Part 3- Meeting His Brothers

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You walk in and see Cyrus waving to you as you walk in, with a smile on his face. Until he sees that Mason walked in with you. 
You guys go to sit down with him he already, ordered your favorite drink. You two sit down next to Cyrus. 
Cyrus breaks the silence "Hey. How have you been y/n?"
You say looking at Cyrus "I've been great. I want to introduce you to my best friend Mason." Now looking at Mason "This is Cyrus."
Mason and Cyrus greet each other. Cyrus looks less nervous when you say friend. You guys talk for awhile.
Mason says "Well, I better get going I have to go get meals ready. Nice meeting you Cyrus" Mason and Cyrus get up to shake hands. Cyrus says "Don't worry I will have y/n back at her house by 9 tonight." "Okay. I'm not worried but her brother probably is. But you guys have fun." Mason says and he left.
Cyrus and you leave and get into his car. You guys were talking and you were looking down at your phone, so you didn't see where you were going. When you get out of the car at his house, you smell something familiar. You look across the street and you say "Omg !"
Cyrus says "What's wrong?"
You say " Across the street. That's my house!"
Cyrus "Really!"
"Yeah" You said.
You guys walk into the house and Cyrus takes you upstairs to meet his brothers.You walk in to the twins room and Cyrus says "Guys, I want you to meet y/n"
The first guy said "I'm Darius and this is Lucas and Marcus"
Lucas "Hey"
Marcus"Nice to meet you y/n,"

*Cyrus takes you to meet his parents, who are watching TV downstairs.*

You guys go back upstairs to the twins room. Marcus says "Do you guys want to go watch Netflix?"
"You want to y/n?" Cyrus asks you. You nod your head yes. Cyrus says "We'll meet you downstairs in a minute." Darius says "Okay" and then they head downstairs to the living room.
You notice Cyrus starring out the window. You walk over to Cyrus and ask "What's wrong." He looks at you and says nothing but you know he is lying. Then you said "When ever your ready to tell me I'm here." He thinks for a moment, then says "It's tha..." He is interrupted by Darius who says "Mom and Dad are in the Living Room watching TV so I guess we can't watch Netflix." Darius looks at you as he says that. Cyrus says "We can watch on the TV in the basement." Darius looks at Cyrus on the word basement with fear. "But Cyrus..." Cyrus interrupts " But nothing. C'mon y/n." He says to you as he grabs your hand. Darius looks at Cyrus with a little bit of anger.

*You, Cyrus, Darius, Lucas and Marcus head to the basement.*

As you walk down the stairs to the basement you notice that the walls are all concrete, just like yours are in your house, which is meant in case their are werewolf or vampire hunters around and your house needs to go into lock down. 
You guys sit down on two couches that has a TV in front of them. The guys pick a horror movie, but you begged them not to pick a horror cause you hate scary movies, but since they all liked horror movies you had no choice.
You sat in the middle of Darius and Cyrus on one couch, while Marcus and Lucas sat on the other. And whenever you got scared you would bury your face into Cyrus chest and he would put his arm around you.
When the movie was over Darius said "you guys want to build a fort?" It was almost 9 pm and you know that Braydan wants you home by 10 pm, so you said "I better get home, I have to be home by 10 pm."
 Marcus said "Oh, okay. But can't you stay a little longer?" 
You say "I'll come back tomorrow"  
Lucas says "Please. A few more minutes."
You say "Fine a few more minutes."
You and the brothers talk for awhile and then Lucas says "So, y/n you never talk about your parents, where do they work?" 
You look at the floor as a tear falls down your cheek. 
Lucas says "Omg y/n, I am so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm so sorr..." You interrupt him by saying "No, it's fine. My parents were killed before we could move here." Now your crying thinking about your house being burned to the ground by humans. Cyrus hugs you and said "Let me take you home." "Okay" you say looking up at him. You say goodbye and hug the Dobre brothers. "See you tomorrow", they said. 
You get into Cyrus's car and he puts his hand on your hand cause you still had tears in your eyes. You smile up at him, Cyrus always made you feel safe and happy. Then he starts the car and pulls out of the driveway.

