By my side.

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I gaped at mommy and daddy. Mom gave me a glare which clearly emphasized we need to talk later. I normally turn out mortified at the prospect of owing an explanation to my parents but now even my parents temper failed to induce tenebrosity. Allan was still holding me close. Being near Allan felt so natural, perhaps something within me did induce me to crave for his touch.

His hands closed me in to him, so one would feel that if he leave I might fall. I can smell his exquisite perfume and well tailored coat but all that that remained on me was my shabby uniform which I have obviously outgrown and the sweat which lingered on me making the already pathetic uniform to stick awkwardly on me. Though mom and dad seriously detest Allan for the contract but they cant deny the fact that he has been really generous towards us.

Mom invited Allan with a smile. My dad gave him a typical don't mess with my daughter glare. Allan sat on the couch still denying to retract his hand from me. The proximity of his touch is assessed by my parents.I twitched but Allan made sure I remained at his side. it was awkward more than you can imagine. At last mom said "I think Elle should change her uniform".This time he was out of options rather than leave his hold on me. I smirked at him.

Allan got a call soon.He called out "Elle I gotta go, see you tomorrow".

I smiled wide.

My mom pulled me aside as soon as the Allan's car left the driveway.

My mom's grip on my wrist tightened "Mom, it hurts" I cried.

"What the hell are you thinking you are doing?" Mom asked.

I told her everything, about the dream and suddenly a sharp pain awakened my senses.

My mom slapped me hard on my face yelling " you liar".

"Mom, I swear every word I uttered was true" I cried.

She yelled enraged at the top of her voice "when did you turn into a lying bitch elle".

Dad remained silent, his silence agitated me....."papa believe me, Atleast you believe me papa"I said tears jerking violently down my cheeks.I caught my dads hand begging him to believe me.
Papa moved away whisking my hand away from him.
"you never trusted me ever, I have always been truthful to you. I have always been a good daughter. You never believed when I told you Allan gave me the bouquet. I have endured everything including starvation without question because I believed in you but why can't you believe me at least once"I sobbed.

My mom pulled me up slapping me again "why can't you hold your tongue, how can you be so unruly as soon as you met a guy?".

My resistance and patience shattered "because he saved me. Because he saved me from suiciding. I have hid only one thing from you. I was going to suicide in order to prevent myself from being a burden to this family. If not for Allan taking over our school I would have been dead. And I like to make one thing clear to you I love Allan Hawthorne "I wept raging and closing my door after me.

I sat down breaking into tears. All my little siblings wept. Nobody ate anything that night....
I wept on my pillow and drifted into a sleep in which I cried on Allan's shoulders. Night I felt my door creak open I can sense my parents entering but I was too tired to even drag my eyelids open.I felt dad caress my hair. Mom kissed my forehead examining the mark on my face. Tears from her eyes splattered on me.
"I am sorry Elle, I was so stupid, I love you Elle "she whispered.

The very next day I woke up hearing to my name being called. Slowly I drag myself up, I am completely drained and exhausted due to yesterday's events. Suddenly Allan dashed into my room,his eyes drifted to my face. Fury replaced anxiety in his eyes. He grabbed me examining my cheeks. The mark of my moms fingers remained significantly visible on my cheeks.
He shot my parents a death glare and kissed me cupping my cheeks. His kind eyes bored into mine. I peered at the watch it was 3.00am.
I confided everything to him yesterday in the dream. I snuggled into him I can feel his skin through his thin layer of clothing. He was not in his suit he was in his nightdress. I smiled contently at his concern. I loved Allan . He loved me even more.... I close my eyes resting my head on his chest. At least now let my parents understand how much I mean to Allan. But I am not angry on my parents, I can never be.

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