Vine - C.B

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I was laying on the couch of my boyfriends house watching vines on my phone. I felt a dip in the couch next to me and looked up to see Corbyn smiling at me. "What're you doing?" He asked with a huge smile on his face for some reason. "Watching vines because I'm bored and why are you smiling like that?" I asked sitting up to look at him.

"I bet you I can name more vines then you" He said the smile still plastered on his face. "You really want to do this?" I smiled and Corbyn nodded. "Oh bring it on Besson" I said with a smirk.

— 20 minuets later —

"I - uh - fuck I can't think of one" Corbyn says and puts his head in his hands. "Ha! I win!" I yelled and jumped on the couch. Jack walked in with a confused look on his face. "What the fuck are you doing?" He asked looking at me amused as I jumped around on the couch. "I said that I could name more vines then y/n and I lost. So now I owe her in n out and twenty bucks" Corbyn said and sighed, flopping back into the couch in defeat. Jack laughed and walked away as I sat back down on the couch.

"Oh you've finished now" Corbyn said and sat back up. "Can we do it again? I had a mind blank" Corbyn whined. He would never admit it but he was the biggest sore loser in the world. "Sure. You're gonna loose again though" I said and looked at him. "The looser has to buy the winner a full course meal at a restaurant of their choice" Corbyn smirked. "Are you sure you wanna buy me in n out and a nice dinner" I teased and he rolled his eyes.

(Since I'm to lazy to actually write a paragraph or more on this Ima just list random vines and y/n goes first)

"And they were roommates. Oh ma gahwd they were roommates"

"Hi and welcome to chilis"

"It's an avocado.... thanks"

"Two bros chillin in a hot tub, five feet apart cause they're not gay"

"a d a m"

"What the fuck Richard!"

"Welcome to bible study. We're all children of Jesus"

"Hey my names trey, I gotta basketball game tomorrow"

"I want a church girl that go to church. And read her bible"

"HoW dO yOu KnOw WhATs GoOd FoR mE"

"Fuck ya chicken strips!"

"I don't need a degree to be a clothing hanger"


"Yes princess" Corbyn responded, not realising what he said. My mouth dropped and he looked at me confused and then realised what he said. "Corbyn Matthew you kinky ass!" I laughed and hit his arm. "I forgot we were naming vines" he trailed off and looked down as I laughed. Jonah and Daniel walked out of the kitchen with very confused looks to see what I was laughing at. "What's wrong with Corbyn?" Daniel giggled, looking at Corbyn who had rolled off the couch and onto the floor.

"I beat him at naming vines again because he's a kinky ass and now he owes me in n out, twenty bucks and a full course meal at a restaurant of my choice" I smiled and sat back on the couch. Daniel and Jonah laughed and then went back to what they were doing. I looked down at Corbyn to see him laying on his back, on the floor and looking at me. "What're you looking at me like that for?" I asked. "I purposely lost so I could take you out to a nice dinner" Corbyn smiled and sat back on the couch next to me. "Sure you did" I laughed and cuddled up next to him.

I saw Corbyn glance down at my ass before smirking. "Girl, you're thicker then a bowl of oatmeal" Corbyn smiled and slapped my ass making me scream. "Corbyn!" I yelled and slapped his chest. "What?" He asked dumbly. I huffed and crossed my arms across my chest as Corbyn kissed my head. "I'm sorry" he said into my hair. "Sorry doesn't cut it. I want my in n out now" I said and stood up. I grabbed Corbyns arm and pulled him up.

We walked out of the house and got in the car. Corbyn started the engine and looked over at me.

"I love you" Corbyn smiled and held my hand.

"Get me in n out and then maybe I'll love you back"


I religiously watch vines it's sad

Rip vine. Forever in our hearts :,)

Mia ✨

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