Part 13-Betrayed

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I turned around and saw someone I wished never to see again.

He was staring me right in the face like nothing ever happened. A memory flashed through my head.


I was sitting on the couch watching T.v, crying after Jeremiah cheated on me with my ex-friend. Mason came downstairs and asked, "Have you heard from Dawson?"

"No, why?" I said

"I feel off somehow," he said

The front door slammed open. 

"Dawson!" Mason yelled and ran to the door.

I jumped up and saw Dawson at the door.

He looked like he got hit by a car. 

His arm was broken and his eye had a huge cut over it.

"Dawson, what happened? Who did this?" Mason said

"Mason..." Dawson fell to the floor and passed out.

"Call an ambulance," Mason said he had fallen to his knees next to Dawson.

They came and took him to the hospital.

We were in the waiting room when the doctor came in. 

"You may see him now," The doctor said.

We walked into his room and saw his face stitched up. You couldn't even see his eye because he had a bandage on it.

Mason ran over to him and sat by him.

"Dawson, what happened?" Mason said

"Jeremiah and his brother attacked me"

"What? Explain" Mason said

"After the argument with you, I went to the park and was knocked out by someone hitting in the back of the head. When I woke up Jeremiah was over me and asked if I was okay. I didn't know what he did to you yet so I answered. He said he would walk with me home and his brother came out of nowhere and started throwing punches at me. I was fighting back but his brother pulled out a knife and Jeremiah told me what happened. I lunged at him but his brother sliced me with the knife. They left me on the ground bleeding and I got up and ran home. When I walked through the door all I heard was Mason yelling, but I didn't know what he said and then everything went black." Dawson said trying to remember everything.

"I'm sorry bro," Mason said

"For what?" he said

"For not being there to help you," Mason said

They hugged and we went home that day with him.

I remembered Jeremiah coming after we got home and he...

*End of flashback*

"Y/n? Y/n, you there?" I was snapped out of my flashback and came back to reality.

"I came to see you, baby," he said putting his hand on my shoulder.

I pushed it away.

"Come on baby, still mad?" he said

"Yeah, you could have killed him, Jeremiah," I said

"I'm sorry, please take me back," Jeremiah said

"Why should I? So you can break my heart again?" I said, "How did you even find me?"

"Cause of this," he showed me a picture of me drinking on his phone.

"Where did you get that?" I said taking the phone into my hands. "It's on Instagram," He said

"What?!?!" I yelled and looked at the picture closer. It had a caption of 'Welcome Back Party For My BFF Y/n!'

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