being alive is indeed a great feat.

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"Being alive is indeed a great feat "...have you ever felt like this ? I feel like this now. I tried my earnest to muster up courage as my feeble lips trembled at the mere thought of my life ahead.
I closed my eyes concentrating into darkness and heaved frigging at the window seat in the flight. It moreover appears like a fretting fancy of a maiden rather than reality. I am going to one of the world's most renowned college. I stare down at the passing clouds as butterflies fluttered seamlessly in my stomach. The middle aged man next to me was already snoring. I envy that man cause my anxiety was rising with every treading second.

Time jerked faster, I have always found it hard to beat time but now it was racing in light speed. I got off the flight took my luggage by pursuing the man who sat next to me and imitating his actions. I never had any access to outside world, Papa has took care of all my needs that I don't even go out for grocery shopping. I did work part times ,dad made sure he picked me up from work and left me to it. It hardly gave me any access to the world outside.
The fact that I am a bit antisocial didn't favour me either. I gathered my luggage and treaded forward. The realisation hit me like a lightning that I didn't have the frailest idea where am I to go. Did I expect Allan to pick me up? If I tell no it would be a lie. But expecting a millionaire like him to pick me up is insane but still a girl can hope.
He might have made some arrangements I comforted myself, but I am not sure either. I squandered around like a lost kid as tears of panic jerked down my eyes. What am to do here? I want to go home, to papa and momma. But it was your choice I reminded myself. I tried calling symphora but she didn't pick up. Tears steadily tripped down my cheeks,wiping them on my sleeve I did the only thing I knew to do. I called papa and cried"papa,i am lost here I don't know where to go"
What can they do inspite of being several miles away separated by giant oceans.
"don't cry dear" I can hear mommy's reassuring voice before the charge drained and my phone shut down.
I am astray and alone in one the largest cities of the world. I peered around clutching my luggage I am a pure mess.

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