Take whats yours- J.A

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"Jack I'm your girlfriend, not her!" I yelled at him from the other side of my living room. Jack had been hanging out with some girl more then me and I didn't like that. At all. What if he was cheating on me? What if he was going to leave me for her? I couldn't handle jack leaving me. He was the best thing that's ever happened to me

"Y/n for the last time, she's just a friend!" He yelled back throwing his arms in the air.

"Just a friend my ass. You're with her more then you're with me" I said lowering my voice

"Am I not allowed to have girl friends?" Jack said also lowering his voice

"Of course you are. Just not when you care about them more then your own girlfriend" I replied

"Who said I cared about her more then you" He said more calmly then the last hour

"No one said it. It looks like you care about her more. You're constantly with her, she's always over or you're at her place, she's always all over you and you don't do shit. How do you think that makes me feel? To sit here and watch some girl be all over my boyfriend and him not doing anything about it" I said as a tear rolled down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away and hoped he didn't see.

"Y/n do you really think I'd cheat on you!?" He yelled again

We'd been arguing for over an hour and I was sick of it.

"Take what's yours and get out of my house" I said as I held back the tears. Jack sighed and walked towards me but all of his clothes were in my bedroom.

He picked me up, taking me by surprise and walked out the front door.

"What the fuck are you doing? I said take what's yours and leave. Not take me!" I yelled clearly annoyed as he put me down on the porch

"But you are mine" he said calmly and a few tears ran down my cheeks. I choked back the sobs as jack kissed my forehead and pulled me into a hug. I couldn't hold it back anymore and started crying into his chest.

Jack picked me up and carried me back inside and onto the couch. After a few minutes I stopped crying and jacks shirt was soaked in tears. I looked up at him and he kissed me sweetly.

No one had ever cared for me like jack does and I couldn't be more thankful

I haven't done a jack one in a while and I thought this was cute.

The inspo came from something I saw on Insta. I forgot what the account was called but credit to them for the idea

Mia ✨

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