Part 18-Back with Cyrus

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We were walking around when I see the Dobre Brothers.
I have been looking everywhere for them because Cyrus's car was in the parking lot. But why was all of them here? It was just Cyrus and Darius when we left.
They were filming a YouTube video while Dawson and Alexis were filming with the camera.
Aiyanna was looking at something so I pretended to look at it too.
"Look to your left," I said looking at the make up.
She turned her head and gasped.
Blake immediately looked at us.
She turned her attention to the make up and said, "I'm so getting this!"
Blake said, "Baby we're going to get some things across the store while you guys look at more things."
I said, "We'll just be here when you get back."
"K. I'm going to leave Zander here with you." Blake said. I smiled and he walked off with the 3 guys.
"Aiyanna, the Dobre Brothers are over there." Zander said running to Aiyanna.
"I know Baby. Y/n what is our escape plan? Just go to them?" Aiyanna said getting excited.
I stood there stunned, "W-what? Aiyanna explain."
"Zander was forced to join Blake's gang and he is now my boyfriend and wants to escape with us," Aiyanna said, "Explain more after we get out if here."
I nodded my head because I had no words.
"Here," Zander said I don't handing me a key, "it's the key to your bracelet so he can't track you."
I unlocked it and he unlocked Aiyanna's.
"We have to be queit when we go over there. Blake might be testing us and might not be far away. We have to be quick and quiet." I said that them.
They nodded and we slowly walked over to them. We walked behind them and they were talking. Dawson and Alexis were facing us when we walked up. They were so happy and surprised when they saw us. They were so shocked when they saw us.
The Dobre Brothers asked what was wrong with them but Alexis just pointed behind them.
We were still walking to them when Cyrus turned around.
"Y/n!" He said running to me.
"Shhh, be quiet Blake is here," Aiyanna said.
Cyrus hugged me and picked me up by my waist.
"Y/n I missed you so much," Cyrus said into my neck.
"I missed you too but we have to go, like now," I said pulling them to the exit, "Talk later."
We all got to the cars and rushed inside. When we drove no one said anything. I sat in the back with Cyrus as Darius drove his car and dawson and Alexis were with us. The twins, Zander, and Aiyanna were in the Ferrari.
I was sitting on Cyrus's lap because there was no other room. I put my head in his chest and had tears falling down my face as he played with my hair.
"Y/n?" Alexis asked. Everyone in the car but Alexis knew what happened with Will.
"Yeah?" I said lifting my head up to look at her.
"Why are you crying?" She asked.
"Blake made some deal with that doctor, Will, that if Will brought me to Blake, then Will could have me every week as a sex slave," I said laying my head back down. Cyrus covered my face with his hand when we stopped at a light and people were looking at me. He comforted me and rubbed my stomach.
"You mean he raped you? While your pregnant?" She asked looking at Dawson. Dawson gave her this look saying tell you later. She nodded her head and said," just nevermind. I know. Love you bestie."
"I love you too bestie," I said wiping away my tears. I stopped crying and looked out the window. It was silent the rest of the time until Darius said telepathically I know who that Zander guy is. Here this is what I got from him.... I stopped listening because I knew already. But Cyrus and Dawson were listening.
I fell asleep listening to Cyrus's heartbeat. I woke up to Cyrus carrying me to my room. He changed my clothes and set me in bed. I was still half asleep when he covered me up and was about to walk away. I grabbed his arm.
"I know your scared to be left alone but I'm just going to take a shower in your bathroom,"Cyrus said.
I didn't say anything so he said, " I can stay a little longer."
He got under the covers next to me and snuggled with me.
"When did the twins come back?" I asked
"The day after I found out you were kiddnapped again," Cyrus said
"Wait you didn't know right away?" I asked
"No, I left to set up a surprise for you. Darius found out when you telepathically said Darius and you didn't answer back. Then he read Aiyanna's mind and found out what happened," Cyrus explained. His voice was really calm although I knew he was worried.
I felt tears go down my face.
He hugged me and told me everything was okay.
"I'm scared because he knows where we live now," I said.
"It's okay. He will never find us after we move," Cyrus said.
Cyrus p.o.v
"What! We're moving!" Y/n yelled pulling away from me.
"Yeah...Ugh..," I said stuttering because I don't know if she wants to or not."We're moving with the twins now." I said.
"When?!" I could tell she was happy now.
So I was happy too, "when ever you are ready to go."
"Can my friends come?!" She said happy.
"Dawson already asked Alexis, she said yes. Darius is asking Aiyanna and Zander right now," I said.
"Okay. Where are we going?" she said slidding between my arms against my chest.
