The girl next door- J.M pt 2

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It was 8:57 pm and I was sitting on my couch, going through Instagram waiting for Jonah to pick me up. I heard the door bell ring and I rushed to get it. Maybe a little too quickly. I opened it to Jonah, a smile on his face and a rose in his hand.

"I heard you like roses" he said said handing me the rose.

"Roses are my favourite. How did you know?" I asked and happily accepted the rose.

"I may or may not have gone through your Instagram" he blushed as I laughed.

"I'm gonna go put the rose in some water. Come in if you want" I said and went into the kitchen. I put it in a little vase and turned around to see Jonah looking at me

"Whatcha looking at" I asked smiled. "Oh nothing. You look beautiful in that dress" he smiled at me. I smiled back as a blushed crept up on my cheeks.

I grabbed Jonah's hand and walked out of the house, locking the door behind me.

On our way to the restaurant we sung along to the music on the radio and talked a bit.

Jonah pulled into the parking lot and stopped the car.

"Jonah you didn't have to do this. This restaurant is so expensive" I said as Jonah opened the car door for me. "Well a beautiful place, for a beautiful girl" he smiled as he helped me out of the car.

And there I was smiling like an idiot and blushing for the 600th time tonight.
Damnit he was good.

We walked into the restaurant and amazingly there wasn't many people there so we got a seat almost immediately. We made small talk and ordered our dinner.

"So Y/n. Tell me about yourself" Jonah said breaking the silence that fell over the table for a few seconds

"I'm nineteen. I'm from Utah. I absolutely love traveling and lived in Australia for two years. I love music more then I love myself. My dad died when I was twelve and my mom left me when I was fourteen. Loosing my dad was hard but I eventually got over it. I still to this day don't know why my mom left me. My best friends parents basically adopted me when my mom left and I've been on my own since I graduated" I said just telling him anything that popped into my mind

"Wow, Australia? I heard they have great beaches" he said, looking at me. "Oh my god the best. The surf there is amazing and the water is always so clear. The stuff you hear about sharks eating people and shit isn't actually that true either. Sharks are pretty cool. I went cage diving with them while I was there" I replied

"I don't think I will ever go cage diving but when you say it, it sounds pretty sick" he said and smiled

"You should come with me next time I go" I said as he smiled more. "Ok I've had my turn. Now it's yours. Tell me about yourself" I smiled at him

"I'm also nineteen. I'm from Minnesota and moved to L.A to start my singing career with my best friends, were now a band and have been for over a year. The bands name is why don't we. I've traveled all over the country twice and I'm doing it again in March. I've also traveled through Europe. That was absolutely amazing. I played baseball in high school. I can play piano and that's all I can think of" he laughed at the end.

"Ohhh, I've got a singer on my hands. I thought from your singing in the car that you're way to talented to be some kid that lost their basketball over my fence" I teased as he blushed

We talked a bit more until our dinner came. "Ok this is really random but I just thought of it. I'm fluent in French" Jonah said taking a sip from his water.

"Tres agreable. Donc je suis" I smiled as Jonah realised what I said and laughed a bit
(Very nice. So am I)

We talked for what seemed like ages, actually until a waitress came and told us they were closing. We walked back to Jonah's car and drove back to my house.

Jonah walked me up to the door. I got my keys out and unlocked my door.

"I really enjoyed tonight. I haven't smiled that much in ages" he giggled making me softly smile. "So did I. Thank you so much for taking me to such a nice restaurant. I haven't been to one like that in years" I said.

"I'd ask you out again and stuff but you look tired and-"

I cut him off, kissing his cheek. "Jonah, I'd love to go out again" I smiled as a huge smile spread across his face. "You should come over tomorrow. I'll text you in the morning ok?" He said as I nodded trying really hard not to fall asleep. 

We talked for a few more minutes and then said bye. I opened my door and walked inside absolutely exhausted.

I was happy for the first time in a while and it felt amazing having him around. I smiled as I flopped onto my bed, closing my eyes.

I fell asleep, a smile on my face and Jonah on my mind.

Happy birthday, here's part 2 :)

If there's any mistakes I'm so sorry. I'm really tired right now and I need to sleep.

Goodnight everyone

Mia ✨

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