair.
"I was thinking," He starts.
"Oh no," I said
"Stop," he said laughing, "As I was saying. I was thinking about what you said last night, about how were wolves don't have normal childhood. With all the training and age change. Does that mean you didn't?"
"My childhood wasn't normal. But I experienced most things human. Like my first boyfriend. My first crush. Stuff like that. But I also experienced bad things too," I said.
"So...who was your first kiss?" He asked trying to be funny.
"That's so awkward, I mean you are my boyfriend. Can we talk about something else please?" I said.
"No. I want to know," he said.
"Fine. My first kiss was Darius," I said tryimg not to make him mad.
"Is that the truth?" He asked.
How is it not? Why would he not even trust me?
"Yes," I said.
"Please, tell the truth," he said.
"I am. Why don't you trust me?" I asked.
"Because I was there," he said.
"What? What are you talking about?" I asked.
"I was there when you had your first kiss. I was in the same room as you and Jeremiah," he said. He got up from the bed and put a shirt on.
Omg I totally forgot about him. He was my first kiss.
"I forgot about that," I said.
He was about to leave the room.he grabbed his car keys.
"Where are you going?" I asked.
"Away from you. I can't have you lying to me," he said opening the door.
"No please," I was starting to cry, "I swear I didn't remember. I am trying to forget about him. Please don't leave me."
"Save it for your next guy, you slut," he yelled.
That hurt so much. I couldn't believe he said that to me.
"Read my mind, please!" I begged.
He was halfway out the door ready to slam it when he read my mind.
He was mad at first. But then his face was lost.
He ran to me and hugged me.
I love him,but he really did hurt me with those words.
I pushed him away and he had tears in his eyes.
"I'm sorry. Please, I'm really sorry. I know those words hurt you," he said.
"Then why did you say them?" I said.
"I don't know. I was just upset that you lied to me," he said
"But I didn't lie," I said
"I know." He hugged me again.
"Do you forgive me?" He asked.
"Of course. Your my true love. I love you," I said.
"Thank you. I love you too," he kissed me, "Amd you," he then kissed my stomach.
"But how did you know about Jeremiah?" I asked.
"My brothers and I was there, training with your dad and brothers. When your dad told me to go get some drinks. I was walking back from the kitchen when I saw you sneaking around. I thought you were really hot. So I followed you to the hall. You stopped in the middle and I was going to say hi. When a boy came out of the corner and walked to you. I hid behind the door. But Jeremiah saw me I was afraid he would say something to you. He told you something and you kissed. I was gone before it ended," he said.
"Now my side," I said as we got comfy on the bed.
"My Dad told me that he was going hunting with the boys so I had to stay in my room. After he left I got a text from Jeremiah telling me to meet him in the hall because he snuck in. I was walking there, more like sneaking when I saw you. TBH I thought you were cute. But I kept walking. I got to the hall and stopped. Jeremiah came to me
'Hey baby,' he said to me. He then looked past me and I asked 'what is it?' I was about to turn my head when he slammed his lips onto mine. I didn't want it but I had no choice. That is pretty much it. " I said.
☢ Warning ☢ If you don't like smut, then skip and then look for ☢ and it will be over.
"Baby?" He asked.
"Yeah?" I asked.
But be didn't answer he. He just smashed his lips to mine.
I kissed back but he got to agressive and almost put his whole body on me.
I used my wolf strength to push him off before he hurts the baby.
"Sorry. Sorry. I got out of control," he apologized.
"It will be fine if you don't put pressure on my stomach. Deal?" I said.
"Deal. I can't wait until the night you deliver the baby," he said.
I laughed and shoved his lips to mine.
He put his hands on my neck and kissed back.
☢☢☢☢☢☢ All they did was kiss.
Then he stopped, "Y/n, I won't. I don't want to hurt you or the baby."
"I understand. What do you want to do today?" I asked kissing him one last time on his jawline.
"How about we just sit her and talk fo4 awhile. Then…what do you want to do after that?"
"Idk?" I said, "Take pictures?"
"Yeah. Let's take new family pictures. You know, the ones that are of pregnant mothers and the dad posing together," he explained.
"OMG. I've always wanted to do that. I just thought it would be when I'm older you know. But I bet Jake's photographer to come," I said.
"I'll text Jake and ask," he grabbed his ohone off the nightstand. He turned his phone on and texted Jake. He got a text and said, "Jake's photographer will be here by 6. It 12:56 right now so we have enough time to stay here and talk."
"I just wanna sleeeeep. Pleeeease," I whined.
"I never said you couldn't. Close your eyes I'll keep you safe. Sweet dreams," he said.
2 hours later
"Baby wake up. You need to get ready," Cyrus said shaking me awake.
He was already getting ready. He looked like this.

