Infinity war - Z.H

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"Are you ready yet!" I heard Zach yell from downstairs. "Almost!" I yelled back, quickly trying to do the laces of my vans up. I finally got them, grabbed my phone and wallet than ran downstairs and out the door to Zach waiting in the car. "Ok I'm ready now" I said, getting into the car. Zach glanced at me with a smile before pulling out of the driveway.

Zach pulled into the parking lot of the cinemas and found somewhere to park the car. I got out and walked around to the front of the car, waiting for Zach to get out. He finally got out after struggling to get his seatbelt off for some reason and grabbed my hand, walking to the cinema.

We got our tickets to the new avengers movie along with some drinks and snacks and walked into the cinema the movie was showing in. We were the first ones there so we got good seats and talked for a while, waiting for the movie to start. "Zach" I said, looking at him. "Yeah?" He responded with a mouthful of popcorn. "If Loki, Peter, Thor or Bucky die I'm going to be sobbing" I said as Zach laughed a little.

After a few more minutes, the lights went out and the ads and trailers started, soon enough followed by the Marvel intro. The opening scene was the last thing I had expected. The Asgardians ship was in half with shit floating around everywhere and what I could only guess to be Thanos' ship in front of it. I grabbed Zachs hand, scared for what was to come next.

Within the first three minutes I was already shocked until of course Loki said he'd give Thanos one of the infinity stones. "Loki" I said under my breath as he drew a dagger and held it behind his back. He went to stab Thanos but Thanos stopped him with one of the stones. He basically just tried to kill an oversized grape with a fucking butter knife.

More shit happened and Loki was hanging in the air, Thanos' hand around his neck until Loki could hardly breath. "You will never be a god" He choked out before turning blue. Thanos threw him to the ground as I started crying, watching Thor crawl over to Loki's body and the ship completely blow up.

There were more highs and lows throughout the movie but I got excited at every scene Peter Parker was in. Low key, Thor's entrance to Wakanda was the hottest thing I'd seen all day.

"You should've gone for my head" Thanos said after Thor had put his axe right through Thanos' chest. Thanos smirked before snapping his fingers and being sucked through some sort of portal.

"Steve...?" Bucky said, looking at Steve with pleading eyes before falling to the ground and turning to dust. I started crying and put both my hands over my mouth so the entire cinema wouldn't hear me sobbing uncontrollably. "Peter. Oh my god no" I said into my hands which were still coving my mouth as I sobbed. The guardians, followed by strange turned to dust and all that was left was Peter and tony. "Mr stark. I don't feel so good. I don't know what's happening" peter said, stumbling to Tony's chest. "I don't wanna go, I don't wanna go sir please. I don't wanna go" peter cried and fell pulling tony down with him. "I'm sorry" he whispered before turning to ash and being blow blown away with the wind.

By now I was crying into Zachs shoulder, feeling some people look at me weirdly. I still had my face buried in Zachs shoulder when the credits had started rolling. "Baby, the credits are starting. Let's go" Zach said softly. "Hang on, we need to see the post credits scene and then the post post credits scene if there is one" I said, taking my head off Zach and wiping my tears as he nodded.

I walked in the door of the house and to the couch flopping down on it backwards, ignoring Jonah, Daniel and Corbyn looking at me. "She's emotional" I heard Zach say as he sat down on the end of the couch and I stared at the ceiling. "What happened y/n?" Daniel asked actually sounding concerned.

"They killed off peter and he was only like fifteen. What's gonna happen when Tony has to tell May and Ned that he turned to dust? All of Thors family is dead now, Steve had to watch Bucky die again, Wakanda lost their king and Shuri lost her brother again, Rocket lost Groot again and now he's the only guardian left and there's more but I'll just stop here" I huffed, coving my face with my hands as I heard a few people laugh.

"You know it's fake right?" Jack said, walking past us and into the kitchen.

"Yeah but- shut up jack" I groaned, shooting him a glare. He acted offended, putting a hand over his heart as he continued to walk to the kitchen.

I flipped him off before closing my eyes, not ready for this post infinity war depression at all.

I first watched IW a month ago but I'm still not over it. It is a fucking amazing movie but I was so emotional for the rest of the day.

Mia ✨

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