you are the fire.

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you are the fire,
Devouring me,
Burning me down,
Tearing me in shreds,
but I still crave
For your warmth
Like a drug
Though it is killing me.

The cold shower relaxed my nerves, I have read in several books about the miraculous power of showers to ease pain. But now I realise how true the words were,as I relished the soothing effect followed by slight stinging on my bruises.
I lay on the bed as my lashes hug each other. My head heavy, my bones tired, my muscles sore I lay staring onto the ceiling. The aftermath impact of the accident still persisted. I must tell you Lydia was not bad, she wasnt adorable either but surely not bad. We might gradually become fond of each other I hope. For now we would fare as good acquaintances.

I wore a red stripped shirt and a black pencil skirt. I smeared some lipstick on my lips and moved on to the first day in the college. I don't look bad I presumed.
I dodge through the corridors, trying hard to find my class. My whole village will fit into this college. It held the names of noble prize winners etched on its front. It made me realise how lucky I was, indeed pang of guilt barricaded my gay feelings I don't deserve to be here if not for Allan.
I treaded around the old building, well maintained. I scurried at last settling myself as the perspiration kindled me like beads of pearls caressing my body. Was it nerves, or out of running. I am not sure, the sweat soaked my dress. I sat there a few  students threw me friendly smiles which I returned with an equal serene gesture. Suddenly I saw someone, my heart skipped a beat, followed by awkward silence as his gaze met mine. Mike looked startled ,staring at me in bewilderment. I tore the gaze away, staring straight towards the front ignoring him. He sat behind me, I can feel his scrutinising glare on me stifling the hairs on my shoulders to stand on its edge. Though it was the first day none of the lecture got into my head.

I sat there self aware burning under his glare. After the classes, I rushed out before he caught up with me. I did a remarkable job by avoiding him for three days but one day after the class.
"Elena, you can't avoid me forever "I heard Mike's voice.
I turned to face him, he was so close that our proximity made me shudder. "how did you get in here? Why are you avoiding me? "he asked shaking me, clutching my arms.
I chose not to answer his first question. It would include revealing Allan's name.
"of all the women in the world why Demma? "I gasped.
"because you spurned me? "he said.
"I don't want a truce with that bitch's boyfriend "I said whisking his hand away and rushed away.

After all that Demma did to me. How can he love her? I was hurt beyond repair. A rage of emotions swarmed on to me. It felt angry, wronged and in despair. I don't mind him moving on, but not with a girl who bullied me all my life. Not with the girl who made me weep several nights for no mistake of mine. Not with that bitch,anger boiled within. May be he hates me for spurning him I decided. I tripped over a step as I was engrossed in my thoughts.
To avoid further damage I decided to mount on the lift. Suddenly Mike entered it. I looked away unable to face Mike I averted my gaze elsewhere.
My senses alarmed as Mike grabbed me by the hair and planted a kiss on my lips. I stood unable to react ,my knees trembled. The swirlwind of emotions ceased when someone cleared his throat. Mike pulled away. I saw a man in his early thirties standing as a pathetic spectator to all this drama. As we moved out of the lift Mike whispered in my ears"I wish I could stop loving you Elena ,but I don't think I can ".
I swallowed hard..... Angry tears rushed out of my eyes. I wiped it up in my shirt sleeve and moved to classes chanting "be strong "like a prayer.
Classes started as usual in the afternoon, the disturbing thoughts infested my pathetic head. However something piqued my interest. The professor appears familiar.The realisation struck me like a lightning bolt ,he was the man who saw us kiss in the lift. he stood there throwing me a vile smile .I turned towards mike he looked into my eyes with utter bewilderment . We exchanged a look of pure shock and despair like our old times.
The smug on the professor's face greatly disturbed me. It's not good, my intuition whimpered not a good omen at all. His eyes averted towards me and Mike through out the lecture pointing at us for answers for which Mike answered correctly, I answered a few correctly for my own surprise, but everytime I am nesciant of the answer his smug became wide. His lectures are going to be a nightmare I knew.

Tired and exhausted, I retire to the room craving for my bed. It was hell of a day. I opened the already unlocked door absentmindedly . Lydia must have come I assumed walking in. I found someone sitting on my bed. He stood up turning around before I could hold myself back my hands were draped around his waist. I was sobbing already and destroying the allure of the expensive suit of Allan Hawthorne.

I hugged him like my life depended on it. His strong arms held me with care. With him I felt like home, more than I had ever felt in my own house. In his arms I felt at peace nothing seemed to bother me. It was just him only him. All the worries that ambushed me a fraction before vanished as I melted into his arms. I sobbed drenching his expensive suit, unable to hold myself back I cried .All the anguish which heaved my heart poured out of my eyes like a splintered dam. He caressed my wet face, slowly making it face his. Holding my face up he peered into my eyes which more over looked like eternity. I would evanesce in his gaze. He was my world, let not the horde of dissimilarities in fortune or status. I could spend all my life gazing at these emerald green eyes.

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