"To my friend's house in LA," I said putting my head on the side if hers and closing my eyes. I'm falling in love with her. But I can't, she likes Darius and he likes her.
"What?!!" She said pulling her head out from under mine and made me hit my head.
"Oww," I said rubbing my head.
"I know but they are your family and it is wrong for you to keep hiding from them. They miss you," I said.
" I know but what will I tell them," she said, calming down. She put her head back down so I put mine on hers.
"We'll all figure it out when the time comes,"I said.
"I can't go back. They will kill you guys," she said.
"You are better now," I said not worrying about the last thing she said.
"What about the baby?" She said getting worked up again. She started to breathe hard.
I put my hand on her stomach and said, "They will be proud uncles."
She calmed and said, "What will happen to the father?"
"Depends on who the father is," I said looking straight into her eyes.
"We need to have a meeting with everyone," she said looking away from my eyes.
"I'll get everyone in the living room," I said, she nodded her head.
I got up and went to everyone's rooms to get them.
Since y/n had been gone. The twins we're in the spare room and Alexis has been sleeping with Dawson. Idk where Zander and Aiyanna will be sleeping but they were in Alexis's room.
Everyone came into the living room and y/n came out of her room.
"Guys, you're here so I can tell you who the baby's father is," she said mostly speaking to Zander, Aiyanna, and Alexis because the rest of us already knew.
"The father is..." She stopped, "I don't know if I can do this. I don't want you to be mad at me."
"None of us will be mad, we promise," Darius said. I don't know if he knows already or not. He could have read her mind.
"Okay...The father is Cyrus," she said looking at me.
I was expecting it to be Darius or Dawson so I didn't react. They all looked at me weird. Then I realized what she had said.
"WHAT REALLY!" I yelled. I was so happy. I'm gonna be a father!
"Yeah," she said.
"Wait is this a good or bad thing?" I asked her.
Your p.o.v
I had just told everyone that Cyrus was the father. Cyrus was so happy.
"Wait is this a good or bad thing?" He asked me.
What?! How could this be a bad thing? He doesn't know I like him. Maybe he thinks I like Darius still.
How do I put this, "Cyrus I love you"
An immediate smile came across his face and he picked me up by the waist and twirled me.
"I can't believe it! I'm gonna be a dad! Not only that but I get the girl I fell in like with!" Cyrus said/yelled. He put me down still had his arms around me.
"And I get the man of my dreams," I said hugging him.
"Y/n?" Cyrus asked.
"Yes?" I said looking up at his face.
"Does this mean your my girlfriend?" He asked. I hoped he would say that.
"Of course babe," when I said babe a big smile came across his face. I didn't think his smile could get any bigger.
"YES! I'm an Uncle," Marcus yelled jumping up and down.
I laughed and walked over to him.
"Yes you are," I said. I gave him a hug.
I walked over to my friends, Aiyanna and Alexis.
"We have to talk. Girls night in my room! No boys!" Alexis yelled.
"No. She needs a night alone with Cyrus." Aiyanna said.
"Actually guys I have to go pack," I said.
"Yeah, if that's what you call it," Zander said.
"Yeah, it's where you put your stuff in boxes to move," I said.
He was about to say something but stopped.
"See you guys when I'm done," I said and walked into my room and closed the door.
I start packing my things when Cyrus came into my room.
He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and whispered into my ear, "Hey baby."
"Hey. Are your brothers okay? They didn't say anything after I said who the father is," I said.
"Yeah, Marcus is so happy to be an Uncle," he said.
"But about Lucas and Darius? And even Dawson?" I asked.
"I don't know. Maybe they wanted to be the dad," Cyrus said grabbing another bag do I could out my things inside.
"I don't know. Let's just focus on packing. Your already right?"I asked putting my things in the bag.
"Yeah. I even packed the things that Alexis bought for the baby," He said showing me the box of baby toys and clothes.
I picked up one of the clothes and looked at it. It said "Daddy's favorite". I don't know why I have had to see those words a thousand times but in don't know  where it is from.
I decided to leave it there and go to Saya's (Saya is another name for Aiyanna) room.
"Cy, I'm gonna go talk to Saya and Alexis," I said walking putting the clothes back and walking to him. He was packing more of my clothes.
"Okay. I'll just need here packing more," He sajd kissing my forehead.
I walked to Alexis, Aiyanna, Zander, and Dawson's room.
The door was open, so I walked in. Alexis and Aiyanna were on the bed, on their phones. Zander and Dawson weren't there.
"Hey guys," I said sitting next to them on the bed.
"Hey, Y/n," they said in unison.
