perfect night

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This chapter is dedicated to my dearest friends who loves this story and has remained a constant support . Since it is the 50th chapter it is fluttering with romance. Hope you like it .

I love this chapter... It's cute. I hope you do.


I sat upright on the bed holding my folded knees pressing on my chest. Embarrassment gnawed me so bad I can't even bear to face myself. I was replaying the incidents of today on my head. I shrugged in self pity... Pathetic Elena, how can you be so absurd? I chided myself.
"Elle, aren't you coming for dinner? "Allan's voice resonated sending a shrill of absolute mortification mixed with unknown excitement. I was drowned in chasm of tides of pervertic thoughts at the frail memory of his perfect body which indeed makes me ogle even now.... I still desire to caress those perfect.... "Stop it elena"i scolded myself when have you turned into such an lust driven female. Suddenly overtaken by undulating wreck of shame.
"arent you hungry? "he called.
"yes, so hungry to eat you alive"i yelled. .
"I don't mind anyway "he said.
"God.... What am I saying... "I hit my head with my hand.
"are you coming out or not? "he bellowed.
"not until you promise not to speak about what happened earlier "I asked. "I don't think I can forget,  I'll try not to speak"he assured.
I slowly chime out, my brain mustered up a hundred reasons to run back to room and lock myself in. At last I had to adhere to the grumbling request of my stomach which churned in hunger.
I sat at the farthest corner away from Allan. The maid gave me a kind smile, I smiled back desperately hoping she hasn't witnessed the stunt I threw earlier. The food was delicious, I concentrated on food, trying not to look at Allan. But my 👀 eyes slowly drifted towards his side. He was staring at me all along. I blushed crimson staring at the food losing the frailest courage to even see his face. I could hear a small chortle. He was smirking at me.
"don't laugh"I dictated.
"this ain't fair Elena, you ask me not speak, not to laugh, not to think... "he said with a smug look.
"I can't stop thinking anyway"he huffed with a lopsided grin.

I dropped my spoon, ran to him whisking my hands on his face" erase it from your head"i panted.

"I am thinking of creating a new memory, then I can erase the old"he said pulling me on his chair. Close proximity was indeed turning me insane. He peered into my eyes after brief silence he said" tell me something Elena"unable to bear the heat of his touch.i whimpered
"how is the weather ?" sounding absolutely silly to my own ears
The thunder struck the sky and rain poured down in torrents as if heard my comment. He broke into a dreamy laughter. I dissolved in his flawless appearance
The food lays forgotten. The maid asked"should I clear the food are you done. "
We broke apart. Allan gave the maid a cold stare she receded without a second word.
We ate in silence but something sparked in between us.
I was about to leave, Allan grabbed my hand "I like to show you something "
He took me to a room which held several thousands of books. I looked at him in awe. I gave him an approving smile. He left my hand .i kissed on his cheeks which apalled him .he was surprised and happy. I ran to the shelf piling all the books on my hand.
It smelled of old books,new books. Leather bound classics. I love this guy.... I really love him ...i panted.
Allan remarked"all these books are going to be here you needn't be greedy"
I peeked to see where he was. He was in the other end of the room. I smiled at myself perhaps he knows me like the back of his hand. I took about a five. And sat at the large left window which overlooks the river. I sat there in silence dreamily swaying into the classic held in my hand. The rain drops clattered sharp against the window. The cold wind tried penetrating in through the tiny ridges in the window. The droplets raced down the sill. The lightning blazed up the pitch black sky. I hummed at the music produced by the rumbling of the rain, stashing on the gravel  skeeting through the roof and the growling river churning in the torrents of rain. I was lost in the tantalising ecstasy of the nature.
"A cup of coffee on a rainy night with a good book, there can't be anything better"he said placing a large mug of coffee in front of me.
I grabbed it gratefully and sipped it. It tasted heavenly. I can't believe I am in Allan Hawthorne's house spending a night . Allan Hawthorne is making me coffee.
I felt this is the most happiest moment in my life.
"hey"he called out. "you spaced out"
I smiled.....
We sat in silence devouring the caffeine as it made its way warming us up in the cold night.
"I like this window, when I feel down. I prefer sitting here staring into the wide expanse of the river"he said.
I have heard Allan never tells anyone about himself. He is opening himself to me.
"what are you reading "he asked.
My favourite classic.
What is your favourite we asked together.
"pride and prejudice "we replied together.
The storm raged outside. We sat in the cosy room basking in each others presence.
"Can I sit with you?"he asked.
"sure" I replied.
He sat on the window sill with me on his lap. It wasn't erotic or awkward. I sat on his lap leaning on his chest .The night drawled deeper as we sat there staring out of the window at the raging storm and ceaseless rain. He cuddled me intertwining our hands together we sat the whole night gaping into the dark. It's a perfect night

Elle's secret boyfriend .Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora