Mike's parents

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Mike pulled me into his house. It was an large ornate building in which I felt my whole house would fit inside a  room or two. I gulped hard in spite of Mike's constant reassurance ,I severely reckon the decision of coming here.
Mike's mom entered the room, she was tall lean with a flawless fair skin draped over her bony self. She gave me a cold stare, then resorted into a forced smile.
"welcome Elena "she said.
Mike hugged me... "welcome to my home Elena, I will show you my room". He dragged me.
I sighed in relief as I escaped from the scrutinising glare of Mike's mother. I got the strange feeling that she has an aversion against me.
Mike's room was perfectly boyish. Large posters of footballers, a guitar by the corner of the room. I jumped on his bed, he laughed at me. He sang a song that resonated with his guitar chords. I lay in his bed hearing to his lovely voice.
I have never felt even a little uncomfortable with Mike, though we knew each other only for a short period of time we got along like childhood buddies do. The day went by watching an boyish action movie on his TV and crunching on his snacks.
Dinner we walked down, my nerves were getting on me. Mike tightened his grip over my hand that gave me a strange sense of relief. I can find Mike's mom and dad give me a questioning look. I ignored them keeping up the pace with Mike.

The food smelt good. A warm looking maid served it, little did I wish that Mike's mom was the maid rather than this scary lady in front of me. As soon as I dipped my spoon in soup. Mike's dad asked "what is your dad doing"the question I dreaded the most.
"He worked in Henderson and Party's he lost his work in recession "I replied A smirk crossed Mike's fathers face.
Mike interjected "Dad, you had a meeting today right, then why are you here".
"I wanted to see the girl with whom my son is wasting all the time "he replied.
"dad you have seen Elle, and I request you not to invade her private space. "he stormed.
"I just asked what her dad is doing, I don't consider it any prying her private space,Tell me Elena what your dad is doing now "he said.
"he is working as a cashier in L'Oreal down the town"I said proud.
"really, how come that can suffice the big family of yours, six kids. At least people must know their status and have kids accordingly. "his mom exaggerated.
Tears welled up my eyes.
"Seriously honey, some men are totally incapable of running their family, that is why I told you to stop by Mike, these low class people never had much sense".his dad said.
"I am leaving "I said unable to bear the insults thrown at me any further.
"you didn't touch your food"the maid asked.
"I think I am full"I walked away as tear jerked with every step I took.
I heard Mike's voice yell"Elena is more lucky than me, she has loving parents and not rich filthy egoistic ones like you ."
It was pouring hard outside. The rain drenched me, I felt like hell, I mustn't have come here in first place.
Mike caught me.... I'll drop you...
"no"i said moving away... "we can never be friends, we are from different social status.sorry Mike I have to leave".
I sobbed pathetically, but suddenly Mike kissed me muffling my sobs.
I was startled....
A light flashed at us.

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