Surprise- D.S

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I'm in a long distance relationship with my boyfriend Daniel. Sometimes it's hard, sometimes it's easy. I get to see him once every 3-4 months if I'm lucky. And it's always him coming to me

I lived in New Jersey (a/n any Dolan fans here?) and met him 3 years ago on a vacation to the beautiful city of Portland and instantly fell in love with him.

When he still lived in Portland it was easier because he wasn't as busy. But since his band is huge now he's a lot more busy.

Don't get me wrong I love him and I'm so beyond proud of him but I miss him a lot and we haven't talked in days, partly because of time difference as well.

I Haven't seen him in 5 months because he's been busy on tour and I've been busy with school but I'm now on break and he's off tour so I got sick of waiting and booked a flight to L.A to see him. And also my first time in California

I was currently packing my bags and getting ready to leave for the airport in 30 minuets

After I finished packing I made sure I had everything then picked everything up, walked out to my Uber, put everything in it and boy was I ready for the best next 4 weeks of my life

I got to the airport and grabbed my things from the back of the Uber thanking him.

I walked into the airport determined as ever to get my tickets, go through security and all that boring as hell shit as quickly as possible hoping it would help me see daniel quicker but unfortunately that was up to whoever ran the planes.

I got my tickets and went through security and walked to my gate with my little backpack ready for this 6 hour flight (a/n I actually have no idea how long the flight is but isn't NJ next to NY? and I think Christina said her flight was 6 hours so Yhea)

After what felt like 3 years of waiting I boarded the plane and found my seat which was luckily next to the window-my favourite spot-and sat down closing my eyes wanting to sleep till I landed

After we had taken off from NJ I filmed a little boomerang of the clouds and posted it on my story to give myself some entertainment to see how my fans would react

I put my phone and airplane mode and turned it off falling asleep

I was woken up to the flight attendant on the little tv on the back of the seat in front of me started talking letting everyone know we had landed and it was now safe to get off

I stood up and had to stop myself from screaming from being so excited

I walked off of the plane and dashed through security, grabbed my bags and found a taxi since I forgot to order an Uber telling them the address.

The best part about this was that I wasn't only just surprising Daniel. I was also surprising my 4 best friends. Nobody but my parents knew I was going to L.A not even my friends at home.

I opened my phone for the first time in 6 hours and went through all of my notifications. Hundreds of dms and comments on my recent asking where I was going.

3 messages from Daniel, Jack and my mum

Danny boy 💙

Noodles Avery🍝
Y did u post clouds on ur insta? Where or what are u doing?

Mum ❤
My baby is going to L.A 😭😭❤

I smiled at the messages and turned my phone off ready to see my boyfriend

After driving through the worst traffic I've ever been in and an hour and a half later we got to Beverly Hills.

I told the taxi driver to park a bit down the street so I could walk up there and got my luggage and walked up the street a bit to their house

I walked up the driveway and to the front door bracing myself for what was about to happen. I knocked on the door and waited for someone to open it

After a few seconds I heard someone on the other side of the door

"Who is it!?" They yelled

"Uh dominos?" I yelled back

"We haven't ordered any pizza" they said

"Ok fine, it's y/n. Now open up you idiot" I said a huge smile on my face

Not even seconds later the door swung open to reveal a very happy Jonah

"Y/n! What are you doing here!? Daniel is gonna be so happy!" He yelled pulling me into a hug

Seconds later Jack, Zach and Corbyn appeared all yelling and ran over to me making it all one huge group hug

Me and Jonah pulled away so I could hug the other boys.

"I'm here to surprise all of you since I just graduated" I said a huge smile on my face

I heard someone coming downstairs so I turned around to see who it was

"Why is everyone yelling. I'm trying to-" Daniel said but stopped everything once he saw me

"Hi baby" I said. I didn't think my smile could get any bigger

"Y/N! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!? I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" He was almost screaming. He ran downstairs and pulled me into a tight hug repeatedly kissing my shoulder and neck.

I instantly hugged him back a few tears running down my cheeks

"Im here because I wanted to surprise you and I graduated" I said which was muffled since my face was buried in his neck

Daniel pulled away and looked at me in the eyes, both of us having tears in our eyes

He grabbed my hips and pulled me against him kissing me. I missed this so much

Daniel pulled away and I wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him again

Zach went to say something but which was cut off by Jack and Corbyn punching him in each arm, shutting him up.

I giggled into Daniels chest as he pulled away again

" I missed your laugh" he said smiling


There it a part 2 to this which will be put up tomorrow 😝

Stay safe my little lions- Mia 💜

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