"Ok. Can I ask a question?" I said.
"Of course baby," he said. He was fixing his hair to a perfect faux hawk, just the way I love it.
"Are you actually ready for the baby?" I asked.
"What do you mean? I always wanted a kid with you," he said fixing his shirt.
"Not like that. Are you metaly and physically ready. Having sleepless nights. Paying for another person. Taking care of a baby. Having to protect and be aware of things for another person. Facing difficult stages in their life. All the training for their wolf. Having to make excuses for your child when people notice them growing to fast or disappearing out of nowhere. Also the human side to the kid. How they have moody stages. You know there is more than that," I said.
"Y/n, if your trying to scare me off. Its not working," he said. He leaned over the bed to my face, "There will be good times too. Not just first words, steps, and more. But also, memories."
"But what about-" he put his lips on mine and shut me up. He pulled away and finished getting ready.
"We got it covered. We have an amazing family to support us and plus, I was thinking about taking this job right here in LA," he said.
"But what about your fans and YouTube?" I asked.
"I'll get to work whenever I have time and at home. So I can help you with the baby and help my brother's with our fan stuff," he said, "But I won't take it if you don't want me to. I already make enough money with YouTube. I just wanted a little more for the baby's future. But he will obviously become famous with Jake and we'll, me if course," he acted like a Diva in the last part.
"It's your choice," I said.
"Ok. You need to go get ready, now. I'm going to have the fashion girl, more known as Alexis, help you get ready because she didn't give me much of a choice. I have to go get ready with my brothers anyways. We're going to take pictures as family too," Cyrus mentioned. He went out of the door and Alexis came in.
She pulled me out of bed and showed me some outfit to pick from.
I picked one but she wanted me to where different ones for different poses.
After I was done taking photos with Cyrus, Alexis said she had a surprise for me. She whispered something to Jake, but I wanted to keep it a surprise, so I didn't read his thoughts. She changed in the bathroom right next to my room.
When she was done, she asked if she could come in.
But when she did something wasn't right.
"Alexis, why is your stomach like that?" I asked touching her stomach.
"The surprise is..... That I'm pregnant!" She said smiling.
"OMG!" I said. She hugged me but I didn't back.
"What's wrong?" She asked me.
"Alexis, your to young to have a baby," I said.
"But your younger than me and having one. I just thought that our kids could be friends like we are," she said.
"Alexis, me getting pregnant was an accident. You are only 17 you can't be pregnant. But if that is what you want, so be it," I said.
"That is what I want. I want to be with Dawson forever. I love him," Alexis said.
"Ok. Does he know?" I asked.
"Umm. Not if he didn't see the pregnancy test in our bathroom," she said.
"You should have told him first," I said.
"Let's go tell him," she said grabbing my hand pulling me.
"But why now?" I asked.
"So we can take pictures together as pregnant besties. We can take some later with Aiyanna and Josie even if they aren't pregnant. Now come on," she said as we walked down the stairs. Everyone was at the bottom of the stairs.
"Dawson, I have something to tell you," Alexis said.
"Can it wait until later?" He asked.
"Ughh...." She said.
"If it could wait until later she would tell you later. But right now she needs to tell you and everyone else something very important," I said. Alexis was holding onto my arm because she was scared.
"Ok. Sorry babe," He said grabbing her hands.
I stepped a little bit away and so did everyone else. Cyrus came up behind me and hugged me from behind.
"Hi baby," he whispered in my ear.
"Hey, babe," I whispered back.
He kept hugging me and just out his head  on my shoulder.
"Ok. Dawson...I'm..." She looked at me and I nodded my head to say it.
"Pregnant," both their faces lit up with happiness.
"I'm going to be a dad?! Yes!" He started to jump up and down.
They hugged and Alexis said, "Now, Y/n and I are going to take some pregnant bestie photos," Alexis said.
We all went back to the backyard and took more photos.

3149 words
Thanks for reading.
Next part is the photos that were taken and posted.

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