Twister- D.S

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"Babe" my boyfriend Daniel says dragging out the 'e'

"Yes Danny?" I smile looking up from my phone

"You've been on your phone all day and your not giving me any attention" he pouts looking at me

"What? Yes I have, I've given you lots of attention" I say putting my phone on the table next to the couch.

"Yhea you've made me lunch and that's it. I need more attention then just that. Your focus should be on your handsome, loving, adorable-" he's cut off by me

"attention seeking" I say playfully rolling my eyes

"eh Yhea. Attention seeking but lovable boyfriend and not that stupid piece of metal with wires in it that your eyes are glued to" he finishes still looking at me.

"Daniel I have important things to do ok?" I sigh and look back at him

"Oh really? Watching slime videos is important?" He says sarcastically

"Yes, yes it is. It gives me more satisfaction then you do" I say smiling at him

"Oh really? Come here then" he says getting up from his side of the couch and walking over to me

"Yhea no. Not doing that. Go sit your ass back down" I say sitting up

"Then what do you want to do? - That doesn't include technology" he says sitting back down

"I don't know. You came up with the idea" I say shrugging.

After a while of thinking I finally came up with the perfect idea.


"Oh my god that's a great idea. I'll call corbyn" he says getting up to grab his phone

"Already on it!" I yell before putting my phone to my ear waiting for corbyn to pick up

(Y = you / C = Corbyn)
C: hey! What's up?
Y: ok so me and Daniel are really bored and I know you and Christina are together right now so are you guys down to come over and do a couples twister challenge? And Christina could film it and use it for her vlog
C: Yhea we're down. See you in 10
And he hangs up

"Ok their going to be here in like 10 minutes" I say putting my phone back down turning to facing Daniel

"Ok dope. One problem though. Do we even have a twister board?" Daniel asks

"Nope. Didn't even think about that. Oh well we can go to target and get one. More vlog footage for Christina" I smile

"Oh my god you sound like Logan" he laughs causing me to start laughing since really I did.

I hear a know on the door and get up to get it. "DANIEL YOUR BOYFRIEND IS HERE!" I yell so he can hear me

Not to my surprise he's standing by my side when I get to the door.

I open the door to see Christina laughing and Corbyn trying to hide a smile

"Hey no. That wasn't funny, that was mean" Daniel says, then lightly hitting my arm

Corbyn, Christina and I all burst out into laughter from Daniels statement.

Once we've all stopped laughing and making fun of Daniel we walked back into the house sitting on the couch.

Once me and Christina are sitting down and the boys hadn't sat down yet they turned to each other - me and Christina taking out our phones ready to record whatever was about to happen.

They did probably one of the most complicated and longest what they call a 'secret handshake' I've probably ever seen.

We stop recording when they finish and Christina speaks up

"Awwww that's cute. But y/n and I do it better" she says pulling my hand to get me to stand up.

"What're you talking about we don't have one" I whisper to her

"Yhea I know. Just try and copy what they did" she whispered back

"Ok ready, set, go!" Christina said grabbing my hand to try and copy what the boys did

It ended in us having a laughing fit on the floor and they boys trying to hide their smiles

Once me and Christina were on the couch again I explained everything to them.

"Ok so that's how it goes only two problems. Christina has forgotten her vlog camera and we don't have a twister mat/board thing" I said

"Ok we can enjoy this for ourselves then and we can go to target to get the board" Corbyn said standing up and walking over to Christina helping her up from the couch.

"Hey why don't you do that?" I asked Daniel then lightly hitting his arm

"You really want to try? Ok then" he says standing up and turning around to me.

He pulls me up with hardly effort surprising me.

"Damn your strong Seavey and Ok lets go then" I said grabbing my phone and keys, walking out with everyone else.



Ok anyway I really like this one and I put Corbyn and Christina in it to make it more entertaining

Stay safe my little lions- Mia ❤️

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