Caught- L.P

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(A/n since I'm starting to get to lazy to write "YOUR POV" every time I have decided that this will mean your pov //// and this will mean Logan or Daniels pov |||| now just don't get confused)


to say today was stressful was an understatement. Whatever was beyond stressed is what I am. Work had been a bitch with people constantly whining and just being a pain in the ass

I was finally back home at my apartment that I shared with my boyfriend and I just wanted to have a shower and relax.

So that is exactly what I did.

Since I was home alone I decided I would play some music while having my shower to make it more enjoyable.

I undressed myself and grabbed my phone and speaker, walking into the bathroom.

I started the water making sure it was at the right temperature before putting on my music at a very loud volume probably pissing off the neighbours-but honestly who cares? We're getting kicked out anyway

I stepped into the shower letting the warm water hit my back while new rules by dua lipa played through my speakers.

I got caught up in the rhythm and started to sing along thinking I was still home alone

After a few more minutes of singing along to some songs I decided I couldn't be bothered to stand in the shower and I wanted to go to sleep.

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped my towel around me while walking over to my phone to turn off the music

Once the music was off I dried myself and walked out with the towel still around me since I forgot to bring in clothes with me.

As I was walking out the door of the bathroom Logan popped out of absolutely nowhere scaring the fuck out of me.


"Hey, what's wrong with your boyfriend just wanting a kiss?" He asked

"No, you can't lie to me. You just wanted to scare me" I said looking into his eyes both of us knowing he was lying

"Ok fine whatever. You win" he gave up throwing his hands in the air

"HA YES!" I yelled about to throwing my hands up in victory but then quickly remembering I was still naked

"I have to get dressed so could you do me a favour and leave me alone to get dressed?" I asked him already knowing what he was about to say

"But what if I don't want to do you a favour" he asked smirking at me

"Oh my god. Get out before I hit you!" I said pushing him out the room in the process

Once he was finally out the room I got dressed and walked out to the couch sitting down next to Logan

"Hey babe?" He asked looking down at me

"Yhea" I responded still looking at the TV

"Why didn't you tell me you could sing?" He said casually

"What're you talking about? One, I can't sing. Two, when did you hear me singing and three, your deaf because I sound like a whale" I said looking up at him

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. One, Yes you can sing, two, I heard you singing in the shower and three, no you don't. You sound beautiful" he said kissing me on the head

"Ok thank you, but really I can't sing. I'm not a singer"

"Oh but you can be. You hate your work, need a pay rise and you can sing. You should start a singing career. And I'm not a singer either but I still do it" Logan said

"Yhea you still do it because you have people who support and encourage you. I don't" I said

"Y/n I could hook you up with manger Jeff and we can start something. And I haven't had support and encouragement the entire time either. We all start somewhere. For me it was vine. For you it's going to be on my vlog tomorrow" Logan said as if it was nothing

"Logan. No. I can't si-"

"I swear to god if you say you can't sing one more time I will use the video I got of you in the shower instead" he said smirking at me

"Fine" I said and crossed my arms

"Your going to thank me later" Logan said and kissed my forehead pulling me closer to him


I had no idea how to end that so sorry it has such a weird ending and it's so short

Stay safe my little lions- Mia 💜

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