the party

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I can't help but anticipate. It is all going to end today. Mike would never glance at my side after that day. Mike was the only close friend I had in life. No one has ever accepted me as a friend as my social status is so low. I feel a heaving feeling on my heart. My fairytale life is ending today.
It's all going to end today let me enjoy, the last day of happiness. If I achieve what I am send here for, I would have a better life.
Even if I didn't I will not die I will hunt for an other part time job. I refuse to worry anymore and resumed dressing for the night. The party night that decides my life. I took complete care dressing up, I have never dressed up so well before.I glance before the mirror in awe.... I must accept the fact I look stunning.

I twirled around in the cream coloured satin gown which highlighted my curves which I never knew existed before. I thanked god for the first time in my life and walked out of the room checking out myself in the mirror for one last time.

Mrs Rosewood gasped"god bless Elena,you look stunning".
Mike turned around his expression was priceless. He looked flawless...
He stared at me baffled...

"how do I look Mike"I asked...
He gulped"hot"
Mrs Rosewood cleared her throat
"Sorry, Mrs Rosewood I was just being truthful".
I blushed crimson.
Mrs Rosewood remarked"I can't deny the fact you are indeed a beautiful girl ".
I marched into the party with Mike by side staring at me the whole time. The place looked like somewhere I could never fit on. There were a lot of celebrities ."where are we actually Mike"I wondered aloud.
"Heaven," he said with his eyes fixed on few models towards the right side of the dance floor.
I saw Mrs Rosewood in the crowd, she gestured us to come. I nudged Mike who was not ready to avert his eyes from the models.
Mrs Rosewood looked disturbed....
"Is something wrong Mrs Rosewood? "I asked.
"exactly, Elle... The director who bought Winfred High didn't come for the party. He had a mild chest pain so"
acknowledged Mrs Rosewood.
"all this was vain"I blurted.
"enjoy the party kids,we will find some other way out"she said concern washing over her face.
I tried very hard not to broke down... What will I tell mom and dad,?...
I nearly shrank down on the floor. Mike held me close. It's OK, certain things can't be amended.
"isn't there something we could do? "I peered into his with desperation.
"we will find a way, now let me fetch you a drink"he said.
I sat there alone as my world tumbled down in front of me.

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