Further more confused.

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The emerald green eyes locked into mine. I feel my knees melt and wobble.

"See you soon"he said traipsing towards his car.

My family looked at me flabbergasted.how am I going to explain to mommy and daddy?
After they left
Dad looked at me stern "you owe me an explanation,Elle"

"Is it about the kiss dad? "feeling appalled beyond words could ever comprehend. "As a matter of fact even I didn't see it coming, I least expected it "

"I am your dad, I sensed you were astonished from the perplexed expression on your face.I am not asking about that.I am concerned as you know a millionaire like Hawthorne being smitten by you. It seems to surreal"said my dad with concern washing over my face.

"he is just being kind dad, he told he like my report and ideas"I said.

"Do you know why they came here today? "asked mommy.

"No"I said.

"you are not telling her that"dad alarmed.

"she must know"mom yelled.

Dad called me near to him, "before I reveal the reason why they were here.Daddy wants to ask you something "

I nodded.

"you know mommy and daddy loves you inspite of all the struggles we endure. "

I nodded again.

"we will never give up on you "he said.

"I know dad,you and mommy love me"I said.

"Hear what I am going to tell you warily,Allan Hawthorne asked your hand in marriage"he said.

"Are you crazy dad I am just fifteen,its illegal"I yelled.

"I told you my daughter will never agree, that is my girl,she is just a kid it's just been few years since my little girl was born and he is an old man"dad said grinning.

"21 is really too old, sweetheart"mom replied with mock sarcasm.

"you don't love him right "mom asked.
"I don't know mom, I might have had a crush,but .."I paused.

"it's OK to be truthful, we are your parents and your happiness is our greatest concern"mom said.

"let us close this discussion now"dad said.
"what about blackmail daddy, you didn't tell her that "said Edward innocently.

Mom closed his mouth "nothing Elle go to bed".

"mom, I want to know the truth"I yawped

"no go to bed "said dad.

"I am not going anywhere until you confide everything to me"I said.

dad sighed remorse undeniably visible in his face"Allan asked for a contract that transfers our guardianship over you to him, he would take care of your education and you will move in with them after school.And will work in their firm. When you are old enough you would marry him,if we oppose he threatened he would destroy us"

"I gulped hard, where in this world is a contract like this? "I asked. "why me of all the women in the world ?I am just a kid"

"even we don't know Elle, but we will never give up on you "dad assured.

Mom broke into tears.

Allan is someone who does what he tells, if he tells he would destroy he would not think twice before he does it.

I can't trade my life to whatever he is, a millionaire.... Who knows what his true intentions are?

But somewhere I did like him, but now I am not sure. What does he want me to be, his slave?

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