it's time

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I twist and twirl around in front of the mirror. The fabric hugged my body highlighting my curves which I nay had the merest idea that it existed before. The dark blue colour brought out the pale lustre of my skin. I gape at the mirror. The girl in the mirror stared at me with her large brown eyes her hair was messy and unruly but her body drowned in the comfort of exquisite elegance. For the first time I feel in love with a dress.

"I think this Allan guy indeed has a good taste"remarked my mom who was leaning on the door frame kneading flour in a bowl. I shrugged in embarrassment.

I awaited the graduation day. I can meet Allan, my heart raced at the mere thought.

A message flashed on my phone.
Private number
Hi baby.

Who are you?

Private number
Your love whore.

Demma is it you?

Private number
I am no filthy hormone drunk teenager

I don't care who you are, I don't wish to speak to you anymore.

Private number
Really, you would when I strangle your delicate throat.

Good bye.

I had no idea how to block an private number. I decided to ring up to Finsy. Her number was not reachable as always. My best friends are always useless I cursed staring at the tiny wooden ceiling above my head. The span spun around so fast that it appeared more like two circles.

It's dark here. I can hear water dripping on the floor. My hands are tied tightly to a rope. I struggle to untie myself but all I could do was tear the skin of my hand. I cried out aloud but nobody seemed to hear my pleas. "Where am I?"I wondered.
Smell of metal and dirt filled my nostrils. I lay there tired weak and thirsty tied onto a pole.
I heard Allan's voice. "Allan help me "I cried.
Suddenly someone clutched my mouth.

Allan was asking"I think I heard someone call my name"
I wanted to call out to Allan but soon Allan was gone.
Tears rushed down my cheeks suddenly a large male hand strangled my throat. I gasped for breath.

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