Movie days - D.S

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"Baby!" I yelled running into Daniels room.

"What's wrong!? Are you hurt!?" Daniel frantically yelled looking me up and down to make sure nothing was wrong. I giggled at his reaction and sat down on his bed

"Ok. So I was thinking, we should have a movie day. We can just watch movies all day since I have nothing better to do and neither do you" I said looking up at Daniel

"Who I said I have nothing to do today?" He smiled at me as he sat down on the chair at his desk. "Well it's eleven twenty five right now and you've done nothing but sleep and play video games. And also Zach told me coz I asked if you had any meetings or shit today" I replied.

"Fine then" he gave up and got off the chair, grabbing his laptop. "What do you wanna watch?" He asked, glancing up at me from his laptop. "I don't know, but I'm always down for Disney" I said and put my head on his shoulder

"What about the lion king?" Daniel asked, pointing to it. "I haven't watched that in ages because it makes me cry so no" I said. I was going to say something but Daniel cut me off by kissing my cheek. Most of the time he only kissed my cheek if he wanted something. "Daniel. No. It makes me sad, I don't wanna watch it" I whined. "Come on Baby. Please?" He asked looking at me with pleading eyes. "Fine" I gave in and lied back in bed

The movie started and it was get getting to the part where Simba's dad dies. I watched as he fell off the cliff into the heard of whatever they were. "NO!" I screamed as he fell and hid behinds Daniels shoulder. "Baby it's fine" Daniel said and grabbed my hand. "How is it fine!? Simbas dad just fell of a cliff and died all because of Scar and that son of a bitch tells Simba it's his fault Mufasa died" I said trying to hold back tears. No matter how many times I watch this movie, I always cry.

I lied down on Daniels lap and watched the rest of the movie. We sang along to hakuna matata and watched through till the end where thankfully scar dies and simba and Nala have kids who are adorable.

After the lion king we watched a few more movies until jack called us down for dinner which was no doubt going to be pizza like it was almost every night. I walked downstairs to see the 4 boys on the couch watching tv, and surprise! They were eating pizza.

I grabbed a slice and sat down between Corbyn and Daniel. Jonah was going through all the movies on Netflix but stopped at the lion king. "Jonah no. I've already watched it once today, I'm not watching it again. Ever" I said and glared at Jonah. "Come on. Please?" They all whined and I had no choice but to say yes.

To say the least I cried again and then was pissed off the entire night. I was now going to sleep but before I fell asleep Daniel got in next to me and kissed my head.

"I'm sorry they made you watch the lion king again" he said, I could hear the smile in his voice. "It's ok, I'm just not gonna watch it for another two years" I smiled and turned around to face him and cuddled closer. Daniel kissed my lips and said goodnight, I fell asleep straight after.

Hi, I almost fucking died today but I'm Gucci. Walking to school, I stepped out in front of on coming traffic on the fucking high way :)

(Bullshit ending, I know. I didn't know how to end it lmao)

Mia ✨

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