Through the phone - Z.H

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I heard my phone ring and I launched myself across my bed to grab it. I landed on my bed and reached for my phone, checking the caller ID. Zach. I smiled and accepted the call, putting the phone up to my ear.

"Hi baby" Zach said. I could hear the smile in his voice. "Hey, how was the show?" I asked and Zach started explaining everything to me, not leaving out any details. Zach was currently on the invitation tour and I couldn't see him until he came to L.A which was only 3 days but it felt like a lot longer then that. He'd already been gone for 3 weeks and I missed him like crazy.

"It's been my favourite show so far" Zach said, finishing explaining the show to me. "Zach, every show you do becomes your favourite show so far" I laughed and Zach laughed on the other side of the line. "Ok then, the shows just keep getting better and I can't wait for you to see it" he said a smile clear in his voice. "I miss you like crazy Zach. I just want to kiss you and see you again" I said as a tear slipped down my cheek. I heard Zach sigh before talking. "I know you do. I miss you as well, more then you know. Three more days baby. We can do this" Zach said and I sniffled back the tears. "Three more days" I quietly repeated after him. "Three days is nothing compared to what we've already done and then your coming to Europe with us. You're gonna love London and Paris" Zach smiled. "I can't wait for Europe. I've always wanted to go"

We talked for a while until I heard something loud on Zachs end of the phone. "You ok?" I asked him, worried. "Yep. I'm good, the bus just stopped and now I'm getting out" he said. "Why are you getting out? Aren't you in Seattle?" I asked now confused. "I was in Seattle. Jack, Daniel, jonah and Corbyn are still in Seattle but I'm not anymore" he said casually. "What? Where are you then?" I asked now both confused and worried.

Before Zach answered I heard a knock on my door and a noise on Zachs end. "Zachary, I swear to god if your here I'm going to break down" I said tears running down my cheeks again. "Why don't you open the door and break down in my arms instead?" He said with a smile in his voice. I dropped my phone on my bed and ran to the door. I opened it to see Zach standing there, a big smile on his face. I ran into his arms and wrapped my arms around his neck, crying into his chest. He hugged me tightly and then picked me up. He walked inside, closing the door behind him and sat down on the couch so I was straddling his waist and put his hands on my hips.

I pulled away from his chest blinking a few times to make sure I wasn't dreaming. "Baby I'm really here. It's not a dream" Zach smiled. I kissed him as he kissed back. I pulled away and caught my breath again before smiling and giving him another quick kiss. "I can't believe your actually here. Why are you here? Don't you have a show tomorrow?" I asked him. "Nope. We have tomorrow off so I have heaps of time to spend with you and make it back in time" he smiled. I lied down on his chest again and softly kissed his neck a few times.

After sleeping alone in a big bed for a month, Zach was finally home for a little while and I could stop cuddling Zachs pillows because they smelt like him. I smiled to myself at the thought of cuddling up to his warm body tonight and falling asleep in his arms.

I put my head in Zachs neck and he held me closer, neither of us wanting to let go.

"Thank you for coming home. Even though it's just for a while. It's not the same through the phone" I said and Zach kissed my head.

"I love you" Zach said into my hair.

"I love you more"

Awww isn't this cute, although the ending made me cringe a bit. It's sorta cheesy.

Hola. It's 2:20 am and I just woke up from the weirdest fucking dream. Anyway have a good day or night or whatever it is wherever you are :))))

Happy ANZAC day to my Australians and New Zealanders. Lest we forget

Mia ✨

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