Wisdom teeth - Z.H

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I walked downstairs to my boyfriend, trying to steady my breathing from nerves. Zach must have noticed since he grabbed my arm and pulled me into his chest. I breathed in the smell of his cologne, calming down a bit.

I was getting my wisdom teeth pulled today and to say I was nervous would be an understatement. "You ready to go?" Zach asked into my hair, still hugging me. "I guess" I sighed and pulled away.

We got into the car and Zach started the engine to drive to the dentist. We finally got there after what felt like 10 minutes even though it was a 30 minute drive. I walked through the doors, Zach right behind me with his hand on my lower back. The lady at the front desk gave me a form to fill in so we found seats and I filled out the form then gave it back to her.

Zachs pov

Y/n sat back down next to me and started to bounce her leg, a thing she does only when she's nervous. I put my hand on her thigh and she looked at me. "You're gonna be fine baby. Me and the guys will be here after to pick you up" I smiled at her. She just nodded and looked back out of the window.

After a few more minutes y/n's name was called. She stood up and looked at me. "If I do anything stupid when you come to pick me up, I'm so very sorry" she said, looking up at me. I laughed and pulled her into a hug. "You're gonna be ok baby. I love you" I said and she pulled away. "I love you too" she smiled and walked to the nurse that called her name. I watched her walk down the hallway and into one of the rooms.

I walked out of the building, into the car and drove home. I walked in the door and a few of the boys looked up at me. "Where's y/n?" Corbyn asked while playing a video game with Daniel on the tv. "She's at the dentist to get her wisdom teeth pulled out" I said, sitting down on the couch. Everyone laughed and then went back to what they were doing.

My phone rung so I picked it up and held it to my ear. "Hi, is this Zachary Herron?" A ladies voice said. "Yes it is" I replied. "Ok good. Your girlfriend y/n is ready to be picked up" she said. "Great. I'll be there as soon as I can" I said and hung up. "Ok! Time to go" I yelled getting off the couch and grabbing the car keys. "You're not driving" I heard all 4 of them yell from behind me. "What? Why?" I asked, looking between them. "Because I don't feel like dying today and you have to take care of y/n" Corbyn smiled at me and took the keys out of my hand and walked out the door, to the car everyone following behind him. "Fine" I huffed and walked out, locking the door behind me.

Corbyn pulled into a parking spot at the dentist and we all got out. We walked through the door, earning some weird looks from some people. Probably because 5 teenage boys just walked into a dentist office. I walked up to the front desk and told them we were here to pick up y/n. "Ah yes. Room nine" the lady smiled at me. I thanked her and walked down to room 9. I knocked on the door and heard someone scream along with the sound of cameras being turned on. I turned around to see all the boys recording. Before I could say anything I heard someone yell. "Come in!" I recognised the voice as y/n's and laughed as a nurse opened the door, letting us come in.

"How you feeling baby?" I asked y/n and she looked at me. "I feel fucking amazing!" She yelled again, throwing her arms in the air. "Ok that's great but stop yelling" I said and put my finger over my lips, telling her to be quiet. She repeated my actions making the boys laugh. We sat down in the chairs around the room as y/n rambled on, none of it really making sense.

Corbyn turned to y/n and looked at her for a second. "What're you looking at corbitch?" Y/n asked making all of us laugh. "Nothing. Just watching you be stupid. I can't wait till tomorrow when you won't remember any of this and deny everything we tell you" Corbyn smiled at y/n and she acted offended and flipped him off.

"Ok you're good to go" the doctor smiled at y/n. "Wooooo! Get me out of here!" Y/n yelled. She went to stand up by herself but fell backwards. I caught her waist and she looked at me. "My hero" she smiled and patted (petted) my chest. I smiled and Jonah and Corbyn took her out to the car. "Y/n should be fine now. If she's still bleeding in thirty minutes just put more gauze on it. She'll probably be crazy until she falls asleep tonight. If she has a headache in the morning just give her some pain killers" the doctor smiled at me. I thanked him and then walked out of the dentist to see the boys struggling to keep y/n in the car.

I walked up to them and y/n stopped yelling and looked at me. "Ok he's here! We can go now" y/n said and sat back in her seat. I laughed and got into the car. Corbyn and Daniel were in the front and Jonah and jack were in the back seats, leaving y/n and I the middle 3 seats.

I got in and y/n moved over closer to me, laying down and putting her head on my lap. The car ride so far had actually been alright and y/n wasn't as crazy as I thought she would be. She stopped talking for a minute and looked up at me with a smile. "Zach?" She asked, still looking at me. "Yes?" I replied looking at her. "I love you" she smiled again. "I love you-" "no. I really, really love you. I see my future with you. I want you to be the person I marry, have kids with, have thousands of little puppies with, grow old with. I want to be there by your side for the rest of my life. I really love you more then anything" y/n said. She smiled at me once more before looking back up at the roof of the car. "I really really love you too" I smiled, looking back at her.

"Please tell me someone got that on camera" jack said quietly. "I did" Jonah replied. I lightly laughed and felt y/n get heavier on my lap. I looked down at her and she'd fallen asleep.

We pulled into the driveway and I picked up y/n, carrying her inside and up to our bed. I put her down into the bed and walked back to the door, turning the lights off and walking out.

Y/n's pov

I woke up with a pounding head. Next to my bed was some Advil, a glass of water and a note. I took the Advil and then picked up the note to read it.

Good morning baby.
Sorry I'm not in bed next to you. The manager called
us in for a emergency meeting. I'll be home as soon as I can be.
If you gave a headache just take the Advil and hopefully that helps.
I love you
Zach x

I smiled, grabbing my phone and lying back down.

An hour later the door opened and I looked up to see Zach closing the door and looking at me with a smile. "How are you feeling?" He asked, sitting next to me and pulling me into his arms. "Pretty good actually. The Advil helped" I responded and cuddled into his chest. "Hey, do you remember what you said yesterday about how you really, really love me?" Zach asked. I wanted to tell him that for the longest time and of course it came out while I was drugged. "Yeah. I do" I said, looking up at him. "Did you really mean it?" Zach asked looking at me. "Every word" I smiled and kissed him. He smiled into the kiss and pulled away. "I really, really love you"

I'm not even gonna lie. This took me about 3 days to write because I would start writing and then get distracted and not finish it. But hey, I finished.

Mia ✨

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