"You know how we are moving back to LA?" I asked them
"Yeah, about that ...."Aiyanna said. They both looked down and away from their phones.
"Why? What's wrong? Darius and Cyrus said your coming with us," I said saldly.
"Y/n," Alexis said slowly and quiet. Then said this all happy, "it's just a prank. We're coming."
"YES,"I said getting up and hugging them.
"You were really that worried?" Saya asked.
"Well yeah. I can't lose my best friends. Plus you have to see Josie again too," I said.
"When are we leaving?" Alexis asked.
"IDK. When are we leaving Dari?" I asked him.
"You know he's no-" I interrupted Aiyanna by saying, "our flight is tomorrow."
"How do you know?" Saya asked me.
"Remember werewolves can read each others thoughts," Alexis said to Saya.
"That and each werwolf has a different power. Darius can read minds, even humans. Cyrus can control any metal but silver," I explained to them.
"What about the twins?" Aiyanna asked.
"Marcus can control technology. Lucas has visions of the future or the past," I said.
"What about Dawson?" Alexis asked me.
"He has super human agility. Which means that he can jump higher and has faster reflexes," I said to Alexis.
"Okay, well you need to get some sleep," Saya said.
"I know I'm pregnant Saya but I'm not a child," I said.
"That is exactly what you are. Now go to bed," She said pushing me out of the room.
I walked to my room and Cyrus was laying on my bed shirtless.
"I'm all done packing," he said going to my closet, "I left out one of my hoodies for you to wear tonight and I'll just wear it tomorrow."
"Okay," I went to the bathroom and put it on.
I came back into my room and plugged.u phone into charge.
Goodnight Darius,Dawson, Lucas and Marcus. I telepathically said to them.
I got in bed and laid between Cyrus's arms. We were on our side and he was holding his arms around my chest. He rubbed my stomach until I fell asleep.
Next morning
When I woke up Cyrus was gone.
I remembered my dream and it was really sad, wierd,  and bad at the same time.
It was when I was little and I ahd this shirt that said "Daddy's favorite" on it. That's why it was so familiar. It was sad because I was really close with my dad and now he's gone.
I walked to the kitchen and saw Lucas and Darius. When they saw me, thwh ran to me.
"Y/n, are you alright?" Lucas asked.
"Yeah, why?" I said confused.
"Because that dream you had. The 2 of us had it too," Darius said.
"What? How?" I asked. I'm so confused right now.
"Lucas and Marcus were sleeping in my room so that Aiyanna and Zander could have a bed. When he was sleeping he had a vision of what you were dreaming of and seeing. Since I was so close to him, I read his mind in my sleep and had the same dream too," Darius explained to me.
"Ok," I was a little shocked. But I had to get ready.
"Where is Cyrus?" I asked looking around.
"He went out with Marcus to get us smoothies," Lucas said.
"Hey guys," Dawson said still half asleep.
"Morning," we said back.
Saya and Alexis and Zander came out of their rooms too.
I ran to them and said, "ready to start a new life."
"Yeah!" Saya yelled.
"We have to get away from Jordyn," Alexis said.
"And what about your parents?" Lucas asked.
"I live alone," Aiyanna said.
"And my dad is moving to Scotland to be with his girlfriend," Alexis said.
"I have no family,"Zander said sadly.
"Aww, you have us baby," Aiyanna said holding his hand nand kissing him on the nose.
Cyrus came back and we had to take an Uber because our cars were being transported to LA.
We got to the airport and heard our flight called.
Before I got onto the plane I thought to myself, goodbye hometown. I'll see you soon. Cyrus grabbed my hand and pulled me into my seat. I was sat between Cyrus and Marcus.
Cyrus held my hand and kissed my stomach. Marcus put on his headphones and tuned us out.
The rest of the ride was quiet because I fell asleep.
Cyrus woke me up and we e got off the plane.
I looked around and saw a sign that said LA.
"Ahh, normal life,"Darius said.
"Yeah," I said nervously.
"Don't worry babe. I'll be here the whole way," Cyrus said.
"Now where is our ride at?" Marcus said looking around.
"Over there," Alexis said pointing to a sign that said "Dobre Brothers".
We got in the car and the driver took us to a mansion it was huge.
"Who's is this place?" I asked getting out of the car.
I saw all our cars outside the in the driveway.
"Our friends house," Darius said.
"How many other people live here?" I asked.
"3," Alexis said.
"How do you know?" I asked her.
"I know who's house this is," she said.
"What is their n-"I was interrupted by someone yelling.
"It's Everyday Bro with the Dobre bro's," I knew exactly who it was.

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