3.life turns different.

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The dinner table of my house clattered with merriment, not that dinner comprise of many varieties but today we have frail sense of hope. I sat there in the shabby small and comfortable house of mine. I haven't seen mom more happy before. My tuition fee has been hurling my family into starving .My little siblings are Shany, Verona the extremely wee twin girls of five and Ruben,John and Edward my triplet brothers who would turn three this summer looked curiously at me.

Feeding us indeed reduced mom and dad to poverty. I have tried every part time job but I was kicked out of everywhere, however hard I try to hold on I always end up thrown out. After recession daddy lost his job. In spite of all the adversities dad was not ready to compromise with my studies. I was hungry but still pushed last few slices of potatoes to Ruben's plate because he was eyeing it hungrily.

Life was getting worse day by day. Seeing my little siblings starving broke my heart. My stomach churned in hunger but I was happy I at least have hope.

"I was trying to call you, you didn't pick up"said Mike jogging to keep up with my pace.
I smiled at him... We entered the classroom. Now the deserted old room resembled a ballroom.A tall handsome man stood there with a stunning lady by his side. They smiled at us, Mrs Rosewood introduced them as new dance trainers and groomers. The party is more like a traditional ball so we must master some basic moves. I gulped, I wanted to dash away, I don't know the first syllable in dance. My parents consider anything rather than studies absolute waste of time and energy. As a kid, I was angry at them. Later I realised,  maybe I wasnt interested either. I still hated PE.

Morning it was mostly stretching and bending. As time passed on slowly the moves turned harder.

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