Chapter Thirty One- How?

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"I miss my skull."

"I'm sorry?" Amy looked up from her phone, a crease appearing between her eyes. "You miss your skull?"

"Yes," Sherlock replied absently, flicking through some old maps. "I have a skull on my mantelpiece back on Baker Street. Utterly useless, but very good for talking at. He was an old friend."

"Okay then..." Amy gave the detective a strange glance and carried on texting, her fingers flying along the keypad with the ease of the long-practiced.

"Do you believe in angels?"

The question caught Amy off guard. Sherlock was so logical, so robotic. She never imagined he'd think about religion or anything non-factual.

"Erm... I guess I have to, since, you know, all this happened."

She waves her hand around, indicating the Bunker's main room, where they were currently sat. After the Doctor had scanned the Winchesters' home, he had deemed it safe to return. They'd landed in the main hall, everyone making themselves at home.

Amy and Sherlock were currently doing some research- Amy on runes to carve into the angel bullets, Sherlock on a theory of his. The others had gone off searching for the weeping angels' base in the TARDIS. Sherlock's face was blank as marble.

"How do you do it?"

"Do what?"

"Just... accept all this. How do you cope with such a sudden change, knowing that nothing will ever be the same again?"

Amy blinked.

"I don't know. I suppose I'm just used to it, being with the Doctor; you soon learn that nothing is quite like you thought." She thought she saw a flash of emotion in his eyes- disappointment, fear, or something else- and rushed to continue.

"When the Doctor first took me in, my while world was turned upsidedown. Suddenly, aliens were real, monsters, the thing under your bed. I went from being a normal girl with a normal boyfriend to flying through the stars in a tiny blue box with... with my Raggedy Man." She smiled to herself. "At first, I didn't worry about anything or let myself become overwhelmed with how strange it all was. I had too much to do, I had too much adrenaline.

"But when everything calmed down, and I had time to think, I realised I wasn't as fine as I thought. I was terrified. Nothing was ever going  to go back to the way it was. The way I saw the world was forever changed. So I chose something. I chose something that always kept me rooted, that I always came back to, no matter what. Something that kept me sane. And I clung to it. It was the most important thing in my entire universe, and I loved it unconditionally. And, eventually, I married it.

"Rory is the only thing between me and madness. At least, he used to be. Then I realised something else. I realised that the world has always been like this; that these beautiful, terrible creatures were always out there. The only difference was that now I knew they were there."

There was a long silence following Amy's confession. Sherlock was staring at her, his face unreadable.

"Thank you."

He'd been quiet for so long, Amy jumped when he spoke.

"For what?"

"Understanding." Amy smiled.

"You're welcome."

A N: wow. That was deep. Whatcha think? Was it good? Bad?


If you had to kill off one of the characters in this book, who would it be and why?

I know! Straight in the deep end, but I'm genuinely curious. I won't get offended no matter your person or your reasons. Don't forget your votes, my Mishamigas! Love you guys xxx

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