Hickeys- J.A

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Jack walked up stairs after he told us he was going to the bathroom. Thinking nothing of it, I rested my head on Jonah's shoulder and continued watching the movie. After a few minutes my phone dinged. I opened it up to see a message from jack

Texts between you and jack

Jack 😍: can you come upstairs?

Princess 🖤: Yhea of course. Everything ok?

Jack 😍: everything is fine. Just come upstairs

I read jacks message and closed my phone, putting it on the table in front of me. I got up and walked upstairs into our shared room

"I thought you were going to the bathroom" I laughed walking in and closed the door behind me

"Jack? Where are you and why are the lights off? I can't-" before I could finish my sentence I was slammed against the wall and felt a pair of lips on mine. I realised it was jack and immediately kissed back, letting my hands get caught in the mess of his curls

"Jump" jack said in between kisses. I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his hips never breaking the kiss.

Let's just say things got really heated, really quickly.

"Why the sudden outburst jack?" I laughed as he lied next to me holding my hands

"I don't know. Guess I just really wanted you more then normal" he said and kissed my swollen lips again

"We should probably go back down or their going to think something happened" I said getting up from the bed and walking into the bathroom

I brushed my hair and fixed anything else that would stand out. I walked back into our room as jack turned around.

He went to kiss my lips again but I stopped him. "No more kisses. You made my lips hurt" I pouted. Jack just shrugged and went to kiss my neck but stopped

"What?" I said clueless as to why he would stop

"Come with me" He said and picked up my hands, walking me back into the bathroom.

He tuned me around to face the mirror and pulled my hair back revealing a dark purple hickey that was pretty big.

"Jack" I whined dragging out the 'k'. "I told you not to leave any marks" I whined again

"Yhea and I also told you the same thing but have you seen my back and chest" he said taking his shirt off again revealing hickeys all over his chest and nail marks all down his back

"Wow I did a good job of those" I laughed touching the hickeys on his chest

"Yhea and I don't know. Try and cover it up with your hair and I'll see u downstairs" jack said like it was nothing and put his shirt back on, walking out and downstairs

I covered it up with makeup but it was still noticeable. I gave up and just put my hair over it and hoped no one would see it

I walked downstairs and sat next to jack. After I sat down I felt pretty tired so I leaned my head against jacks shoulder and fell asleep

|||| (jacks pov)

I felt y/n lay her head on my shoulder and watched as she fell asleep. I kissed her head and continued watching the movie.

After a while I heard Jonah gasp. Great

"Oh my god jack what did you do?" He said and pointed at the big hickey on y/n's neck. That got everyone else's attention and they all ran over to look. I tried to quickly cover it without waking her up but between all 4 of them talking over each other and me moving she woke up

"Oh good your awake. Now what did you to her jack?" Jonah asked me again. Y/n's eyes went wide as she realised what he was talking about

The other 3 all repeated Jonah's question before y/n spoke up

"All four of you know exactly what he did and your just jealous that your still single and lonely" She sassed and lied her head back on my shoulder and went back to sleep

I looked up at them and their faces had shock written all over them. They all sat back down and didn't say a single word.

"I love you" I whispered to y/n and lightly laughed, kissing her head

Well If I managed to make you cringe and/or smile then my job is done. I didn't want to just keep it that dirty so I changed it a lil 😂. I cringed at myself while writings this oh my

There might be some more jack imagines coming soon idk. Possibly Jonah, Zach and Corbyn as well

Mia ❤️


69 reads hehehe

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69 reads hehehe. Ok sorry I'm really dirty minded and thought I'd just put this on here because is goes with what this chapter was about :)

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