Part 8-Gone

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I walked over to them and tried to turn Cyrus towards me. He wouldn't budge just starred straight at Dawson. I couldn't see his face but looking at Dawson's I knew something was wrong.

I stepped in between Cyrus's arms and saw his face.

Cyrus's eyes were red.

"Omg! Cyrus!" I said and started backing away. 

"Y/n go." He said looking at me. But his eyes were still red. 


He looked back at Dawson.

Dawson moved trying to break free and Cyrus moved his hand from his shoulder to his neck.

I felt my eyes change. I looked in the mirror and saw my eyes they were reddish pink.

I tried to calm myself down. I didn't want him to hurt Dawson but I didn't want to hurt Cyrus either.

Cyrus tightened his grip and started choking him.

I was going to phase but we were in the bathroom and there wasn't enough space.

I called the pack and the dobre brothers to come upstairs and hurry. I heard them coming upstairs and it would take to long. So I tried to pull Cyrus off him.

Cyrus swung around and pinned me against the wall. His eyes turned yellow the minute I looked into his eyes.

Dawson was now passed out on the floor.

They came in and my brothers got him off me. Cyrus didn't fight back. His eyes were back to normal.

Mason ran over to Dawson who had woken up and starting to get up. He had bruises all over his neck.

Darius's brothers were talking to him trying to find out what happened.

Dawson came to me and we hugged.

We were all went to the living room and sat down and didn't say anything.

I broke the silence, "What was that about?"

Cyrus p.o.v

I just totally freaked out and now I have to tell y/n about me. 

"Well...See I'm a..." I couldn't tell her I just can't.

"You know you can tell me. It's just us." she said holding my hand in hers, "Do your bros know?"

"No, they don't and they can't." I said with fearing what my brothers would think if they knew.

"Please I won't tell anyone. I can help you through it. You know about me." I said

"I'm a werewolf. But not like you I can't control it. I don't want my brothers to know because they will be afraid of me." I said thinking she will say that we can't be friends or something like that.

"omg your like me?"


"That's awesome. Since you can't control I can train and help you." she said

"Really? You would do that for me?" I said surprised

"Of course I would."

"When so we start?" I said

"How about in a week." she said

"Perfect." I said but then realized something, "What about Dawson?"


"Why are you dating him?"

"Mostly because when you were not...awake. I needed someone and he made me feel safe and I told him we could run away together and get away from here."

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