*Skip Ride*

You walk up to your house and Cyrus says "Wow! Your house is huge!" You say "Thanks."
You knock on the door with Cyrus by your side. Dawson opens the door, picks you up, hugs you and says "Finally, where have you been." You say "I've only been gone for a couple of hours."
Cyrus P.O.V

Y/n knocks on the door and Mason opens it, at least I think it's Mason until he picked y/n up and I knew it wasn't him. The guy noticed me, put y/n on the ground gently, and said "Hey, my name is Dawson."  
"I'm Cyrus. Nice to meet you." I said shaking his hand.
"You too." He said then he faced y/n and said "Come in. Braydan has been waiting for you."
We walk in and y/n leads me to the kitchen where I see Mason and some other guys that looked similar to y/n and her age. I sit down next down next to y/n and she introduces me to everyone in the room, but the guy she is sitting next to, who won't stop starring at me.
I hope it's not her boyfriend.
Your P.O.V.

I introduced Cyrus to everyone but Braydan, who wont stop starring at him. 
I say "Cyrus I want to meet my big brother Braydan."
"Nice to meet you, I have heard a lot about you" Cyrus says.
"Heard what?" Braydan said.
"Be nice" I whisper in Braydan's ear.
"Y/n told me, she cares about you a lot and that you are very protective of her. Which she loves." Cyrus said to Braydan.
End p.o.v
*1 hour later*
*Cyrus and you are in your room and have been talking.*

Cyrus says "I have to go. See you tomorrow."
You say "Wait. Don't go. I want to come with you!"
Cy says  "I have to. I wish you could come too. But your brother won't allow it and you know it"
You say "Can you wait for me to ask my brother something? Please?"
Cy says "Fine"
Cyrus p.o.v.

<Y/n has been talking to her brother for the last 5 minutes and he looks mad. I wonder what they are talking about.>

Y/n comes over smiling and says "Okay"
I say "Okay what?"
Y/n says "Braydan says I can spend the weekend at your house."
I say surprised, "Better hurry up and get ready before he realizes what he said."

*Skip Ride*

Me and y/n get to my house and we see my brothers leaving through the front door. 
"I wonder where they're going?" Y/n said 
"Idk probably to play basketball. We were supposed to have a game but now your here." I said.

<I know where their going, they're going hunting. God I hope y/n doesn't find out about us.>

We walk up to the house and y/n asked what they were doing. "We're going to play basketball. Want to play?" they said.
"No, I'm not into playing basketball." y/n said.
Marcus said, "Okay, why are you here anyways? I thought you had to go home."
y/n said "No, my brother is letting me stay for the weekend."
Darius, Marcus, and Lucas say "Great, this is gonna be awesome, we'll have so much fun."

The boys have started playing basketball in the street in the dark and you and Cyrus decide to go on a walk.

y/n pov

Me and Cyrus walked away from the guys so that we can just barely hear them yelling. We see this group of guys starring at me. I could hear them whistling and making dirty jokes. Me and Cyrus were heading back when someone grabbed my arm and turned me around.
It was one of the guys from that group. He was looking at me with a smirk on his face, not even looking at Cyrus. Then the guy said "Hey, my name is Bl..." "Nice to meet you but we have to go back to my brothers," Cyrus said while grabbing your hand and pulling you towards his brothers. 
"I wasn't talking to you," The guy said as he pushes Cyrus and pulls you closer to him. Cyrus steps protectively in front of you and said, "Leave her alone Blake."
"Or what" Blake said as Cyrus was about to punch him, Blake says "I will do it" and Cyrus stops form punching him and turns his head towards you and says, "Go to my brothers and tell them that Blake is bac..." Just then Blake slices Cyrus on his shoulder. 

Just when, your eyes turn red.

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