Part 12-Party

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I turned around and saw Cyrus. 

I turned around so he couldn't see my face.

His voice was soft and low, "What happened?"

"It's nothing" I said wiping away the tears from my face.

"I know when your lying." he said coming to stand in front of me.

"I know. I just don't don't want to talk about it." I said looking at the ground.

"Okay, but get up and let's go before Darius comes." he said starting to walk away.

"Wait" I said looking at him.

"What is it?" he said stopping to turn around.

"I can't" I said starting to cry again.

"Can't what?"

"Get up"

"Why?" he said getting worried.

"My legs are numb." I said

He came and sat down next to me. He hugged me and I hugged back.

I cried into his shoulder.

"What happened?" He asked after a minute.

"Went to his classroom to ask if I could tutor the girls, then he said he had to ask me questions to see if I was qualified, he took me into the back room and Mr.Beck...h-he..." I couldn't say it

"Did he...." he started then I read his mind.

"Yea he did. Then he.." I said

"I just finished reading about everything that happened, you don't have to say no more." he got up and walked back into the direction I came.

"Where are you going?" I asked but I knew.

"It's my turn to teach Mr. Beck a lesson." He said back.

"No. Please Cyrus." I said but he kept walking. "Please stay here with me."

He turned around and said, "Fine"

"Can you help me up?" I asked

He pulled me up and carried me down the stairs, since our classes are upstairs.

He put me down once we walked out the school doors.

"What happened to y/n?" Darius said running up to us.

"I tripped and fell down the stairs." I said

"Oh." He said and Cyrus helped me walk to my car.

Darius p.o.v

Y/n said she fell down the stairs. I know she is lying and I know Cyrus knows what happened.

I tried to read her mind but she wouldn't let me. So I tried Cyrus's mind, but as long as they are touching each other, I can't. I will have to wait until she gets away form him.

Y/n doesn't know yet but her power is the Shield. The Shield is very rare only one wolf has it at a time. It is where if she knows of a powers presence, like my mind reading, then she can stop it from effecting her and she can control her powers to where she can use it on other people, like by a touch of a hand she can ward off powers for other people, if she learns how to control it then she can use it on people far away from her.

Y/n p.o.v

"We should get ready for the party."

"Whoa, y/n is this your car?" Aiyanna said

"Yea, it is." I said

I tried to step away from Cyrus to get into my car but I almost fell.

Cyrus helped me up and said, "Let me drive you."

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