love turnes people insane. I am no exception

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⚠  warning: mature content. A bit cheesy proceed at your own risk.
Kids under 18:not adviced to read skip this chapter if you wish... 

Days raced on, it has been six months since I started on my freshman year. I lay under the chestnut tree on the grass reading a book. It's been two days since semesters are over. I desperately yearned to go home but I can't afford it. The flight fare is too high and I already have a deep remorse that I am using Allan. I hate using personal relationships for materialistic gain. So I resorted on to the decision of not asking him. Mike waved at me dodging the large suitcases. He looked stunning in travelling clothes. he will be leaving today. I waved back and loitered towards him whisking the dried grass from the hem of my skirt. I refrained myself from falling headlong in love with Mike though I could encipher the earnesty with which he is by my side. It was hard initially to conceal the turmoil of feelings I had for him. He gave me a small hug and mounted on the cab. I lingered at the dusty way the cab left. I am going to be extremely lonely. I don't love Mikey anymore I was able to control my inner demons which lured me towards mike. I was being a good girl.

The old hostel dorm appears deserted. The corridors deserted without the usual tittering, rushed disscusions, snooping couples and swearing students. I thought of taking a stroll outside. I dragged a white full sleeved shirt over my head and pulled a ragged jean on. The road ahead appeared empty. I walked until I was uncertain where I was. Proceeding further turned out hard as the sun has gone for his slumber making me stumble over .My throat was dry out of perspiration and exercise I thought of getting a drink at what appeared like a restaurant. I barged in just to be welcomed by the horrendous sight of
brawny teenagers grinding over each other. I rushed out as fast as I got in. I distinctly forewarned myself to return back as fast as possible. I walked back fast, I felt someone following me. I increased my pace as the footsteps grew closer. It was not long I sprinted across the lane. The footsteps darted towards me. I scampered cursing under my breath how foolish I should have stayed in my room. I stumbled over a stone, I tried gathering myself and running away. I caught a glimpse of the people behind me. They don't appear to sport genuine intentions at all. I can hear their laughter growing nearer accompanied by catcalls I gulped hard what have got myself into. I searched for my pepper spray just to find it missing. Fear embraced me like an old compatriot. I was trying to remember my self defence classes. I gathered a handful of dust threw on their face and ran. I ran gasping for breath until my legs could no longer aid me. I was on the verge of collapsing those people are behind me. Suddenly someone pulled me from behind. I gave the person a good kick on his private making him whimper in pain.

Allan's body guard was whining in pain . I apologised"i am so sorry ,I didn't know it was you".He told it's OK with tear filled eyes. Allan stood there staring at me intense .

"how dare you stroll in the night? "he reprimanded .I sighed in relief. "Those people who? "I started.

"have been taken care of"he said pointing at the pavement .
I adjusted my eyes in dark under the faint light of streetlamps I could see five to six people thrashed into pulp lying there wailing in pain.

"get in"allan said.
I obeyed. He didn't even look at me during the entire drive.
"how did you know I was in trouble ? "I asked.
"I tracked you down. I wondered what you were doing in that area at this point of time"he said.

"how did you track me"i asked curious and indeed grateful.
"your phone "he said with his eyes fixed on the road.

He was seeing me after six months and he doesn't even bother to speak to me. I peered out of the window as dismay clouded my vision.
He stopped the car. "Get down "he commanded. I adhered.
"it's not my hostel "I screeched astonished.
"I don't trust to leave you alone in your hostel "he declared.
"this is my penthouse "He said. I reluctantly followed him.
The whole house resonated the class and indeed an exquisite touch of art. It was simply perfect. I squinted along the rooms examining them one by one. I turned around to find Allan gazing at me as our eyes caught each other he looked elsewhere as if he never noticed me.
He led me into a room and said I can stay here and left without a word. After the warm shower I changed into what look like his shirt and tracks. I glanced at the mirror his clothes felt warm and perhaps sexy on me. I loved it more as it smelled of him. That exquisite unnerving odour. I walked into the living to find him on his phone shirtless. I gulped hard as my eyes traced through his sculpted body. I grinned at myself it is actually a dream come true. How my hand itched to trace over his muscles?oh dear this guy turns me so horny. His muscles moved in ease as he walked,a true synonym of good looks. He looked nothing less than a Greek god. I sighed at the thought made him turn around to catch me checking him out.

"That is my shirt" he declared "you can't use it just like that"
"I didn't know what to wear "I said.
"you must know some basic manners"he yelled.
The words ignited the fury. He was storming at me. I was on the verge of tears I pulled his shirt over my head and tossed it on him as tears jerked violently off my cheeks. "I don't want your shirt"
His eyelids flared.
Enough of all this, what did I do wrong. I can't take it any longer I don't want anything. I was mumbling. He rushed over covering me with his shirt. It was then gravity of my actions seeped into me. What have I done drunk in ecstasy of rage. I was stark naked if not for my bra. He was so close that his bare skin touched mine remiting a tingling feeling. My eyes met his, there was a movement of vague silence. I ran into the room embarrassed closing the door behind me.
Can I be more stupid? What did I do? I can never face Allan in my life. I felt like burying my head under the mud. I sat there locked up. I can't face Allan anymore. The humiliation was mortifying me. I sat there in Allan's clothes to embarrassed even to move.
I heard a knock. "this is me Allan, open? '
I didn't budge. How will i open?
"are you going to open or should I break in"
I slowly approached the down and turned the knob.
I avoided him. He pulled me facing him. You need not be ashamed. It was just me, you are mine right?
I wriggled away.
"I am sorry, I was trying to make you hate me"he said more talking to himself"I can't stop caring for you,however hard I try.  I keep loving you "
"why did you want to me to hate you?"I asked.
"you deserve someone better than me"he said.
someone better than the millionaire heartthrob Allan Hawthorne ....i laughed at myself.
So he was avoiding me on purpose .
I saw an extreme agony surfacing his fine features. I didn't want to cause him harm.
"I will leave", I said grabbing my bag.
"no "he said pulling me to him. His lips found its way to mine which I stopped with my hands.
"I don't deserve all this, I am too poor and plain for you.i am nothing but a pure burden"i said as tears brimmed my eyes.
"No"he said decreasing the tidley distance between us.

We were dangerously close making butterflies gush into my stomach. I can feel his hot breath..... My fingers explored his sculpted chest. His arms raked me closer that it collided with his shirtless frame. We stood there just separated by a tiny fabric Allan's shirt. He smelled good I wonder what aftershave he uses. His lips nuzzled my neck sending a tickle down my spine.
I smirked at him pushing him away. It just made him pull me closer. I basked in his warmth, all the negative feelings that attacked me a second before, vanished into thin air.
He groaned in remorse "I wish I hadn't returned my shirt to you, you were stunning shirtless". I kicked him.
He grinned at me with that naughty bewitching curve of lips walking out of the room as I pushed him further away. "Come down for dinner. And don't throw your clothes off anymore I am not sure how long I can control. You have no idea what you do to me Elena"

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