Real Magic Doesn't Exist Part 1

Start from the beginning

Connor: "Now, I want you to put it back into the deck, shuffle them, then I need you to write your name in a clear black texter on a different card. and make sure the card is in there, shuffle it again. Then launch them at me."

I heard a few gasps and confused sounds as the judges all just looked at me funny.

Lachlan: "What?"

Connor: "Shuffle them all up nice and tidy, make sure yours is in there, shuffle it again and then throw the deck at me."

He looked at the crowd before giving me a confused look before he started to shuffle the deck, as he did do, I pulled out my asthma inhaler and took a few puffs, Making sure to hit the button on the small device in my pocket to let a flame to my hand. I loved how I had created this, and yet here I was about to use it for a magic trick, I saw everyone looking up at me as I let the flame fall over my torse and back, my arms and my sides before it came back to my hand. As Lachlan finished shuffling the deck, not having seen my little display, He opened the deck and threw the entire thing at me like you would fling a single card as far as you could, In the short time it traveled, I moved my hand out as the spark suddenly got bigger, until it did a small burst of flame before it eventually dissipated again, The entire deck was gone except for one card, a solo card remained, what they didn't know is that the cards were now back in my pocket. I loved science, it let me teleport them and I wouldn't have to explain a thing.

Connor: "This card, the King of Clubs, Heard of it."

Lachlan: "How the fuck, did you do that?"

Connor: "Is that your card?"

Lachlan: "I mean, Yeah but like. What the hell?"

Judge: "What just happened?"

Connor: "Don't worry Lachlan, the other cards are all here. Look."

I reached into my pocket and found the other card, All of them clean and clear except one. I watched as Lachlan went through them and then pulled out the card with his name on it, showing the audience and causing them to all scream and cheer.

Connor: "I'm not an ordinary magician. Like I said I use technology. Lachlan if you like, after the show I can show you how I did it."

Lachlan: "Yes please."

Connor: "Thank you, that is all."

A few minutes later after I put my shirt back on and took my seat on the chair at the front of the stage beside one of the dancers, We were left to hear the results of the competition. I knew already I wouldn't go through hence why I did my grand final act now. Though now that I'm thinking about it. Doing something like that probably just proved that I'm good.

Judge: "The top three winners going on to the final in Sydney are, Heather Marie's and her dance ensemble."

Claps and cheers from the crowd erupted as we all joined in, congratulating her.

Judge: "The second winner is, Kieran Lorenzo with his cover of Hello by Lionel Richie."

Another wave of cheers came through as everyone cheered on thier second winner. The man looking quite happy and pleased with himself.

Judge: "And the last winner is Bree and Casey with thier duo dance performance."

Again, we all clapped and cheered, an amazing few winners that absolutely earned thier spot while I sat there. Content with having shown people magic can be real with a little help. Maybe I should have drowned myself instead.

Judge: "A huge thank you to all of our participants in this round and we hope to see you again another year."

As the crowd cheered and the winners were taken off stage left, Instantly giving me happy thoughts that we exit stage right. As I got down I walked over to my bag, pulling the small harmless torch out of my pocket and placing it into my bag before dropping the cards as well.

Lachlan: "I'll be out front in twenty minutes, I need to know how you did that it was spectacular."

Connor: "I hope so, It was my act I would do at the finals, I knew no one would be interested in that though."

Lachlan: "You don't understand that was fucking insane, You pulled a flame ott of no where and burned the whole deck of cards but really you just teleport them to your pocket, Leaving only mine. That is, Un heard of. It's almost like real magic."

Connor: "There is no such thing as real magic, everything is just aided by some form of technology, I just happen to create my own magic and my own wonder."

Lachlan: "Just, please show me how you did it, Where do you live?"

Connor: "I live an hour away in a one room apartment."

Lachlan: "Come with me for dinner then, I have to know how you did that, I'll even pay for you i don't mind."

Connor: "Bit obsessed there aren't you Lachlan?"

Lachlan: "I have to know what it was, I understand artificial magic more so than any of those guys or anyone in the audience. I make my own form of magic in my videos, please."

Connor: "Fine, you can take me to dinner and I'll show you around. But just know that once it's finished that's it."

Lachlan: "Right yeah, That's it I promise."

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