Part 2- The Dream

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You walked into Starbucks and could smell something you are used to. You could smell a werewolf. You knew it was in Starbucks as you walked around pretending to play a game. You could not find the smell. You just said to yourself it must have left. So when you got your Starbucks and went to sit down, you looked behind me because you thought you heard the cashier say something about you under his breath and that made you mad, you kept walking still looking at the cashier you heard talking about you...and you crash into a guy and spill your Starbucks all over you.
"Omg! I am so sorry!" the guy said handing you napkins.
"No, it's okay I am so sorry. I should have been watching where I was going" You said and you were still mad. You look up to see a guy starring at you like he's surprised. Then you realize your still mad and your eyes turn red when your mad. But you quickly calm down once you look at this good looking guy. For some reason you feel calm around him.
"Let me help you," he said and you sit down.
Then he sits next to you. "My name is Cyrus."
"I'm y/n. Nice to meet you," You said smiling.
"Let me drive you home it is the least I can do." He said looking into your eyes.
"Thank you, but I love my car to much and I'm fine." you said.
"At least can I walk you to your car?" Cyrus asked
"Fine," you said
You and him talk, walking to your car. Then he said "Maybe and you could hang sometime." You guys get to your car. He said"Whoa! Is this your car? My brother has one just like it."
"Ya it's mine. Do you have one too?"
"No. I have a McLaren." he said proud
"Awesome!" you said to make him feel good.
"Well, I was wondering if I could have your phone number?" He asked shyly.
"Sure," you said. You guys exchange phone numbers. You get into your car and say bye to each other. When you get home and open the door you see Braydan on the couch sitting next to, your friends and fellow werewolves, Mason and Dawson. He looks at you and calmly says "I see your finally home. I made your bed since you left to go to Starbucks." "Thanks. I think I'm gonna go to bed. Gn" "Gn. Love you" "Love you."
"Gn. See you tomorrow," you say to Mason and Dawson they say gn back. Mason and Dawson have been your best friends since 7th grade, are werewolves, and both are very protective of you and would die for you. You've always considered the twins your brothers, when people ask about your brothers you mention the twins.
You got ready for bed and got a text from Cyrus.

C: Hi
Y/n: Hey!
C: I was wondering if you wanted to come to my place tomorrow so we can hang out and you can meet my brothers.
Y/n: Okay. What time
C: Idk. Whenever you want just text me and I will come pick you up
Y/n: Okay ttyl bye
C: bye gn
Y/n: Gn

*Next Morning*

You wake up thinking of what kind of dream you just had.
It was all fine, until you and your pack had to go to war. You kept thinking of an image of your squad, at the battle, lined up.
Starting from the right you see Joey in his wolf phase, he has dark brown fur with gray streaks on his shoulders. You see Vincent phased, he has light brown fur with black streaks on his ears, you see in the middle Braydan phased, you can always tell braydan right out of the pack because he has jet black fur with a white star behind his ear, then you see the twins on both sides of Braydan is Dawson on the left and Mason on the right, you can tell the twins apart on how they act and Dawson has a scar over his left eye from when he got into a fight with Jeremiah's brother, their fur is gray with one streak of white on their sides, then you see next to Mason is Brody his fur is dark brown with red streaks on his ribs, Nathan is farthest right, his fur is brown with black streaks on his neck and chest(when they aren't phased they all have what looks like scares where they have their streaks, each werewolf has their own color streak none are the same unless to have a twin. w. The streak or mark as you call it is a sign of your allegiance to the werewolf queen and king, you get the marking when werewolves promise to serve the king, queen, and their family.)(the king and queen of werewolves make rules for werewolves to follow like not to expose yourself to humans. Your parents are the King and Queen of werewolves before the passed away. They told your brother something secretly)(they told your Braydan that you are rightfully the queen and who she marries is the queen.But you do not know this yet), you then see Josie, Edward, and Isaac standing right along with the rest of the squad, their eyes are red and your brothers are red. But Braydan's eyes are yellow.(werewolves eyes when phased are based on emotions. When mad they're red, when sad they're yellow. Sometimes new colors show. While vampires have the same colors.) You look again because you did not see yourself, you aren't there.
You get dressed into a strapless camo shirt with booty shorts.
You text Cyrus to tell him you are ready to go.

Y/n: hey i'm ready
C: Hey. I'm heading to Starbucks I'll be at your house 20 minutes. Do you want anything?
Y/n: Nah, I'll just meet you at Starbucks
C: K see you
Y/n: See you later

You walk downstairs and see the squad packaging the deer, mason caught yesterday. Mason is the hunter in the family, the rest knows how to hunt but Mason likes it.
You ask, "Will someone drive me to Starbucks?"
Mason said "I will but we can't stay there long. I still have to come back to go hunting for later this week."
You say "You don't have to stay with me. A friend will bring me home."
Braydan interrupts "What friend?"
You say "Someone I bumped into yesterday."
"What is her name?" he asked
"His name is Cyrus," you said.
"His name?...Alright you can go, but as long as Mason meets him." he said.
"Okay. Thank you big bro," you say excited.
You hugged everyone goodbye and got into Mason's car.

*You and Mason drive to Starbucks*

You guys walk in and see...

*Please tell me is you guys like my fan fiction/story in the comments and tell me if you like cliff hangers.*

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