what the hell???

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I drew open my deary eyelids with much difficulty , it appeared to me as if there are two large stones tied down on its lapels . I cringed as blinding white light flashed onto my eyes. I must be in heaven I wondered but momentarily tapped back to my senses .
"wotcha,awake at last? "
I peered at the source of the voice busting the elated balloon in my heart. Whom did I expect god huh?
"got any idea how long you have been sleeping ?" he said walking over filling a glass of water from a transparent flask cabinet and sat next to my bed slowly sipping from it. He extended his glass towards me "want some? "he asked.
I shook my head in denial, which I regretted a second further for my throat thwarted in thirst.
I stared at the person in front of me. He looked exceptionally goodlooking with two buttons of his white shirt left open I looked away fast as I noticed it.Reflex action I am not a pervert who stares into guy's torso. I looked into his eyes, it was dark blue in contrast to Allan's. He did have a starking resemblance to Allan, which indeed provided an aura of exceptional charm. Don't get me wrong , this guy in front of me is drop dead stunningly hot with broad stature and million dollar smile but I am Allan's girl I don't find anyone more attractive than Allan.
I leered around the room, it was covered with white linen. Looks really prim and hygienic.
Where am I? I asked.

"hospital "he replied.
"but"i started...
"it's VIP lounge "he replied amused. I nodded
It was then the memory resonated back to me with a stinging pain. My head throbbed in pain.
"It must have hurt, I am sorry.I mistook you for our new paralegal. I am positively guilty "he said. "you must have told me"
"I didn't know either what I am to do"i smiled at him "I was clueless. "
"you are such a sweet little thing, if something had happened to you I would have died out of guilt"he gave me a half reproachful smile.
I smiled faintly as my head throbbed in pain.
"what about your case? "I asked.
"Allan handled it"he said.
"is Allan here? "I asked starting to get up.
He held me down pushing me down with his hand on my stomach. Sorry he said realising his folly"rest of you have been completely damaged,and Allan left already "
" well there is someone who want to meet you"
"mommy papa "I shrieked in joy...
Tears sprang on my moms eyes as she held me close.

It's been a week since I was discharged I was staying in John's penthouse. No word about Allan yet. John is playful and kind, sometimes seeing him reminds me of Allan. John takes care of me I think mostly because he thinks he is the reason why I am in this situation. I mount on the car to my college, john opted to drop me.
"you ok"he asked.
"have been much better"i replied.
I haven't cured much and indeed anticipation gnawed me.
We marched up to the dorms I wonder why they let John into girls dorm. All much better,  I am in no shape to carry my luggage. But I was wrong, indeed absolutely there are a lot of guys in girls dorm , weird I concluded.
Who will be my roomie what if she is harsh and rude? I wondered.
We lurked inside, "this is it"i think "I am leaving you here"said john "I am gonna miss you, I was kind of used to you being around "
I nodded in gratitude and indeed john is a good man. I peered around, just something caught my eyes a kissing couple. I turned around as the guy caught my eye. I turned away.... Mike was kissing Demma....
God.... I am happy Mike moved on but not with Demma please. I held my breath as someone whispered in my ears"do you know him? "
I turned around to face a girl with her hair dyed purple with few brown strands and a nose ring. "Linda, "she said squeezing my shoulder
I shrieked in pain...
"sorry "she said... Her eyes glanced at mike.
"he was my best friend, we are not in talking terms anymore "I said

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