Chocolate- Z.H

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I was standing in the bathroom looking at myself in the mirror. I was breaking out, craving anything sweet and I was emotional which only meant one thing. My period.

I walked downstairs and into the kitchen to grab out my chocolate bar that should have been there but wasn't. "Who the fuck ate my chocolate bar!?" I yelled through the house. "Corbyn!" Someone yelled out and 3 other voices agreed.

I walked around the corner to see Zach, Jack, Jonah and Daniel sitting on the couch. "Where's Corbyn?" I asked looking between the 3 of them "probably hiding" jack said not looking up from his phone. I turned on my heel and walked into Corbyns room to see him playing video games and eating my chocolate bar.

I took the headphones off his head and he spun around confused and then he saw me and cursed under his breath. "I'm giving you three seconds to run" I said and moved out the way to give him room to run which he gladly accepted and took the chocolate with him.

"Three, two, one!" I yelled and ran after him. I ran back downstairs into the kitchen first, then the bedroom downstairs and lastly the living room. I walked into the living room and Corbyn was standing in the middle of the room talking to Jonah.

"Corbyn Matthew Besson give me my chocolate bar back or I'll kill you" I said as calmly as possible. "Bro she pulled out your full name, you're dead" jonah giggled. Corbyn looked at me and started running again. I went to run after him but as I passed Zach he pulled me down onto his lap. "Nooooo! what're you doing? I need the chocolate" I whined as Zach just held me tighter "I'll get you some more later, just let him have it" Zach responded still not letting go of me. "But I want it now and can you let go of me please?" I asked and tried to get out of his grip "I'm not letting you go until you calm down and why do you need the chocolate now" he asked and looked at me

"I just need it ok?" I said not wanting everyone to know I was on my period. Corbyn walked back into the room and sat down. Once he knew I was watching him he pulled out the chocolate bar again and started eating it, just to tease me. Zach saw and said,"Corbyn, just because you're teasing her I'm gonna let her chase you"

Zach let go of me and I tackled Corbyn onto the couch since he wasn't quick enough to move. I sat on top of Corbyn and grabbed the chocolate out of his hand and then he pushed me off onto the floor. "I got it!" I yelled and held it up in victory. Just as I was going to break a piece off Corbyn started talking. "Yeah I wouldn't eat that if I was you. I licked it" he smirked at me and I threw it at him in disgust and amazingly it hit his head.

"Well, I'm going back to bed to plan how I'm going to kill Corbyn. Bye bye" I said and heard everyone laugh as I walked up the stairs. I walked into my room and lied in bed, scrolling through Instagram.

After a while I heard a knock on the door. "If you're Corbyn then fuck off but if you're not then come in" I said not looking up from my phone when they walked in the room to see who it was until they sat next to me in bed. I looked up to see Zach with a bag full of chocolate and a bouquet of flowers. "I figured you were on your period since you didn't give me an actual reason to why you wanted your chocolate back so I went out and bought you an entire bag of your favourite candy and chocolate and flowers just because" he smiled.

"Oh my god, baby you didn't have to do this but thank you" I said and sat up in bed and took the bag of chocolates and the flowers. I put the flowers in the bathroom and grabbed one of the chocolate bars and hid the rest. I sat back down in bed and Zach pulled me closer to him and turned on Netflix.

Damn this boy was perfect

I haven't done a zach one in a while and I need to do someone else that isn't Jonah so here you go all my zach girls and boys.

Mia ✨

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