Turn on- D.S

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We were at the grove shopping and just walking around when we decided to go get chipotle then go home. We ordered our chipotle and then decided we would just eat it at home.

"Hey guys, I'm going to eat out in the backyard. Join if you want to" I yelled out as we walked in the house.

All 5 of them followed me out to the backyard. We all sat down on the Little Rock's and started eating and talking. Somewhere in there I had been suckered into playing a game of truth or dare. Playing truth or dare with these 5 was a dare in itself. It always ended in someone getting embarrassed. Most of the time it was me or Daniel

About 30 minutes into the game it was jacks turn again. He looked around at all of us before locking eyes with me. Oh god someone help me

"Y/n.... truth or dare?" He smiled looking at me

"I don't even want to say this but truth" I said, scared for what he was about to say

"What's Daniels biggest turn on?" He laughed.

"And why would you want to know?" I asked jack and he shrugged

I looked over to my left seeing Daniels face go a shade of red from embarrassment.

"No, no, no, no. NO. Y/n don't say it please" he whined looking at me with pleading eyes

"I'm sorry baby but I have to" I looked back at Daniel before looking back at jack

"Ok. If you must know. It's sitting on his lap" I said and looked at Daniel who had his face buried in his knees as the other 4 were all laughing until their faces were red

"Oh my god, that's great" zach laughed wiping a tear from laughing so hard

"Y/n you have to show us" Jonah laughed looking between both of us

"Jonah I'm going to run you over with my car and kill you. Y/n. I'm begging you. Please don't" Daniel said and I had to stop myself from laughing

"Ok not now but I'll do it later. If you miss it I'm not doing it again" I said sternly, low key feeling bad for Daniel

The game went on until I dared jack to jump into the pool with 5 layers of clothes on. Let's just say it was very entertaining and 100% ended up on instagram

Daniel and I were in his room cuddling and watching a movie when Corbyn called us downstairs for dinner. As I was walking downstairs I remembered I still had to show Jack, Jonah, Corbyn and Zach Daniels turn on.

I quickly ran downstairs past Daniel and into the dining room dragging away one of the chairs and hiding it.

All of them but Daniel walked in to see what I was doing.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Jonah asked me.

"Remember I have to show you Daniels biggest turn on? Well I'm doing it like now so pay attention. I'm not doing it again" I said and pushed past them back into the kitchen. I got myself a drink and walked back to the table making sure all the seats were taken.

"Where did the other chair go?" I looked around at them and they all shrugged

"Oh well. Dani I'm using you as my chair" I said casually and sat down on his lap. It only took seconds to work

His face went a little red and he tensed. I pretend not to notice and leaned across the table to grab some food. I saw Zach trying to hide a laugh so I glared at him and he stopped.

I stood up and reached across the table again grabbing another slice of pizza and sat back down on Daniel.

He shuffled around a bit still red in the face.

"Baby what's wrong?" I asked him innocently

"I- uh- I just need to go grab my phone" he said. I stood up again so he could 'go get his phone' and sat back down once I heard him going up the stairs.

"I fucking hate all of you" I glared at them as they all burst out in laugher again

After a few minutes of them all laughing to the point where they were finding it hard to breathe. Corbyn and Zach fell off their chairs from laughing so hard making all of us laugh even more.

**** (3rd person pov)

When Daniel came back downstairs to 2 of his best friends on the floor laughing and the other 2 laughing at them, then his girlfriend just a huge mess of laughter and tears at first he was confused then realised what had happened. Daniel walked over to his girlfriend to help her get her breath back but hers and everyone else's laugher and energy in the room at that time become so contagious Daniel himself ended up sitting on the floor laughing again.

It was a good day spent with even better people

HAPPY NEW YEAR MY LOVES!! Y'all made my 2017 better on many occasions, I hope I made you laugh or at least smile. Thank you guys so much for an amazing year and cheers to 2018 🎉

Mia ❤️

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