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I woke up and looked to my right to see Daniel sleeping, his hands placed on my baby bump. Our little human

I got up as silently as I could and walked out of the room and into the kitchen straight to the fridge.

Our princess was hungry but I don't know what she wanted.

"What do you want baby girl?" I whispered placing my hands on top of my bump hoping she would somehow react.

I felt her little hand touch mine making my breathing hitch. She'd been reacting to out touches for weeks now but it still had the same effect on my every time. Daniel and this little tiny human were my happiness, love and pure joy.

I stood with my hand still on my bump, smiling with the fridge door still open when I felt someone kiss my shoulder

I turned my head to have my lips be connected with Daniels

"Baby what're you doing up?" I said cupping his face with the hand that was on my belly

"I woke up and my two princesses weren't there so I got worried. But the real question is why are you up? You haven't gotten any sleep in days and it's not healthy" he says worry lacing his voice

"I woke up because she's hungry but i don't know what she wants" I sighed knowing Daniel was right about me not getting any sleep

Daniel gently spun me round-my baby bump pressed up against his hips-and grabbed my hands, starting to slow dance with me around the kitchen in the light of the fridge.

After a few minutes he stopped dancing and knelt down on his knees, rolling up my shirt so it rest perfectly on top of the bump

He pressed his lips against my bump and started talking to her. I played with his hair as he gently spoke to our princess

"Baby girl. You need to stop moving and throwing little parties in there when mommy is trying to sleep. Mommy needs to get more sleep. When your born I want you to be as healthy as ever but this isn't gonna happen if you don't stop moving and mommy can't get any sleep. Please princess?" Daniel whispered kissing my baby bump once more

He rested his cheek on my bump and I felt her move again and press her foot against daniel, a huge smile spreading across my face

I heard Daniels breath hitch as he put a hand where his face was and he stood up again. A few tears flowing down his cheeks

"That was our little human" he whispered, smiling and kissed me passionately

He pulled away and rested his head on my forehead, his hands never once leaving my baby bump

Our little human

This may or may not be the cutest shit I've ever written/read in my life

~ Mia 💜

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